MovieChat Forums > Politics > If only high IQ americans could vote, wh...

If only high IQ americans could vote, what would happen to the USA?

Most liberals say that only people who are intelligent should have the right to vote in the USA.

Would the USA have universal healthcare if only intelligent people could vote?

Would the USA spend money on military if only intelligent people could vote?

What would intelligent people do about the supposed ethnic issues of the USA?


It's not just about having a high IQ. It's about being informed about, and having an understanding of the issues. Where people choose to get their news also plays an important role.


Where people choose to get their news also plays an important role.

Who determines this?


"Where people choose to get their news also plays an important role."

Very true, case in point.


It's easy to tell if they understand the issues, because then they vote democrat! Ha ha


.....count me out.


No Liberals say that. If you want to ask a political question why do you just not ask it without the partisan BS? You'd be disenfranchised for sure.


OP got his partisan stereotypes mixed up.


The problem is that liberals only 'think' they're intelligent and think that would put them in charge. When in fact, they are very stupid.


Says the MAGAtard who thinks the election was stolen.


Says the brainwashed, leftist piece of shit who has no independent thought.


Are braindead people on food stamps still the ones counting the votes?


It would be easier just to have citizens who pay taxes be allowed to vote. That would wipe out over half of the Democrap voter base because people on welfare, the homeless, and illegal aliens don't pay taxes at all.


Yeah, because so many illegal aliens are clogging up the voter rolls...🙄


Everyone gets a vote regardless of whether they pay taxes or not and tax payers get an extra vote for every $10,000 they pay in taxes. I heard a very wise gentleman by the name of Neal Boortz put forth the idea on the radio.


Oooooh, I like it :)


It sounds like Trump, Buffet and other rich people won't get to vote.


No. Moronic, proven LIARS like you wouldn't get a vote. Delete your account.


How ironic that under your plan, Trump wouldn't have been able to vote in the 2020 election that he lost!🤣🤣🤣


Fun Fact: States that typically vote republican have the highest percentages of voters that receive government assistance, and TAKE more government welfare funding than they pay in from taxation.


"Facts?" Trumptwats don't care about those pesky things, unless they happen to conform to their agenda...


An agenda that seems to be that only republican people with more money should be allowed to vote, regardless of the other fact that it seems to be proven all the time that their money has come from illegal, immoral, and unethical practices, or, just a willingness to look the other way when they see such practices occurring.


Well it wouldn't matter much. Either they vote for the party that rearranges the deck chairs on the Titanic or they vote for the party that reupholsters the deck chairs on the Titanic.

I think the only hope is if AI becomes sufficiently advanced that the job can be handed over to it. The long sweep of history shows that most people are unfit to govern most of the time.


Yeah let's let AI take over...

Cue Terminator theme


You do realise that it's only a film, don't you ?


Get the fuck outta here!


I'm sure people said the same thing the first time they saw Kirk on his little device saying, beam up Scottie. Now even 5-year-olds are talking on their devices in the same manner, only more advanced. If you don't think AI will eventually wipe out the human race you're fucking of the rae-tard.


Well unless it becomes sentient ( which is unlikely I think ) rather than being a gigantic and highly sophisticated number cruncher I don't see why AI would intentionally wipe out the human race. So I see your retard and reflect it right back at you.


AI says how it would kill 90% in 24hrs

Stunning AI shows how it would kill 90%

Robot At SXSW Says She Wants To Destroy Humans

Google Just SHUT DOWN It's Artificial Intelligence After It Sent Out This Chilling Message


1984 is a movie too, and yet here we are.


Don't tease us that way. It's cruel.
