MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why Is Anti-Polish Hate Acceptable?

Why Is Anti-Polish Hate Acceptable?

I see it all the time.

I just saw a Guardian article interviewing a *Scottish* author who was talking about how bad misogyny is at the moment. She's just written a poem/novel in which the male protaginist is a Polish murderer (presumably of a woman).

What does she know about Polish people, and why is anti-Polish sentiments so 'acceptable' among supposedly 'PC' people, who wouldn't think of saying anything bigoted about the Chinese, or Africans, or Isrealis, or even for that matter, the French, Germans and Scandinavians (so, not just non-white people)?

No one treats the term 'dumb Polak' as an offensive term. And I've seen supposedly left-wing people dismiss Poles as 'anti-Semitic', 'homophobic' and 'misogynist'. They wouldn't dare say the same about, say, Turks or Pakistanis, for example.

A famous British columnist and TV personality even set up a false Twitter account where he pretended to be a racist Pole, and yet, he still continued to keep his job for the BBC and The Times. He also stated that he 'hated the Polish' and wish they'd 'go back to their own country'. This Jewish celebrity seems to forget that many millions of gentile Poles were also murdered by the Nazis.

By the way, I am NOT Polish. I am of Iberian descent (although unfortunately, I find that the Spanish and Portuguese also tend to come in for a lot of abuse, even though they're currently two of the MOST progressive nations in the world right now, especially after Spain this week passed and enshrined various laws protecting abortion and trans rights). But my young nephew is part-Polish, and I hate that he is living in a world where he's going to be attacked, judged and prejudiced against on account of his ethnic heritage.

Sorry people, but that ain't right. 😠


I hired a polish guy to put up blinds on all my windows. He did a good job and they were all fastened tight and worked great. For some reason he thought it best to put them on the outside of the window though, now every time I want to pull them down or put them up I have to open the window and reach out to pull the string, they are getting covered in shit and the winds got a few of them tangled. A bird got stuck in one of them the other day and it died. Now I'm having trouble even getting a hold of the guy so he can switch them to the inside of the windows, last I heard he was going to put a heater in some guys pool.


Is this a Pollock joke? LULZ


And anti-catholic hate seems A-OK but not anything bad can be said about the Muslims or Jews.


Probably because of all the kiddy touching.


You don't think there's any kiddy-touching or abuse in other religions?


What do you know of kiddy touching?


If you're predominately white, dissing you is alright. That's just the way it goes apparently.


Hitler didn't think much of the Slavs.

I'm not sure they even counted as white to him.



Hitler didn't think much of the Poles and other Eastern Europeans, but, for some reason, it's okay to hate on them these days.


The polish jokes ran rampant through the 80s. Jokes on everyone, as Poland is the one of the few European countries that said "NO" to mass immigration.

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Poland took in more Ukrainian refugees than anyone else. I don't agree with some of their laws and politicians, especially the ones who deny anti-Semitism, and are anti-abortion/anti-LGBTQ+ rights, but they're not the bad guys some people make them out to be.


Poland took in more Ukrainian refugees than anyone else

Ukrainian women are 1st world, hot, and based, so I don't see the issue there. Only mass immigration of the 3rd world is to be avoided at all costs. Look at the rest of western Europe.

Not every culture/nation is going to be Woke-friendly and the world just needs to accept this, and leave the nations that don't want to be part of it...alone. Failure to do so is just going to cause mass bloodshed, and we don't want.

Or maybe we do, who knows!

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I don't think I've heard a Polish joke in 40 years, but it is kind of interesting that the Polish jokes were much uglier than the Irish jokes, and I don't remember ANY jokes about Italians. They were all Catholics and came en masse about the same time (yes I know there were Irish here probably before any Poles or Italians.) I wonder if it had something to do with the Protestant Germans that were here before the Poles...


I agree that there aren't so many anti-Polish jokes any more, but those jokes were never considered 'PC' anyway, thankfully.

It's the *legitimised* 'subtle' anti-Polish rhetoric and sentiments I'm seeing and hearing from 'polite society' which bugs me.


Funnily enough, a few days after I made this thread, *this* news item appears:

I'm pleased to see progressives and Democrats condemn this Republican senator's language (i.e. 'Polack'). I hope this means that we'll see more supportive language with respect to Polish people, particularly from my fellow leftists, moving forward.


I'm Polish (I was born there, grew up there, and speak Polish fluently), but I live in the US, so I don't encounter the kind of abuse that Poles encounter in the UK. I think it's because they are the immigrants in the UK that come in and do jobs for less pay. They are kind of the Mexicans of Britain. However, another reason that it's acceptable to degrade polaks , and you touched on it, is because they are white, and they are proud of being white, so in the minds of Wokie's, this is white supremecy. They also lean towards traditional family values and traditional gender roles. They don't want too many immigrants coming into their country because they want to preserve their culture and don't want it diluted. All of this goes completely against the multiculti woke orthodoxy that a lot of westerners subscribe to, and so they feel entitled to disparage, belittle, demean, and vilify Polish people.

As a Pole, I don't give a fuck. I don't consider Wokies human beings, so their words don't mean anything to me. Their opinions don't matter and they don't matter.


Well, I can't say I share your politics. That said, I think it's wrong to demonise and generalise about any race, ethnicity or nationality. Not all Poles are the same. You may disagree, but your politics are down to you as an individual. It would be demeaning to you, in fact, to suggest that you're politics, attitudes and values are entirely attributable to your Polish ancestry.


I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, but you don't know my politics. My politics are pretty eclectic. I am a far left socialist, so when it comes to economics I'm very left wing. I support a Universal Basic Dividend (UBD), Med4All, Housing4All, nationalization of large industry, and half of all large companies to be democratically run worker owned co-ops. On cultural issues, I am more moderate. For example, I am liberal on issues like abortion, gay marriage, LGBTQ rights (equal treatment under the law), but I prefer traditional gender roles and traditional family values, I hate the cultural left, and I'm also fiercely anti-woke. I am libertarian when it comes to free speech, guns, and privacy. I am extremely against any censorship, whether by the government or by any private corporation, in fact, I would like the government to pass a law that forbids private corporations form censoring anyone's speech and make the Terms of Service conform to the 1st amendment, so that in practice it would apply to private companies as well (this is an anti-right wing libertarian position). I am against any surveillance, whether by the government or private companies. All collection of data without the consent of the people must be outlawed. And there must always be an "opt-out" option if the data is collected as part of a service. I am extremely pro privacy. And as for guns, I am against any laws that restrict guns for people. I believe that anyone should be able to buy a gun for any reason as soon as they are adults.
I am for the legalization of all drugs, including opiates, MDMA, LSD, mushrooms, cannabis, methaphetamine, and cocaine. I believe that we should have dispensaries, like we do for weed, where you can buy any of these drugs without a prescription. The only rules I would set is that there would be a limit to how much you can buy per month. Pharmacies already do this with pseudo-ephedrine, it's over the counter but there's a limit to how much you can buy.


Fair enough. I'll come back to this. But it seems like we agree on many issues, but disagree on a few others.

I'm not an anti-woke as you are, but I'm not militantly left-wing either (definitely left-wing, but not rigidly so). I do disagree with you with respect to guns, but maybe that's a cultural issue, since I am a European.

Also, I would describe myself as a Libertarian Socialist. Definitely not an Authoritarian one (I detest the so-called 'nanny state'), however, when it comes to welfare, health-care, education and some degree of nationalisation, I view a large State as a 'necessary evil' so to speak. It would appear to me that you're mostly a Libertarian Socialist too, in that like me you view the State as necessary in order to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable, and provide basic public services, but not as a tool to control society.


Yes, I too consider my self a libertarian socialist. Based on what you wrote, you are right, we do agree on many issues and seem to have the same idea of what the state should be. The job of the government, in my opinion, is to do for people what they can't do for themselves. So whether it's military defense or making sure that everyone has food, shelter, income (whether they work or not), it is the job of the government to provide that. If it doesn't than why bother having a society at all. Everyone would just isolate themselves into groups and rely on them for help and the people that don't fit in any group would be shit out of luck. Maybe this worked a 100 years ago, but if you want a modern society you need a strong government that makes sure that it works for everyone.
But like you said, the "the nanny state" is a hard NO for me. We must never allow the state to dictate to us how we should live our lives, or infringe on our rights and liberties. This is by the way why I support guns. I personally don't even own one, I have never had a need for one. I'm not one of these right wing pussies that are constantly paranoid that they are going to be mugged or robbed. I know how to deal with people without a gun. These dumb fuck right wingers have this fantasy that they are going to be a hero by shooting and stopping a "bad guy". LOL
But yeah, aside from being consistent with respect to my libertarian views, it is definitely a cultural thing. It's just normal here to have a gun, especially in rural areas and even in the suburbs. In cities like L.A, Chicago, New York, not so much, but everywhere else people have guns.


People should have the right to buy all the guns and LSD they want...I mean what can go wrong?


It doesn't matter what can go wrong. Freedom is more important than safety. No one has the right to control what you put in your body. And as for guns, you have a natural right to own a gun, and that right is affirmed and protected by the constitution as enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Anyone who tries to infringe on these rights is an enemy of the people. Every patriot has a duty to fight enemies both foreign and domestic. Those who infringe on your rights are domestic enemies. Enemies must be purged from American society by any means necessary.


I think it's wrong to demonise and generalise about any race, ethnicity or nationality

If you believe this also about white-Caucasian European people, then you're essentially politically homeless like a lot of us are. The leftists will not accept you unless you hate white people.

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All the polish jokes are written by jewish people. In the history of poland, some polish people were physically aggressive towards the jews in poland at certain times and jewish people did not like this. Jewish people know that jews cannot guilt polish people by calling polish people antisemites so instead jewish people make jokes about polish people. Jewish people also do this with russian people since russian people were physically aggressive towards jews at certain times but jews know that russian people are incapable of feeling guilt so instead of trying to guilt russian people they make jokes about russian people.

The way jews work is that if you can't be guilted then jewish people will make jokes about you.


I don't know about that.

I have sadly seen some resentment between Jews towards Poles, and vice-versa, which, bizarrely, I don't see aimed at Germans and Austrians to the same extent, despite the fact that it was Germans and Austrians who made up the Third Reich, and were behind the Final Solution/the Holocaust, and even though anti-Semitism was rampant in Poland at the time, and many gentile Poles colluded with the Germans in persecuting Jews, many gentile Poles were *also* sent to the concentration camps and murdered by firing squads. The genocide of 6 million Jews didn't happen because of the Poles, even the ones who colluded with the Germans. It was instigated by the Germans, and some Poles simply, and wrongly, facillitated it. That was evil of them, but, like I say, they didn't *conceive* it.

And yet, the Germans are not seen as the villains these days, whilst the Poles are.

I wonder if that's because Ashkenazi Jewish culture shares a lot more with German culture than it does with Polish culture. There is a greater emphasis on intellectualism, academia as well as materialism in German and Ashkenazi Jewish cultures (and I don't mean materialism in a purely pejorative sense either, but more in terms of a secular/non-religious/earthly sense), whereas Polish culture tends to be more rustic, much more religious, much more family-orientated, less intellectual, less academic and much more 'traditional'.

Once again, I'm not making a value judgement here. Personally, as an intellectual progressive atheist type I have more in common with typical Ashkenazi and German culture than I do with typical Polish culture, but the point is, we shouldn't generalise, we should treat everyone as individuals, and we shouldn't demonise ANY particular race, ethnicity, culture or nationality, not even the Russians (as much as I detest Putin). We wouldn't, or shouldn't, talk this way about Iranians or Afghans or the Chinese, for instance, so why tar all Poles with the same brush?


Poland is Catholic, pro life, pro traditional family, patriotic etc. That is why the left hate them.


Apart from the Catholic part, doesn't that apply to a lot of Muslim and Middle Eastern countries?


But the left won't criticize them. It is the same reason the left spread militant anti Russian sentiment last year, nothing to do with Ukraine but because Putin banned LGBT propaganda for under 18s, upheld traditional family values and promotes a sense of national pride in Russia.


I disagree.

My biggest issue with Russia is the invasion of Ukraine. The other stuff doesn't help my opinion of Putin or the regime, but many Westerners were happy to engage with Russia on civil terms *until* last year's invasion. Russia held the World Cup only a few years back FFS.

In fact, I sometimes felt alone in criticising Russia/Putin, when so many supposed 'progressives' and 'liberals' seemed happy to engage with them, including many celebrities. It's taken Ukraine to bring things to a head.

So, by all means, criticise *me* but I think you're wrong about the 'left' as an entity.

The only time I think recent anti-Russian rhetoric on the side of the *left* has been a little misplaced, is when Russia was blamed for Trump's 2016 victory and Brexit. Yes, Russia may have played a role in trying to persuade voters to back both campaigns, as a means of destabilising the Western centrism, but I believed at the time, and still do, that blaming Russia for these results represented easy scapegoats for failures within the DNC and Remainer campaign camps, as well as general voter dissatisfaction with post-Clinton/Blair 'centrist' orthodoxy.


"promotes a sense of national pride in Russia"

This is exactly what you hear in ghetto places that you never want to stop in...

We proud we poor! Buy some dog taco's here! You won't get shot too much!
