Why Is Anti-Polish Hate Acceptable?
I see it all the time.
I just saw a Guardian article interviewing a *Scottish* author who was talking about how bad misogyny is at the moment. She's just written a poem/novel in which the male protaginist is a Polish murderer (presumably of a woman).
What does she know about Polish people, and why is anti-Polish sentiments so 'acceptable' among supposedly 'PC' people, who wouldn't think of saying anything bigoted about the Chinese, or Africans, or Isrealis, or even for that matter, the French, Germans and Scandinavians (so, not just non-white people)?
No one treats the term 'dumb Polak' as an offensive term. And I've seen supposedly left-wing people dismiss Poles as 'anti-Semitic', 'homophobic' and 'misogynist'. They wouldn't dare say the same about, say, Turks or Pakistanis, for example.
A famous British columnist and TV personality even set up a false Twitter account where he pretended to be a racist Pole, and yet, he still continued to keep his job for the BBC and The Times. He also stated that he 'hated the Polish' and wish they'd 'go back to their own country'. This Jewish celebrity seems to forget that many millions of gentile Poles were also murdered by the Nazis.
By the way, I am NOT Polish. I am of Iberian descent (although unfortunately, I find that the Spanish and Portuguese also tend to come in for a lot of abuse, even though they're currently two of the MOST progressive nations in the world right now, especially after Spain this week passed and enshrined various laws protecting abortion and trans rights). But my young nephew is part-Polish, and I hate that he is living in a world where he's going to be attacked, judged and prejudiced against on account of his ethnic heritage.
Sorry people, but that ain't right. π