MovieChat Forums > Politics > Black people less likely to be vaccinate...

Black people less likely to be vaccinated

Black people are significantly less vaccinated than White people, yet the media completely silent about this. Can you image if it was White people who were significantly less vaccinated? Can you imagine the field day the media would be having ranting how irresponsible White people are spreading the virus. But if it's Black people, it's total silence.


A lot of black people, particularly poor ones, are extremely mistrustful of cops, the government, etc. The vaccination issue particularly is rooted in the government poisoning and experimenting on blacks using vaccines in the past. Now it's stupid to think that would happen again now, but people aren't smart or rational.




No, being stupid and irrational is definitely a human trait. Take you, for example. Your comprehension of my post was quite off.




Ouch. RacistRises just got owned again.


That is such a pathetic excuse for the double standard


2/3's of black Americans don't trust police. Fact:

Black Americans don't trust vaccines:

These flings exist, valid or not.


And that’s a total non sequitur to the OP. The OP was stating if white people were disproportionately not being vaccinated you know damn well the fake news DemoKKKrat media would be running 24/7 that it was a “white person problem”, etc. The reasons that they aren’t getting vaccinated is irrelevant to the OP.


You don't know what a non sequitur is.

Speaking of which, there's you bringing up the DEmoKKcRAts. *derp derp*


You don’t even know what you’re talking about, I’m betting your libtard cult isn’t going to teach you what a logical fallacy is considering you need them in order to keep your pathetic excuse of an argument above water.


I voted for all Republicans except for President, but sure, I'm a "LibTarD", ya fucking freak.


Yes you are a libtard, admitting the problem is half the battle


"yOU ArE A LibTaRD!"


Glad you are at least being honest with yourself


It sucks that you suck at math. There are tens of millions more white people in this country than black people. If whites were getting the vaccine at lower rates, then it would be objectively more problematic.


So what does the population of a demographic have to be for it to be problematic? I’d like to see some kind of objective measurement or else your just pulling the rules out of your anus. The point was the media makes things about race when it’s anti-white or furthers their agenda , they won’t do the same for black peoples because they are racist

Also if it were white people who were disproportionately not getting the vaccine what would them being white have to do with anything? You know the libtard fake news would make it about race because that’s what they do but how does race have anything to do with this?

Also fyi whether someone else gets the vaccine or not is none of your damn business you smug libtard


Many Americans -- white and black -- are not getting the vaccine, and that's problematic. Everyone who does not have a medical exemption should be getting the vaccine, and it is the public's business because we're talking about public health. An individual's behavior affects others. It affects commerce and people's quality of life. If you do not get the vaccine, you could be depriving someone else in medical need of a hospital bed. Resources are scarce. Econ 101.

I see right-wing morons criticizing "big pharma" for vaccines yet touting highly effective monoclonal antibodies. That treatment is far more expensive than a vaccine, which prevents against the worst effects of the pathogen and helps reduce its spread. Getting the vaccine is just a matter of efficiency.

As for the racial politics, which you looooove because you're pretty dumb... When white people do not get the vaccine, they're not criticized by (white) corporate media FOR BEING WHITE. Media figures calling white people stupid is not unlike black people saying nigger. Moreover, the most liberal and the most conservative people in the country are white. Blacks, while voting for Democrats overwhelmingly, are relatively conservative Democrats (in part because the church is central to the black civic community). Blacks being temperamentally conservative is not just expressed in LGBT+ issues, but vaccine aversion.

Now take your epidermal politics and shove 'em.


It’s not for you to decide what’s problematic and what isn’t. Everyone has different medical conditions and there are people out there who it is in their best interest to not get the vaccine. But the DemoKKKrats think there is a one size fits all model because they want to once again divide people and incite violence against the “antivaxers” because in the long run it will help them politically. They are some very sick people. You get the vaccine, you wear 5 masks like your cult leader Fauci says and I’m sure you’ll be fine.

No one is against the vaccine, we are against the government forcing it on people without any regard or consideration for their personal medical conditions, that’s the issue. But of course you have to misrepresent what the other side is saying because you can’t win on the facts. Libtard debate tactic 104.

First of all, just watch the Fake News Libtard media, they constantly incite violence and demonize people for being white. Secondly you just said it’s OK to be racist one way but not the other way, it’s wrong both ways numb nuts. We are people, we are not skin colors and we shouldn’t be subdividing ourselves into these little demographics that the DemoKKKrats love to do. We should be focusing on bringing us together but the DemoKKKrats want us to hate each other because it helps them politically.

You have some serious issues, I think you need to go to sensitivity training.

EDIT: Also maybe people will take what the DemoKKKrats say about covid more seriously once your cult leaders stop walking around in public without masks, your cult leader Biden walked through a crowded restaurant without a mask and sneezed on innocent bystanders, by your standard the fucker is a murderer and should be imprisoned (and believe me that’s not the only reason he should be imprisoned).


"Everyone has different medical conditions and there are people out there who it is in their best interest to not get the vaccine."

In which case they can get a medical exemption.

"incite violence against the 'antivaxers' because in the long run it will help them politically."

I would ask you to demonstrate this, but that's like inviting more buffoonery.

"No one is against the vaccine, we are against the government forcing it on people without any regard or consideration for their personal medical conditions, that’s the issue. But of course you have to misrepresent what the other side is saying because you can’t win on the facts. Libtard debate tactic 104."

Sorry, but you're talking out of both your buttholes. If you have a medical exemption, then everyone agrees you should not take the vaccine. But this isn't that. The argument against vaccinations has to do with conscience and bodily autonomy. That you cannot honestly and coherently construct that basic argument -- and that you're reduced to writing things like DemoKKKrats -- shows who you are. I'm done because you were done a while ago. I didn't vote for Biden, he's not my cult leader. Fauci, interestingly, is also not my cult leader. My cult leader is the law of non-contradiction. Let me know when you are on speaking terms with reality.


Except your cult isn’t even considering that, they are shaming and humiliating anyone who dares to make a medical decision for their body that they don’t agree with. Party of “my body my choice” my ass, your morals fluctuate based on what suits your current agenda, you are a real piece of garbage.

I am only calling you a DemoKKKrat for the sake of accuracy, you people are sick, you people are evil and you belong in prison. Biden is your cult leader as is that bitch KKKamala, Pelosi, Schumer, Fauci, etc. You don’t care about what’s right, all you care about is what’s best for your cult. It’s not possible to be civil with people like you, you need some serious re-education, I’m willing to help you but it’s going to involve you facing up to some hard truths and admitting that you need help.

If you want any more proof that your cult is evil: Your cult leader Barack Obama just called the rape of a child a “phony right wing talking point”


Good for them. This whole lockdown and vaccinate business has been a ridiculously massive and ruinously expensive over-reaction from a bunch of bed wetting wimps as well as the self-serving politicians ( How can we get re-elected !? ) and doctors ( Fuck off with all of these sick people ! ) and big pharma ( Money Money Money !!! ).


IKR....the media needs to EXPLAIN FINLAND.


> Black people are significantly less vaccinated than White people, yet the media completely silent about this.

Which media is that? I've heard that statistic lots of places, as well as opinion pieces on what that is. You just love to post anything negative about black people ... and if you can throw in the libs or the media so much the better .... -yawn- zzzzzzzzzz


There's literally been campaigns in cities to get black people vaccinated:


Uh, so?
There are campaign all over.
Some places are paying vaccine holdouts $500 to get vaxxed.
To me that is rewarding bad behavior, but, whatever works.


So there's media coverage. It's a well-known discussed fact they are leery.


> You just love to post anything negative about black people

That was meant for the OP.


My point was against the double standards of the media not Black people. Again, try to imagine the media coverage if White people were significantly less vaccinated.


In many areas it is white people who are significantly less vaccinated. You're saying the media is being unfair them because some number more of black people somewhere are even more vaccine hesitant.

To me that sound like such a minor insignificant point, but to you Maybe I am missing the point.

Do you believe that white people are discriminated against because in general black people are more vaccine hesitant? That is what racism is to you?

I am not seeing it that black people who have a whole different take on this issue and a whole different history - are you saying that anyone who wants vaccine hesitant white people to get vaccinated is somehow racist, or reverse racist ... what is your point?

It's not a double-standard if the two things being looked at are not equivalent.


"In some areas" is irrelevant. The overall picture is what matters. In the entire USA I can find a household where the Black guy is vaccinated and the White guy isn't. Does that prove anything? Is that more important than the overall fact that Blacks are much less vaccinated? Why are are you side-lining to "in some areas"? Because you can't deny that in the whole country my claim is correct.

And I have no idea what you're talking about in the rest of your post. Honest to god.

What's my point? Why do you keep asking it, It's totally clear from my original post and the post you initially replied. My point was about the media coverage. If White people were significantly less vaccinated, the media would constantly talk about White people being a problem. But if it's Black people who are spreading the virus due to not being vaccinated, they are completely silent. Double standard.


It's not a double-standard if the two things being looked at are not equivalent.


How are they not equivalent? The media never holds Black people to any standards regardless of the situation. They are always innocent and victims of "racism". Yet White people are always the problem.


The annoying part of "black people" statistics is that you are almost always talking solely about poor people (poor people tend to be black)

When you isolate for income, the statistics tell a completely different story, high income blacks look like high income whites, low income blacks look like low income whites. America doesn't have a race problem, it has a poverty problem.

I remember near the beginning when the media showed America they were complete idiots by claiming black people are more likely to catch SARS-CoV-2 than white people. This was shortly retracted with explanation that it was, in fact, poor people working jobs where they need to interact with large numbers of customers that were more likely to catch SARS-CoV-2.


Let's see if you can spot the difference on how black communities and right-wingers oppose the vaccine:

Black communities: Ehh, I don't know. I've heard some things, and it sounds risky. I'll have to think about it.

Right-wingers: Hell no! You liberals can't tell me what to inject in my body! Let's Go Brandon!!!

With black communities, there's an innate fear which exists in most poor communities.

With right-wingers, it's more about owning the libs.


Abridged version. "It's ok when we do it"


The intelligent and obvious version. "Right-wingers do it as an opposition to left-wing media which draws criticism from left-wing media, which causes right-wing media to point the finger at black people as an excuse."


Yeah. And then you woke up.


Abridged version. "I can't argue with that."


I argued with it the first time. You want to extend the Democrat mantra of "It's ok when we do it" to black people. You're full of shit.


Hell no! You liberals can't tell me what to

oh snap!
I could never put my finger on why these fucking morons wont take the vaccine.
Lets face it , they've got all kinds of stupid to choose from ,
but i really couldnt get why vax (or no) was a left / right thing

now I get it: pure bloodymindedness


They oppose it because of politics. If left-wing media says to take the vaccine, they are fooled into thinking the vaccine is some left-wing plot against them.


Leftists had not time for the virus either until they realised they could politicise it. Their obsession with virtue signalling and identity politics is to blame for the tribalism.


"Leftists had not time for the virus either until they realised they could politicise it."

Total bullshit. Leftists and moderates changed their tune in February 2020 when they saw the virus causing real problems. That has not changed even after the election. Leftists and moderates are still pushing the vaccine because they want to get past Covid. MAGAtards are opposing it because of flat-earth-like bullshit while still crying about a stolen election. Because they're all fucking stupid.


Thorough bullshit. The world doesn't revolve around America. Leftists are doing the same thing everywhere because as always they love the identity politics and tribalism factor. Although I will agree you with that in America, you have used your needle fetish to replace your TDS.

Is your Facebook photo frame "I got the vaccine!" or is it "Let's do this!" ?


Yep. They would be waging a two pronged attack.

1/ White people irresponsible, how dare they put others at risk!!

2/ Hopefully this will just kill those racist fuckers off!
