Those of you who want this to be reality in the US, maybe you can answer my question. On average, those countries with it such as Australia, the UK and Germany, the folks in the upper percentile of income pay an additional 20% or more in income tax that goes towards the health care system. Total income tax can be well over 50%. While those towards the bottom pay little to nothing. I've been self employed for 17yrs and paying my own health insurance all that time. So the implementation of universal healthcare would increase my income taxes significantly. Way more than what I'm paying now. If we all benefit and all share equally in the misery of such a system, please explain why some people should have to pay for the healthcare of people who bring nothing to the table?
Most upper class people are psychologically exactly the same as lower class people who are freeloaders and/or criminals. The reason why upper class people have to pay for the medical bills and the incarceration of lower class psychopaths is because they are psychopaths just the same.
It is not the fault of lower class people who can feel real emotions that psychopath people keep on having kids. The USA makes it so lower class people who can feel real emotions cannot do anything about psychopath people keeping on having kids.
The burden of psychopath people is placed on other psychopath people and that means that upper class people pay for the lower class psychopaths that they help produce.
Most all american liberals are the offspring of psychopath business and finance office workers. Liberals are psychopath and therefore have no emotion that causes them to avoid getting physically injured or getting a disease like hepatitis or an STD. Why should a lower-class person who feels real emotions have to pay for a psychopath liberals incarceration and medical bills? The reason why liberals have no sense of responsibility is because they know that they are psychopath and they are the offspring of upper class psychopaths and that means they should get the lazy lifestyle that most all upper class americans have. Liberals are the burden of the upper class.
I've seen what universal healthcare is like in places like Canada, England, and France. It's horrible. If we had used Canada's system to treat my mom's Crohn's disease, she would have died from waiting 60 years before they could treat her condition. They would have written her off as "not a high priority" because of her age and race. At least here in America, she got a revolutionary treatment that kept her from starving to death while waiting for surgery. I doubt countries with that bullshit healthcare system of theirs would care enough or have enough money to provide TPN's for someone with Crohn's Disease, or treat them with medicine that could help reduce the effects of abscesses in the intestines.
Small wonder that in England, if people can afford it, they'll go to private hospitals that do better care, or run off to places like Germany or America to get better treatment.
I don't know where they get this idea that it's better. I guess they're blinded by the word "free". I just got an appointment with a specialist in three weeks. In places with universal healthcare, it's months and months. You could die waiting to see a specialist.
Sure, you get to pay $$ to wait three weeks to see a specialist that other people can't.
What a fucking great system that is.
Your fucking specialist will say, you should have come in much earlier, and thanks for the payment.
And your specialist will say, I sure as hell am glad I don't have to deal with real sick people, just the ones who can pay.
Like how Jesus and the Founding Fathers intended.
Oh yes, because we know that health insurance is a luxury only the rich can afford. That's why Obama fined you for not having it. Where do you get this crap???
You sound like a loser that lives in a trailer park and sits on his ass all day, soaking up a welfare check and blaming other people for their situation in life.
Thanks for your worthless anecdotal evidence you probably pulled out of your ass. Meanwhile, the statistics show that life expectancy in all of the countries you listed are higher. Meanwhile, in the US, you have people dying by the tens of thousands because they can't afford healthcare.
Thanks for licking the boots of insurers, dumbass.
And the life expectancy is lowest in the red states. If the red states were a country it would be considered what's sometimes called a second-world country. So slightly better than the third world, but not up there with the first world. Defending and wanting policies that lead to the majority of people having short lives is a uniquely American thing. Only Americans would rather be forced to pay 10.000 dollars out of their net salary because of "freedom" than being taxed a much lower amount to cover the same services. This is called being mentally ill or intellectually disabled In the rest of the western world.
Canada has one of the highest rates of IBD in the world and people receive prompt care for this disease because its easily treatable with proper medications. It baffles me why you continue to make stuff up? Speaking of which, do you have that video of a lightening bolt hitting the Georgia Guide Stones? No? I didn't think so.
1. I'm taken to an emergency room after some guy t-bones me and I'm unconscious and I need to be sewn back together stat. I have insurance, lots of income and lots of assets, but nothing that proves that in my bloody mess. Why should the doctor sew me back together if there's no proof I can pay him?
2. Same scenario, but it's a poor kid with an ID card that says "poor kid who will never be able to repay you." I think there is a solid majority of citizens that would want that kid put back together. So someone's got to pay for it.
I am a United States Army Desert Storm veteran. Due to my circumstances I receive free medical care at one of the top VA medical centers in our country. I feel sorry for the people who have to struggle with healthcare and I hope things get better in the future. If you want free or reduced cost medical services then join the military.
Here is where you will find that the proof is in the pudding:
The GOP will almost certainly win majorities in the House and the Senate this year.
No GOP candidate will campaign on raising the Medicare eligibility age. Not even something miniscule like "age 66 for Americans born after 2022." Even though Biden will veto it.
Because even Red Staters shudder at the thought of paying for Grandma's medical bills.