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National Right to Life official: 10-year-old should have had baby

"The 10-year-old Ohio girl who crossed state lines to receive an abortion in Indiana should have carried her pregnancy to term and would be required to do so under a model law written for state legislatures considering more restrictive abortion measures, according to the general counsel for the National Right to Life.

Jim Bopp, an Indiana lawyer who authored the model legislation in advance of the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade, told POLITICO on Thursday that his law only provides exceptions when the pregnant person’s life is in danger.

“She would have had the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child,” Bopp said in a phone interview on Thursday."

GOP extremist kook.


Their obsession with controlling women's bodies always overrides whatever shred of decency they have remaining. But thanks for giving the game up, Jimbo.


Oh well at least the baby won’t be dead which would be the DemoKKKrat plan.

And the DemoKKKrats pretty much lost their moral authority when it comes to “controlling peoples bodies” after their fascist vaccine mandates.


I don't understand why some of these politicians would desire a child to be concieved via rape, especially if the rapist was just some random stranger she never knew. How is a woman having an unintended child that came from a psycho beneficial?


I didn’t say this was an ideal scenario it isn’t. But at least the child isn’t dead.


The child had her abortion no thanks to you extremist nutjobs who prefer to force pregnancy on 10-year-old rape victims!


Turns out this whole thing was a hoax and a far left lie. Stop with your fear lingering, you are going to encourage your cult to try to murder Kavanaugh again


Stay in your bubble hiding from reality.


Your lies and fear mongering are going to get someone killed. You people are insane.


Even Creepy Pedophile Jim Jordan (R Oh) has moved away from calling this girl's plight a hoax.


First of all I'm sure that's another far left lie, secondly even if he did would that make it true? You would never believe Jim Jordan if he said anything you didn't agree with or that didn't further your radical agenda.



Why are you so obsessed with what a supposed pedophile said?


Pedophiles are the only sources that Moviechatuser666 considers valid and relevant. Creepy Jim is one of his idols.


Every source you cited is far left.


Faux "News" is embarrassed to cover Creepy Pedophile Jim Jordan (R Oh).


You can’t cite anything other than far left fake news, the same fake news who said that Jussie Smollett was the victim of a hate crime and that the BLM riots were peaceful.


Stay in your bubble, moviechatuser666; in the mean time, even your idol, Creepy Pedophile Jim Jordan (R Oh) has abandoned you & his dancing with the truth.


So Jim Jordan speaks the truth now? So why did that bitch Pelosi kick him off the committee?


Creepy Jim is starting to dance with the truth. At this point he has no choice, as the blind and mentally retarded disciples of Dementia Donnie, themselves, are increasingly being forced to confront what is true. Creepy Jim doesn't like it, but he sees no other way. That is why Faux "News" is staying away from him right now.


So then why did that bitch Pelosi kick him off the committee if he now speaks the truth? Should she admit she was wrong and now replace Liz Cheney with Jim Jordan?


Creepy Jim is only flirting with the truth (now) because the facts force him to. It is not because Creepy Jim wants to, he is a pathological liar--much like you and Fat Donnie.


So I’m still confused, should we believe him or not?


When Creepy Jim has no choice he will tell some semblance of the truth. Right now, Creepy Jim has no choice.


So then we should believe him?


It’s about dead babies, not control.


Fascists always oppress women.


But its okay for the government to lie about terrorism to use the Patriot Act to throw us into a frenzy so they can use illegal mass spying against everyone? There is literally no difference here. In both examples the government is violating your privacy. The only difference here is Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama support the Patriot Act. So, its totally fine.


Patriot Act was signed by Bush after 9-11, Einstein.

If you're going to toss a deflection, at least be accurate.


What did I say that wasn't fact? Did Democrats for the most part support it? Including out current President? That would be a clear cut yes!

It was also reauthorized while Obama was President and Biden was VP, Einstein!


Nope. Bush signed the Patriot Act which was supported mainly by GOP legislators. Stop trying to blame someone else for something he started. Bush also started the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.


Both supported by Biden and Hillary. Thanks for mentioning it.

It ultimately shows that many within both parties aren't much different at all.


wtf are you fucking talking about. LOLLLLL


I was quite clear. Reading comprehension is key, which is not your strongsuit.


it really isnt when you are talking about a republican bill, by a republican president and congress.and saying "da government" and democrats somehow. on a post about yet another republican project. their abolition at the Supreme Court level then state level republicans bringing in laws.

do you stub your toe and blame Biden and dems too?


Hahaha, this was addressed in my followup comment to Keel. Democrats also supported it. It was reauthorized while Obama was President and Biden VP.

How bad does it hurt to lose?


again no one I supported voted for it. and again, your parties bill, your parties president, your parties implementation

blaming democrats, on a thread about republican abortion laws.

you have to be next level retarded


I respect you for that, but most who support abortion rights did, like our current President for example.

I'm against the PA, which I've said before. The GOP and W Bush stepped all over our constitution with it.

That doesn't mean the Democrat leaders, names I mentioned above, get a pass. They could have ended it, but they decided to extend it.


the two are totally unrelated though.


More lies.


Stay in your safe little bubble.


You're the one in mom's basement, loser.


You sleep in your mommy's bed hoping she'll protect you from reality, snowflake!


I live in the real world where bad things happen to good people.


The rapist was an illegal immigrant.


Do you believe it would be better for the girl if the rapist had a green card?


Well if the dems did not let them in there would be no rape.


No one is "letting" illegals in. If they did, they wouldn't be illegals, genius.
But one thing you should know: legal immigrants are more likely to rape than illegal ones. US born citizens are also more likely to rape than illegal immigrants. Because illegals know what a conviction of any crime would mean for them, they tend to be more mindful of the law than others.


Not letting them in??? They fucking invited them! Keep doubling down on stupid.


Not letting them in??? They fucking invited them! Keep doubling down on stupid.

Bet you actually believe that too, dont you?


I believed Biden's words when he spoke them, as did millions of illegal immigrants.


Care to quote him?


So you admit that Trump failed to build his wall that Mexico was paying for like he had promised!!!!


You liberals are so fucking stupid. "Mexico will pay for it" is a good example. Illegal aliens cost the US taxpayer billions of dollars every year. THAT is how Mexico pays for it.


You liberals are so fucking stupid. "Mexico will pay for it" is a good example.

That was Trump's idea, and a ridiculous one at that - and a good example of the gullibility of Trump followers. But you don't elaborate how it's an example of how liberals are stupid. Not that I expect you to provide anything that qualifies as insight on the matter.

Illegal aliens cost the US taxpayer billions of dollars every year. THAT is how Mexico pays for it.

The US loses more money with fewer immigrants - yes, that includes illegals - than it saves. You see, every person costs tax payers money. It's not like Mexico will be stuck with more expenses with fewer emigrants, quite the opposite. Workers are a net boon, and even if we consider illegal immigrants alone, their productivity outweigh their cost by far.


A discussion with Lil' Craigy is an exercise in futility.
Lil' Craigy never fully recovered from the traumatic brain injury that was inflicted upon him at birth, when vice grips were used instead of birthing forceps.


Bullshit. You believe a lot of crap that isn't true.


Some real hard hitting arguments you've got, there.


You make it easy to refute when all you post is nonsense.


Not at all, I wouldn't want to encroach on your field of specialty.


>You see, every person costs tax payers money.
I'm curious to know who these tax payers are, and where they get their money from.


What are you getting at?


Your statement claims tax payers cost more than the tax they pay.


Trump hired many illegals.


I believe it would be better if the girl wasn't raped in the first place.


GOP response to rape is similar to Saudi Arabia. Punish her!!!




Didn't you and your extremists cult call the child a liar a few days ago?


Projection. The Libs "go to" come-back.
I belong to no cult, but YOU obviously do.


"WAAAAAA!!!!!! You are SUCH a troll!!! WAAAAA!!!!!"


Another "intelligent" 🙄 entry.


Just an accurate imitation of goofio.


The cult of Illegal Alien Child Rape Admiration.
