China says more coal
As long as we Americans are willing to live in the dark ages we can offset what China and other nations are doing. Come on people, we can do it!
shareChina is manufacturing all your pointless shit , they are *your* emissions china is putting out..
Thanks to Democrats like Bill Clinton signing NAFTA into existence.thanks Bill!
shareCorrect China now manufacturers everything because their products can be made cheaper due to slave+child labour and they have managed to undercut every market in the world and decimate the wests manufacturing capability.
West are complicit by capitializing on this to maximize profits.
BUT their point stands, the west could become carbon neutral all they want but it wont make a lick of difference if China continue to expand coal.
It is our fault in letting the democrats turn us into sissy boy homos. We don't have the immune system to survive the planet that China is giving us.
shareHow can it be done? Not using capitalism.
Capitalists built their factories in countries in which there are no worker rights whatsoever, just to turn a buck. They also dotted factories around the world so they can more effectively break strikes in the US; if factory workers in the US go on a strike, chances are there's a factory halfway around the world to pick up the slack.
As Musk put it:
“There is just a lot of super talented hardworking people in China who strongly believe in manufacturing,” the billionaire said. “They won’t just be burning the midnight oil, they will be burning the 3am oil, they won’t even leave the factory type of thing, whereas in America people are trying to avoid going to work at all.”
And complaining about working 40 or more hours a week to have a better life than you had growing up or one your parents had is also real life. The people that get ahead in life are smart, they are willing to work 50 to 100 hours a week, but its more than how many hours you work. It's how you spend that money. Don't waste it, save it and invest it and you won't have to work until you're 65 or 70.
I've been working 50 plus hours a week since 2019 and since the pandemic started my average is probably closer to 60 hours a week. I grew up with parents who struggled to get by. They made many made decisions with the little money they had and once my mother was forced to retire at a young age things got worse, then my health took a turn for the worse shortly thereafter and it really hit the fan.
If this means I'll die young then so be it. My niece and nephew and my parents will have some money that I've been hoarding for these last few years.
Nope, people are smart enough to realize they're being exploited and are wage slaves.
You're free to make your own choices, if you want to kill yourself working, that's fine. You have no right to impose those choices on others. The Nazis mandated a 72-hour workweek while paying slave wages and tied factory workers to their places of employment, like a bunch of industrial serfs. They also banned striking, trade unions, collective bargaining and labor disputes and opposed any government insurance against sickness, death and old age. Sound familiar? A conservative and libertarian wet dream; when these people say freedom, what they really mean is freedom for business owners to exploit others. Wealth disparity is now bigger in the US than it was in Nazi Germany.
If you want to be a corporate bootlicker, be my guest. People don't want to kill themselves while working for increasingly lower wages and so that only others can profit.
Why do people need to work themselves to death with all the innovations we've had? Doesn't capitalism "breed innovation" or some such nonsense? A 40-hour workweek was instituted in the 1940s, for crying out loud. Before that, people worked 12-16 hours a day, 6-7 days a week.
P.S. Not only are workers in the US exploited, those that own businesses steal more than all other thieves. Indeed, wage theft in the US eclipses all other forms of theft by as much as THREE TIMES combined. Aren't thieves supposed to go to jail? Not when they own the government. They also dodge 163 billion dollars in taxes each year. You know, the taxes that are being lowered over and over again.
I never said it should be mandated nor did I mean to imply as such.
However, don't complain if you can't get by in because you cry about working 8 hours a day over 5 days of a week. It is laughable to believe that is killing people. Stress they put on themselves, diet, and other things are killing them.
I do agree to an extent that wages are an issue. But what is the answer? Unions who will come in and take dues from their workers to better themselves and politicians they support. See the irony there? Force big businesses like Walmart to give more pay increases even after dumping huge investments recently into higher pay? Totally ignoring what that will do for future invents in their company.
It is easy to tell somehow how to run their business, especially when you're sitting at home watching television all day never having actually ran a business yourself.
You mean the stress they get from working more than 40 hours a week and the cheap, unhealthy food they're forced to buy and consume because they're either too poor to afford anything else or don't have the time to properly cook healthy food because they're being exploited in a "golden age of innovation"?
People smarter than you (called "scientists") have actually researched this (right after they spent decades educating themselves).
Long working hours led to 745 000 deaths from stroke and ischemic heart disease in 2016, a 29 per cent increase since 2000, according to the latest estimates by the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization published in Environment International today.
In a first global analysis of the loss of life and health associated with working long hours, WHO and ILO estimate that, in 2016, 398 000 people died from stroke and 347 000 from heart disease as a result of having worked at least 55 hours a week. Between 2000 and 2016, the number of deaths from heart disease due to working long hours increased by 42%, and from stroke by 19%.
Those same scientists also agree its a diet and exercise issue as well, do they not? That is what I thought. It is a myth that it is more expensive to eat healthy. The issue is Americans like to overeat, which is another reason why early death has gone up.
I know I'm new to this board and you're the resident big Union guy, one that won't actually answer any real world questions, so it was good talking with you for the first time. I'm sure we will run into each other in the past. Like I'm sure we've ran into each other in the past if you get what I'm saying.
Start reading and stop stinking. Groups from similar backgrounds were examined and working long hours is the common factor for getting a stroke or a heart disease. Not diet. Not exercise. Or any other excuse you can conjure up.
Let's see what a conservative hero had to say once:
"Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost!" - Ronald Reagan
Then he proceeded to dismantle unions and kill the middle class while giving tax breaks to corporations and the wealthiest. That wealth never trickled down and it never will. Tried, tested, there's no reason to repeat the nonsense.
There is a reason why workers are unionizing and there's a reason why corporations are trying every dirty trick in the playbook to stop them.
If a business can't afford to not exploit its workers, then it shouldn't exist. (Just like a business which relies on slave, forced or child labor in China and other countries shouldn't exist.)
Yet those who are well off rely entirely on those they oppress and exploit. Something that even the so-called father of capitalism, Adam Smith, knew, and he LIVED AND DIED in the 18th century:
The poor labourer who has the soil and the seasons to struggle with, and who, while he affords the materials for supplying the luxury of all the other members of the commonwealth, bears, as it were, upon his shoulders, the whole fabric of human society, sees himself to be buried out of sight in the lowest foundation of the building.
Furthermore, the US economy is propped up by cheap, immigrant labor as well as massive subsidies, bailouts (a significant percentage of Fortune 500 companies would not exist without bailouts and subsidies) and funding of the military-industrial complex. And all of that is still not more profitable than exporting manufacturing to China.
shareThe Chinese are smart and ruthless.
America is worried about BLM, illegal aliens and the transgender