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Can I ask this: Is there any reason for voting anymore?

I mean, it seems like special interest groups and certain back-curtain forces are deciding who to put in the White House and Number Ten (I'm British and American).
I don't want stupid ranting (they won't be addressed anyway) but how could people back the US Democrats and how can people who despise the current 'conservative' government in the UK because of Boris Johnson want to vote for Labour or Greens/Lib Dem? I mean as much as I despise Boris Johnson, Labour/Lib Dems and Greens policies would be Boris on steroids.


Troll post.


LOL OMG, how classic!


Yes, important to vote and 2016 in the US was a big reason. I don't like the Clintons but Trump got 3 supreme court justices in power and this will be problematic for a generation. If more people had gotten off their ass and voted things would be very different. It might have led to Trump winning in 2020 but we would have a stable and sane supreme court.


Trump nominated three judges but popularly elected senators put those jurists on the Court.


You're okay with the liberal judges on the court but conservatives who adhere to the Constitution are the problem???


You say they are adhering to the constitution because you approve of the results. Just like McConnell, they will change their strategy and philosophy in order to rationalize the end they desire.


I say that because they're adhering to the Constitution. Don't judge me by yourself, I don't bend and contort to fit the narrative. My "narrative" was established nearly 250yrs ago. You're the assholes that want to change the rules so you can win. You can't do that if you actually believe in the Constitution. You can, because you don't. You just want to win so your side can dominate the other.

McConnell is a first class swamp creature.


Of course. It's only bad if the other side has power...


Ruth Bader Ginsburg wouldn't step down, and Obama wouldn't confirm Merrick Garland. Democrats purposely left the appointments open so they could use it as a whip to get people to vote for them. We got Trump in the first place because democrats rigged it that way, the email leaks showed they told their people in the media to promote him as a pied piper candidate, thinking he would be easy to beat. They're doing the same thing very recently, democratic super PACs donating and doing ads for Trumper candidates. It's not an accident.


Obama wouldn't confirm Merrick Garland??????
Ha ha ha ha!! Where did you come up with that one?
The president does not confirm SCOTUS justices.
Obama did nominate Garland but Bitch McConnell wouldn't even hold senate confirmation hearings.


Votes have consequences. Its not Trumps fault that Hillary lost. Not enough people voted so therefore she lost.

then they stole the 2020 election and are now trying to stack the courts in their favor.


I agree Trump won in '16 fair and square. If you're pushing the Big Lie about '20 then eat your own head.


what about the 2016 big lie? Nancy told us that Trump colluded with Russia for over 2 years. then they investigated for 2 years. but then found nothing, that was big lie.


Voting was what saved the US from Hilary, so yes it's very important.


So what will save us from you?


People on the left do not want election reform...that should tell you everything about the democrats.


Oh, you didn't have to tell me that.


LOL! The right's idea of election reform is to simply appoint their candidate regardless of the results.


(polite smile)


Dementia Donnie basically declared himself the winner before the voting had even started.


No, we have you to tell everyone what we need to know about the democrats. (sarcasm alert)
An endless litany of lies and ugliness in order to prop up the status quo and keep the money flowing to the oligarchs.
I'm sure you are paid well in service of them.


It’s hard right now but I believe Biden will get the demise he deserves. I think things will get so bad that the US will be on the brink of collapse by 2024.


With your help I'm sure it will.


Already there.


Thank God we now have a real president in The USA and Dementia Donnie is out of The WH.


If more people voted, the U.S. would have more in common with Europe like national healthcare, common sense gun laws, fair taxation, legalized abortion and fair elections. The young and poor don't vote in large numbers and they are the ones who tend to be Democratic. Instead, we have a GOP which represents big business and the super rich, gerrymandering and suppressing the vote.


All lies. Why do idiots like you think we need to be more like Europe? Are you totally ignorant of US history???


The Liar crying about lies. What can be done?
Just enjoy your paychecks from russia, craigy.

I'll bet you're one of these Sandy Hook deniers, right? Just make up whatever history serves your agenda. Sick.


Get the fuck outta here with that stupidity. My "agenda" is to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life. Yours is to destroy it and make it into something else. You can't do that without lies and manipulation, so you accuse the other side of that which you are guilty. Like a fucking Nazi.


I bet you've never read the Constitution.


I'd go further and make a bet that Lil' Craigy can barely read.


Silence from him. It must be true.


Lil' Craigy had me on ignore for the longest time but he very recently recently took me off to spew his insults as I exposed him for being a fake. Maybe he's got me back on ignore.


I wish he and a few other Trumpites would put me on ignore.


Ha ha!
