So RandallGraves account was deleted.
Wonder if it was done by the user or were they deleted by MC.
Wonder if it was done by the user or were they deleted by MC.
Probably because of his constant derogatory bantering of other members on the board that the straw finally hit the fan. Rather than constructive criticism, he's always on the attack rather than an actual debate. Highly doubt he'd delete himself since a lot of the times he's so full of himself. That's just my take on it anyway.
share "the straw finally hit the fan"
Did the straw finally hit the fan or was it the last shit?
Probably MC, when you consider the possible consequences of libel laws. Not sure on the actual legal specifics on this.
shareHe was banned after three prior warnings for violating the site's Community Standards. He was advised that the third warning was final. After being banned, he deleted his account.
shareWait, you can delete your account? Heh, never knew. The light grey blends well on white background. Speaking of background, when are you guys going to have a dark mode? Unless that requires a full transition to a new forum format.
shareIt would be fairly simple to implement but I don't see it happening any time soon. You could create your own dark mode with a tool like this -
shareHmm, interesting. Thx for the extension, will give it a go.
share“Community standards”
It would be helpful to the “community” if a more specific example was given so the “community” could avoid repeated said “violations”.
Defending that guy ain't a hill to die on, bud. Find a real cause.
shareSorry, not a fan of censorship unless the person is dropping N bombs and clearly not attempting to add anything substantive to the debate.
RG clearly triggered lemmings and that’s a good thing.
But more importantly it would be good to know what the site considered breaking the “community standards”.
shareWho are you?
shareWell don’t worry yourself, I know the rules. No matter how many lemmings whine and complain. I can only imagine the number of reports the moderators get from brainless Democrat lemmings on a daily basis.
Poor bastards.
shareThank you for your service.
Yeah the problem is different people have different definitions of vulgar racism. Citing certain government statistics is considered racist. A lot of it is subjective.
Anyways I was mostly curious what the specific violation was but it’s clear we won’t get that. Oh well.
You: "It would be helpful to the “community” if a more specific example was given so the “community” could avoid repeated said “violations”."
Also you: " I know the rules."
I’m a little confused myself, I have reported multiple users for racism, flaming and profanity but nothing seems to happen to them because they toe the liberal agenda. Very interesting.
shareDon't ever expect a fair shake from leftists. Everything they do is good and benevolent. Everything people they don't like, do, is bad and evil... even if it's the same thing!
shareYeah I figured that out when we had over 500 riots where police were murdered, innocent civilians were murdered, businesses, government buildings, police stations and court houses were torched and we were told we had to just accept it because they were mostly peaceful. Then when a bunch of idiots trespass and walk into a building they weren’t supposed to be in to protest a very shady election that is all of a sudden a “threat to our democracy” an “attempt to take over the government” and the “worst thing to happen since the Civil War”.
sharewhere police were murdered
You do realize more cops died from covid? Oh wait no you don't cause you're dumb.
Did I ever say they didn’t? BLM and Antifa have murdered cops and there is nothing that justifies it. Funny how the left is on the side of the cops when it suits their narrative but when it doesn’t it’s all of a sudden ok to kill them.
shareWhen has it ever been considered okay to kill a cop? What police officers were killed during the George Floyd riots?
I don't know why you are minimizing the raid on the capitol as though it was no big deal, that's absurd.
BLMs mission is to kill cops, they actually said it and scum like Biden , Harris, Pelosi, Schumer , etc have encouraged it.
1/6 was trespassing at the very worst , the Demokkkrats know that’s all it was but they won’t stop whining about it because they know it could help them politically. What’s truly disgusting is you and the left trying to minimize the over 500 BLM and Antifa insurrections where cops and innocent people were murdered and government buildings were burned. The protestors didn’t burn the Capitol, BLM and Antifa have burned multiple government buildings, they are both terrorist movements
I guess I have to ask again . . .which police officers were killed during the George Floyd riots?
You’d sound less like a crazy person if you could answer the questions without using words like ‘Demokkrats’ or ‘libtards’. So here’s hoping 🤞
So you do concede that they were riots? I’m glad I am making progress. Any progress with a libtard is a huge accomplishment. Obviously your cult doesn’t talk about David Dorn too much, I guess that black life doesn’t matter to you.
Also, here’s some reading material that your cult should read:
Will this info suffice for Jinx or will there be another deflection which the Democrat lemmings are masters.
I’m bookmarking your link.
The Demokkkrats are just going to deflect and make excuses as always, they are trying to convince themselves their shit doesn’t stink and it’s utterly pathetic
shareI hate that we are running out of room, maybe we can start back up here? This conversation is interesting to me.
"I’m sorry I’ve run out of text space. You did make it clear. I’m just tired of beating my head against the wall attempting to make people understand we cannot continue to be a strong country by permitting so many 3rd world people into the country. At one time people had to have a sponsor, have a job and not take one dime from the government. My grandparents immigrated from Poland through Ellis Island. He had a job waiting for him. He was a carpenter & worked on the Empire State Bldg. & other structures in NY. Out of room!"
We are a strong country 'because' of our immigrants, you are from immigrants and so am I. My grandparents immigrated from France after their city was destroyed in WW2. You say that your grandparents came from Poland, I'm sure that they experienced a lot of discrimination when they arrived.
When I was growing up we told Polack jokes based on negative stereotypes that meant to mock Polish people for being stupid. However, I'm sure that your grandparents participated in making this country a better place. My French grandparents were educators their whole lives, hard workers, most immigrants are.
The team of scientists that developed gene therapy and other medical advances mostly immigrated from India, Hungary and Asia. We are so fortunate to have them.
“The team of scientists that developed gene therapy and other medical advances mostly immigrated from India, Hungary and Asia. We are so fortunate to have them.”
The difference is educated people who contribute to the country vs 3rd world uneducated who are going to take from taxpayers. Do you not understand this? It costs 3 times as much to educate non-English speaking students. We cannot be the caretakers of the world. We have to enforce our immigration laws. At one time people would come into the U.S. with a Green Card, pick our crops make money for their families back in their country. They then would return home until the next season or apply for citizenship the correct way.
56,000 Afghans jumped in line before people who have shelled out funds and are waiting sometimes for years to enter legally. The U.S. should never have brought those people here. At the same time 30,000 Haitians illegally entered the country plus all of the illegals from Mexico & Central America! It’s been said most times these people do not become self sufficient until the 3rd generation! We cannot continue as a sovereign country if this doesn’t cease. Then to award illegal parents 500K for separating them from their kids when they shouldn’t have been here to begin with! Enough from me! I will not reply to you again about this subject. I’m tired. Pick it up with someone else! Please!
"The difference is educated people who contribute to the country vs 3rd world uneducated who are going to take from taxpayers. Do you not understand this?"
How are you going to determine who is worthy or not of being a refugee permitted into this country? Were your grandparent that came from Poland wealthy? Polish people had a very negative reputation in America and they were looked down upon. My grandparents came with nothing, would you would have turned them away because they would be a drain on the economy?
Third world immigrants are some of the hardest working people I've ever been lucky enough to know. As far as my French relatives and your Polish relatives, America didn't owe them anything. It's not like the refugees who are coming here
from Afghanistan because American intervention destroyed their homes, livelyhoods and the safety of their families.
I give up! If you can’t understand what I’ve explained so far you never will. You need to do some research on how permitting thousands of 3rd world people into a country will soon break the back of the country. As I said my grandparents came through Ellis Island and worked. You could not enter the country unless someone sponsored and was responsible for you. Taxpayers didn’t have to support them. I will repeat…the Afghans could have been settled in a safe area in the area they came from. I’m tired of arguing with you. The border needs to be closed and illegals bused or flown back to their countries. Good night!
shareThank you for giving me actual information. It is awful that two police officers were killed. You just couldn't resist being a smug jerk about it.
That's the problem, I want to learn, you just want to bash. The world could be such a better place if we could be kind to each other and consider the other's opinion. Usually the right answers in life aren't black and white or right and left but somewhere in between.
The injuries suffered by police are nothing to sneeze at! Some are quite serious.
shareI didn't say that they didn't matter. Of course they do! The riots were disgusting and terrible.
shareI’m aware you didn’t say they didn’t matter. I was stressing the injuries along with the deaths. So many times when we hear of a mass shooting or bombing the dead are stressed, but the injuries are not. These could be limbs blown off, blinded, part of a skull gone and the person is in a vegetated state forever. Horribly burned. I really wish the injured were stressed more along with the injuries they suffered. With death it’s over with, but with horrible injuries it’s not.
shareIt's no minor thing I agree, a bad enough injury and it can be worse than loss of life.
I worked on some PSA commercials a few years ago and one was for drunk driving. The crew I worked with wanted to have the script focusing on the loss of life due to drunk driving but I persuaded the group to focus on a character who was paralyzed after a crash because seeing someone who can't move and will be pissing in a bag for the rest of their life hit's home so much more than a fatal crash.
Thank you! Our military are returning home with horrendous injuries which at one time would have caused loss of life on the battlefield. What they have to deal with the rest of their lives breaks my heart. So many manage to make a life for themselves where others become homeless. As of last count over 6000 have committed suicide.
Our vets should want for nothing! If it’s a specialized vehicle give it to them. If its a special equipped home build it for them. If it’s motorized equipment s/he needs to traverse they should have it. Instead of bringing 56,000 Afghans here, allowing thousands of illegals to cross the border and stay, instead of shelling out millions to victims families or survivors of a criminal act, which the government wasn’t made responsible, give it to our vets and first responders who are injured in the line of duty. Washington doesn’t have their priorities straight! They make me sick!
I couldn’t agree more about our veterans. Especially when you realize the demographics who joins the military in the first place, young men who don’t have a lot of options in life coming from poor communities who can’t afford college. Both of my brothers joined the military, I probably would have too if I wasn’t a girl raised with different expectations. The men and women coming back with physical disabilities barely had any time to enjoy life before they are maimed for life. The PTSD is just as debilitating.
I don’t understand your connection between bringing in refugees as though that is what is preventing us from taking care of our veterans? The military budget is extremely inflated and wasted on shit we don’t need when it should be taking care of the cost and care of our veterans.
Because it costs billions to care for thousands of people from 3rd world countries, illegals, etc. Those billions should be spent on U.S. citizens who are not living off the government such as our wounded who gave most of themselves to the government. This includes first responders.
shareThe fact that our injured military is not being taken care of is not because we are spending that money on refugees. Those are two distinctly different things.
So are you against taking in refugees? The refugees coming from the middle east are refugees because of American foreign-policy decisions. Obama withdrew U.S. troops, which allowed the rise of ISIS. It doesn't all fall on Obama of course because he's not the reason that we were involved in that mess to begin with.
What are our moral obligations for putting innocent people in an unlivable situation?
They should have been resettled in the area. We cannot continue taking in 3rd world people. Our country cannot sustain the thousands with, housing, food, medical care, schooling, etc. Do you think it’s fair for them to get whatever is needed when our homeless vets are suffering?
share"Do you think it’s fair for them to get whatever is needed when our homeless vets are suffering?"
Not at all, I thought I made that perfectly clear. Why are you still conflating the two as though they are related?
I’m sorry I’ve run out of text space. You did make it clear. I’m just tired of beating my head against the wall attempting to make people understand we cannot continue to be a strong country by permitting so many 3rd world people into the country. At one time people had to have a sponsor, have a job and not take one dime from the government. My grandparents immigrated from Poland through Ellis Island. He had a job waiting for him. He was a carpenter & worked on the Empire State Bldg. & other structures in NY. Out of room!
share> Don't ever expect a fair shake from leftists.
Grow up little kid. Hateful kid.
And I have noticed that right wingers are welcomed with open arms here. So now what?
sharesure, says the brand new sock account...hi doogie...
shareJust like RandallGraves my account was deleted - twice. And believe me when I say that right wingers have it much easier on this site. Moviechat was supposed to be an alternative to IMDB-message boards, but turned into a safe haven for incel "conservatives", so spare me the grief about sock accounts (whatever that means).
shareLol typical libtard playing the victim, that’s original.
shareAs if right wingers weren't all about being victims. Try something new, Trumper.
shareNot really, that’s primarily a libtard debate tactic.
shareWait, is this turning into "I know YOU are but who am I?" Like children? Is that what you are going for? Victimization: Trump was a sore winner in 2016! He couldn't even get over losing the popular vote - and all is fans chimed in. It was worse of course in 2020 when he lost the EC as well. All white angry people seem to think they have it worse than all the rest, according to the whining of right winger here and everywhere else.
When I talk about victimization I am talking about false comparisons. The "War on Christmas" is not the same as equal representation before the law. Same sex marriage is not a sin and doesn't violate anyone's right to marry the opposite sex. Incels are not a useful group in society. Neither are traitors storming the Capitol.
LOL, Trump won the electoral college fair and square, popular vote means nothing, it never has and it never will. Killary was playing the victim and even wrote a book about it and her pathetic excuses, she even colluded with foreign powers to create a fake dossier to undermine President Trump and she didn’t give a damn what it did to the country. The bitch is sick and deranged and should be locked up.
I don’t give a fuck about the “war on Christmas”, I’m atheist. But talking about false equivalences the DemoKKKrats somehow think that a couple of idiots walking into a building to peacefully protest a very shady and suspicious election is even worse than over 500 violent BLM/Antifa riots actively sanctioned by the DemoKKKrat cult where businesses were burned down, courthouses were burned down, police stations were burned down, underprivileged people (many of whom are minorities) were murdered, cops were murdered. And if you still aren’t getting it BLM even stormed the Oklahoma Capitol and caused an “insurrection” just like the one incident that you people have been bitching and moaning about nonstop for 10 months like a couple of crybaby toddlers who pooped their diapers. The entire 1/6 incident has exposed nothing other than the DemoKKKrats own immaturity, it’s a complete and utter non-issue.
So yes, 1) Playing the victim, 2) Inciting insurrections, 3) Colluding with foreign powers, 4) False equivalences 5) censoring opposition are all tactics of the left.
Let’s Go Brandon
Bravo! Bravo!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You are on a roll with the truth! Keep it going so you can shove the sorry ass lying Democrat lemmings back into the shadows like the snakes they are!!
Don’t forget opening the southern border and turning the Border Patrol into babysitters while 30,000 Haitians storm across the border along with other illegals. Then bringing 56,000 Afghan 3rd world people into the country. There is a method to the Democrat madness. They won’t have to contend with these people, but we will. We will be paying while the Dems gain future voters! It’s no sweat off their backs with them living in multi-million dollar homes and having armed security! We, the common folk will be shelling out more funds to support the illegals and new arrivals while homeless vets are dying on the street. Damn! I despise Democrats for what they’re doing to our once great nation!
The DemoKKKrats don’t give a good damn about the American people, they only care about themselves and staying in power which is why they are importing new voters, believe me if there were Polish people sneaking across the border (who are more likely to vote conservatively) they would seal the border immediately and claim it was a “threat to our democracy”. The libtard moral outrage is meaningless, they don’t mean the bullshit they spew out, their morals conveniently fluctuate with what helps them the most politically. They are a bunch of sick and demented individuals. They don’t care if these illegal immigrants are drug dealers, child traffickers or murderers, nor do they care who gets hurt in the process. It was laughable when our embarrassment of a President was crying about the border patrol using whips on illegal immigrants (you know people trying to break our laws) when it turns out that was all a lie and a false narrative.
Let’s Go Brandon
…” their morals conveniently fluctuate with what helps them the most politically. They are a bunch of sick and demented individuals. They don’t care if these illegal immigrants are drug dealers, child traffickers or murderers, nor do they care who gets hurt in the process.”
👏🏻👏🏻 How true. As I wrote it won’t affect them in the least! If the Dem lemmings think for a second this will benefit them they have no common sense. There is nothing positive about these actions. The common person will be the one suffering from permitting thousands of 3rd world people into the country. Our country is starting to rip at the seams, but the powers that be don’t care! All they care about is power.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party (Democrats) is always right.” - George Orwell 1984”
He brought it on himself. He did make some good points that should have been heeded, but it was often buried in inflammatory rhetoric and overshadowed by other posts filled with conspiracy-laden nonsense. It was difficult to stay congenial with him at times.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
Conspiracies like:
- “The virus came from China”
- “the virus was man made”
- “the Wuhan lab was bought and paid for by the Obama administration via Anthony Fauci”
-“Fauci lied to Congress multiple times”
- “the vaccine efficacy is now only 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30%”
- “the mask mandates will last years”
- “this will lead to vaccine passports”
All things that have now been proven to be true. Darn those conspiracy theories and their accuracy.
Scientists have repeatedly said that the genetic sequence of the virus and its similarities to SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, prove that the virus was not made in a lab or engineered. In a paper titled “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” published in Nature in March, scientists with Scripps Research who studied the genome sequence of the virus concluded that it originated through natural processes. By looking at the virus’s molecular structure, they were able to determine that the backbone of the virus differed from coronaviruses already known to scientists and rather it resembled viruses found in bats and pangolins.
Scientists have said that if the virus was made in a lab then its structure would reveal that it would have been created from viruses that are already known and there would be signs of manipulation.
“These two features of the virus, the mutations in the RBD portion of the spike protein and its distinct backbone, rules out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin for SARS-CoV-2,” Kristian Andersen, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and one of the authors of the paper, said in a news release in March.
Then you have the following! Am I a conspiracist or a nut job for believing differently? You have your beliefs taken from scientists. I also have scientists saying the opposite. Do you actually belief China will give the truth and admit it came from a lab. There’s been too much documentation backing up the “manufactured in the lab” theory. I believe the lab engineered a bio-weapon with a built in resistance to vaccines which was a causal effect to mutate and produce the variants.
”There’s more evidence that COVID-19 started in a lab, expert says”
”Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former head of the Food and Drug Administration, said this week that there’s growing evidence that the novel coronavirus started in a lab.
Gottlieb told CNBC: “People a year ago who said this probably came from nature, it’s really unlikely it came from a lab, maybe a year ago that kind of a statement made a lot of sense because that was the more likely scenario. But we haven’t found the true source of this virus.”
“It’s not for lack of trying, there has been an exhaustive search,” he added.
Where did COVID-19 come from?
Gottlieb’s comments come as a new report found that three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology got so sick that they were hospitalized in November 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported. The hospitalizations happened before the first confirmed coronavirus outbreak.
The report said the researchers got sick “with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illness,” according to The Wall Street Journal.“
Thanks for the link.
I wouldn't call you a conspiracy theorist for this. When the virus first broke out that was my thought too, that this was a man-made. It's important to always be willing to change your mind and opinions based on information and that's what happened to me.
It's not crazy to think that it could be man-made. There is some good information that makes it very believable. As you've shown.
This is what changed my mind:
I have a lot of respect for the time and knowledge it takes to make an article for the Journal of Medicine. The most important thing about information is where it comes from.
If these 'scientists' are so smart...why haven't they been able to isolate the virus?
shareAre you joking? What would make you say that?
SARS-CoV-2: Structure, Biology, and Structure-Based Therapeutics Development
Open and closed state of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein:
What?. . . what is it that you've been listening to that's told you that the virus hasn't been isolated?
Beyond that, why are you mocking scientist? Science is the best method humans have come up with to figure shit out. Do you have a better method?
Show me the proof then...if it's so easy to find.
shareThe guy above me already did. Jeziss, how much more do you need?
These are articles talking about it. Digital paintings and text do not make things real.
Link me to an actual video, of actual scientists, showing the isolated virus on a screen of an electron microscope thoroughly explaining what they are looking at, and proving what we are seeing is what they are saying.
Anything less is quoting scripture.
No most of those have merit, and are possibilities I myself entertain. Those aren't what I'm referring to. Like I said, he made good points, but it got overshadowed by some extreme views like anti-vaccine and COVID hysteria. For example:
- The vaccines kill more people than COVID itself
- The vaccines make people magnetic
- The vaccines are useless (as opposed to being part of a broader solution that includes therapeutics)
---- i.e. they never worked, as opposed to them being effective until their waning period
- COVID was part of an intentional plan to make Trump lose the election
All nonsense. But those weren't what did him in, though. It was how he treated people that bit him in the ass.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
One could never claim the vaccines are useless. After all they’ve been a great stepping stone to more tyrannical control for the government. And they’ve lead to 10s of billions in profits for big pharmaceutical companies who sponsor certain politicians and so-called “news” organizations.
The vaccines have definitely been productive.
Hard to say how many people the vaccines have killed. The data is hidden. Could be 1. Could be millions. We don’t know do we because they don’t share that information.
There are 3 totally different vaccines. Why don’t we know which is most effective? Which has caused the most side effects? Because that information is not shared. Just get vaxxed.
That’s not science. And it doesn’t allow people to make informed decisions. It’s as shady as the so-called FDA approval of the vaccine that never happened. The approval was on a drug that isn’t available and then the pharmaceutical sponsored “news” pushed the agenda.
These are just a few of the problems with this so-called “science”.
Ha. I find that spin humorous, because it's true! (i.e. that the vaccines have been misused for social control and profit).
However, that wasn't the intent by most involved with developing them (not the politicians and business bigwigs who often taint everything they can toward a goal of personal gain, but the actual worker bees striving tirelessly to try to make it all come to fruition). The vaccines, to varying degrees depending on which one, have been proven to mitigate the seriousness of COVID for most people (the reduction in cases as the vaccines were distributed alone indicates this).
Unfortunately, they didn't last nearly as long as initially hoped, plus various variants started working around it, especially as it's effectiveness in people's systems waned at around the 6-month mark, at which point COVID numbers started rising again. They were also greatly overpromised and oversold. Although they do reduce the chances, the notion that they 100% prevent catching and spreading has been proven false, and yet politicians repeated this long after it became obvious.
The adverse reaction data is being collected and it will take years to sort through it. But the last I heard it's estimated that at worst about 2 of every 1 million people vaccinated have died from it (or, at least, died of something, perhaps a vaccine, shortly after getting it). Of course, certain vaccines have a larger number of possible bad reactions. Since it's so preliminary that rate could very easily go up or down as the cases are investigated and the nature of the incidents are pinned down.
For some perspective:
About 10,000 in 1 million people die in car crashes every year
About 2,000 in 1 million people have died from COVID-19
About 2 in 1 million people may have died from COVID vaccines (or at least shortly after getting one)
About 2 in 1 million people die from lightening strikes each year
But you're right. The way it's been handled obfuscates the ability for the average citizen to make an informed decision. Every individual situation is different, and mandates violate that sanctity. Everyone should research it themselves.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
> Ha. I find that spin humorous, because it's true! (i.e. that the vaccines have been misused for social control and profit).
The biggest thing since the discovery and use of vaccines was when the autism scare was manufactured out of nothing and scared people. For years that discredited idea and still this disinformation has probably caused more deaths and disease than anything else.
The government would not need to get involved until it becomes a major matter of pubic safety and then the lunatics who want to undermine public safety talk about a power grab by the government. undermining the very idea of civilization and science itself is one of the worst crimes anyone can commit.
I am sure some of it, a very minute piece, comes from people making mistakes with helpful intentions, but today most of it is deliberate malevolence or plain ignorance.
There is still no evidence the the vaccine itself ever killed anyone. RG and his hateful disinformation was criminal in my opinion.
Yeah, this sentiment with the COVID vaccines shares a lot of DNA with the previous movement about vaccines and autism, with an inception point probably from within the same crowd. That's not to say there weren't a small handful of actual cases that could have possibly been related, but to my knowledge there was never any concrete evidence of vaccines causing autism, just speculation that spun out of control (in fact, I'd suspect the rise in autism over the past couple of decades as maybe the byproduct of a virus, maybe something akin to CMV, or even additives in our food, over a consequence of vaccines). I'm not sure the idea was manufactured with an intentional goal of misinformation. I think it's more of an organic spawning out of fear conjoined with loose correlations that spread through like minds, in part perhaps because it can't be completely disproven to their satisfaction (such is the nature of belief once it sets in). I do think that such ideas, once out in the wild, are taken advantage of by some in power, though.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
> That's not to say there weren't a small handful of actual cases that could have possibly been related
Two reactions to that ...
1. "Could have possibly" ????? No, unacceptable.
2. Medical science always has claims against it, which have increased over time when people think they get money or some other result from "claims".
Also, first, there was never any evidence or reason to suspect vaccines causing autism ... so how does the sense of this argument get twisted around to blame vaccines, instead of the onus being put on those who claim autism is related to vaccines - and through the most dodgy logic and with no proof or even hints they could be related.
> I'm not sure the idea was manufactured with an intentional goal of misinformation.
Uh, motive hardly matters, and it is a waste of time to pursue something that even if true would be impossible to prove.
But especially in this case of C-19 vaccines where tens, hundreds of millions and even billions of people have gotten the vaccines and there are only tiny little bizarre claims - or "big lie" claims of millions of deaths that are lies on the fact of them.
Yeah I was speculating as to a possible incitation point for the concept. However, I just found a hit regarding the real cause, or at least the most likely genesis of the idea that vaccines cause autism. The below article gives a good overview. It seems to have begun with a since disproven paper, which injected the idea into the public, where it most likely metastasized through fear and spread from there, finding a home in a small portion of a very belief-based population. This now defunct paper did analyze cases with a possible link, thus the "that's not to say there weren't a small handful of actual cases that could have possibly been related". Anything is possible. Biology is messy and not mechanical. Certain individuals could very well have had bad reactions.
But it turns out the data in the paper was fudged, so even if one or two kids did (appear to) develop autism from vaccines, possibly leading to the study in the first place, it's certainly nothing substantial, and much more likely completely false. Remember, I don't deal with absolutes, and avoid the prison of two ideas. Reality is always somewhere in between, always more complex, although in this case I'd put it roughly at a 1 to 99 probability that there was even one genuine case of a vaccine directly causing autism, given all that's known.
I agree motive doesn't really matter to the outcome. But if we want to try to change a culture where such things are occurring at increasing levels, motive is a key factor to finding the right approach to a possible solution, or how to address it when someone espouses such belief-based concepts that are clearly not well-supported by known, empirically verifiable, real-world information. And yes, you're absolutely right. Statistically speaking, a couple of possible rare incidents, even if they do have merit (which again, is in question), cannot be substantiated medically, while claims of large numbers are demonstrably false, a shaky belief at best.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
Thanks, but I don't need to read article or be lectured about this ... this vaccine controversy of BS has been going on for decades and I've read enough to know what is expected even in the worst case from vaccines. They do not take weeks, or even days to induce a problem ... and certainly not months or years. The main problem is allergic reactions to the contents of the vaccine - not even the active proteins.
Basically someone said - wow, autism rates have been going up for a while now, it must be caused by vaccinations because they have too.
No worries, just thought you (or more importantly, anyone else reading this who may disagree), might find that article interesting (and informative, perhaps even leading them to change their minds a bit). And, very true. The only substantiated cases of reactions to vaccines are immediate allergic responses (e.g. gelatin, egg or other proteins, etc.), and these are very, very rare. Certainly not autism.
And the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines don't even contain these types of ingredients, i.e. there's less chance of an allergic reaction to them than to traditional flu vaccines, at least based on the ingredients. Doesn't mean there haven't been any ultra-rare side effects to these largely untested vaccines, but some people are sowing panic that simply isn't founded. Over half the planet is now vaccinated, and even of the possible adverse effects the percentage is very small, and the actual cases will be a fraction of that.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
Wow, it is actually nice to hear a rational point of view on this at this site. You are in the minority.
share”There is still no evidence the the vaccine itself ever killed anyone.”
And that is your opinion. As far as you know would be the correct preface to your comment. You are no different from anyone else who makes wild assumptions. Your comment is not factual because you don’t know all there is to know about people who have died as a result of the vaccines. The following might interest you:
”Miami doctor dies within weeks of receiving Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine”
”Man Dies Minutes After Taking First Dose Of Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
”13-Year-Old Dies in Sleep After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine; CDC Investigating”
There are more cases so instead of conjecturing and spreading untruths (you called them lies when Randall posted the same) you may wish to be open to the possibility the vaccines could be causing adverse side effects including deaths.
> And that is your opinion.
No, there is no proof. The connection is your opinion.
And your history and others going back to claiming that the VAERS database proved that people were dying - totally impeaches your credibility.
You jump from one BS meme to the next trying to kill people off.
The story about the 13 year old is another misrepresentation:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are now investigating the death of a 13-year-old Michigan boy, Jacob Clynick, who died a few days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
My comments are not of a “malicious and disinformative intent”. I’m just posting articles I’ve read. You can choose to believe or not. You don’t have to get so damn snarky when replying. Have it your way. I don’t care. I won’t post any further articles about people dying from from the vaccine due to YOU saying there is no proof. We have to bow to Trentn because he knows all there is to know about Covid-19 and the vaccines. You’ve missed your calling…you should be sitting next to Lord Fauci.
share> My comments are not of a “malicious and disinformative intent”.
> I’m just posting articles I’ve read.
Yeah, the most “malicious and disinformative intent” ones.
Sorry for the snark, if that is what it seems like, but this is a very serious, maybe the most serious issue that will contribute massively to the survival of our country and species. While everyone has a right to their fair share of the Earth's resources, it is destructive to allow ideas and behaviors that have for good reason fallen by the wayside because they do not work - to constantly be resurrected and attempt to be re-litigated.
Most of the world decided having Kings was bad, but some number of Trump supporters wants to bring that back.
Most of the world saw how almost magically vaccines halted terrible diseases across the world, but some number of Trump supporters wants to bring that back.
I'd love to use some other qualifier than "Trump supporters", but that really seems to describe the backwards segment of the population - even if there are some Trump supporters that like certain things about him ... like train riders would appreciate Mussolini for getting the trains to run on time - but he is not a good trade off for that. Forget the trains if that's the price.
Republicans love to own the libs, but they are making all of us pay the price as the destruction of our democracy for what is a toxic pleasure.
Forget the tax breaks if the end of the country is the price.
”… but this is a very serious, maybe the most serious issue that will contribute massively to the survival of our country and species.”
“Country”? “Species”?
Talk about spurious hyperbole! Have you dismissed smallpox, 25-55 MILLION! and the Black Plague? 75-200 MILLION! Covid, 5 MILLION!
Did I say 5 million means nothing? You damn sicko! As usual I was giving you figures because you gave the impression the human species could be wiped away from Covid. The Black Plague didn’t wipe away the species, smallpox didn’t wipe away the species, the 1918 flu pandemic didn’t destroy the country. Mankind won’t wipe away the species…only God can do so!
BTW, I just reported you, you sicko nasty mouthed heathen!
I suspect you meant to reply to Jinx, who apparently isn't up to date on the latest.
Yeah I'd say there's very little probability that it didn't come from a lab. There's too many correlative data points that suggests that it did. Of course, many of us surmised this long before mainstream media jumped on board.
We shouldn't believe it, but assign a probability, and I'd put it at least a 90% chance it came from that lab in Wuhan during gain-of-function research, and was accidentally set out into the wild. I don't think it was intentionally released, though.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
You are correct! Sorry!
shareThis ^^^^ 👏🏻👏🏻
The libs can’t handle the truth so they dismiss it and disparage the messenger. They call them lies when the facts have been proven. They nit-pick not relating the whole story because it doesn’t suit their narrative. Randall would post something, but instead of having a civil discussion they would attack him which set his temper and profane mouth into overdrive. Some of the things he did say were disgustingly outrageous and it was right to call him out over such insensitive replies. As with Trump Randall was his own worst enemy. I wrote him PMs advising hm to tone it down. He’s angry, very angry at what he’s witnessing. The downfall of the U. S. by becoming a 3rd world country.
If the libs had cared enough they would have researched his posts and would have found most were on the level. But, no they had to attack!
The truth, BAAHAHAHAHAHAAH! They would attack him, LOL!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. This is Randall we're talking about. Poor Randall, AAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a good one.
shareAnd you are another weasel! That’s all you took from my post. It proves you can’t handle the truth. Every time he posted you and the others would go in for the kill. Yes he is a jerk, but he’s not the only one on here. Go look into the mirror.
You give out as much as you got from Randall. I would call the following an attack from you.
“kuatorises (4576) 5 days ago”
This is from JULY, you fucking phony.
No wonder you Photoshop your sources - you have to make them up.
” (4576) 5 days ago”
”That's you're reaction to getting caught in a lie? Fucking pussy””He is fucking psychotic. Dude is severely mentally ill.”
To me:
“kuatorises (4576) 4 days ago”
”Why didn't he link to one of those stories? He went out of his way to create an extra ste. Why? You know exactly why. You and your fake ass pearl-clutching.”
"Every time he posted you and the others would go in for the kill."
Because he LIES. Drop the act.
> The libs can’t handle the truth so they dismiss it and disparage the messenger.
I guess that is what you'd call having a civil discussion? If you wanted a civil discussion, take responsibility for it going bad yourself and fix it, but all I see from you is to pour gasoline on every fire.
> He’s angry, very angry at what he’s witnessing. The downfall of the U. S. by becoming a 3rd world country.
Who wouldn't be angry at that - if it was happening. But that is such a superficial level of argumentation, and then to aim it at liberals or really anything without a clear historic and logical background is just anti-American BS, especially in the way he would pick some peripheral news article of partisan and questionable value and try to puff it up to show it was the end of American and it was the Liberals' fault.
Who wouldn't be angry at that - if it was happening.
It's got to be expected. An evil vindictive a-hole leaves office and a more compassionate guy takes over (not saying he's Jesus or anything). Of course people are going to try to come now when they have a greater chance of surviving and perhaps the border patrol agent who kills them won't be pardoned by the man in charge.
shareBiden isn’t being compassionate, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He can’t even put a sentence together even though he’s using a monitor. If you can’t see the Dementia or the Alzheimer’s getting worse then you are denying it.
Permitting 30,000 3rd world Haitians into the country, bringing in thousands of 3rd world Afghans into the country, plus thousands of Central American border jumpers into the country is not being compassionate…it’s down right stupidity! Turning the Border Patrol into babysitters & releasing them into the country without being tested or vetted. Who do you think is going to support them? Biden and the gang? Hell no! We are. They get better care than our own citizens and veterans.
It’s been estimated illegals cost us billions each year. It takes years for them to get off the public dole. Our schools can’t teach due to the aliens.
I could care less if the Border Patrol is doing their job and if they have to shoot. And they deserve a pardon. Anyone who doesn’t see the problem with what’s happening at our southern border and blames the Border Patrol does not have love of country and is a traitor! Are you so naive to think gangs, human traffickers, drug runners aren’t jumping the border?
An evil vindictive a-hole leaves office
a more compassionate guy takes over
Since RG is in sooo many heads of posters here... I told him I'd pass along a message for everyone. Enjoy!
I see there's two threads about me still on the front page. Post this message for me on GD5150's thread
First strike came for quoting a lib calling me the g*y F word
Second strike came for telling Kowalski not to talk bad about his wife to his daughter or she'd grow up to be a stripper
3rd strike came for daring to post that Alec Baldwin murdered a woman. I asked why my post was removed, why hummusboy1 can say "kiddie porn and jerking off to Trump" and why Mod5 still hasn't taken my strike off for quoting a lib calling me the g*y F word and seconds later banned
Mod5 also lets Keelai, Brux, Kuat, Yatzo, Bloodshot77, hummusboy1, and other shitlibs make all the trolling comments they like but if anyone on the right does it they are banned
MC was suppose to support Free Speech but Mod5 like most shitlibs thinks free speech is only for their side.
And no I don't have sock accounts. I'm IP banned so Kowalski you're wrong again you idiot
To Ksp - I know you didn't approve of my mouth sometimes but that's how free speech works. Sometimes its messy but I would rather express myself freely than be controlled by ANYONE. I also know you and Warrior Poet, who I liked talking to have both thrown me under the bus. Really thought you two were better than that.
To the other right learners on the board carry the flag brothers and sisters. They've taken me down and will come for you next. Don't give em an inch
Masks are bullshit, Vaxx is bullshit, Biden is a puppet and Mods are B*g G*y
RandallG was his own worst enemy with his mouth sometimes, similar to Trump, egging people on unnecessarily, which was very counterproductive to his arguments (some of which were quite exaggerated, but like most arguments based on some kernel of truth. e.g. while the vaccines were oversold almost with religious fervor, much like masks, they still have value and prevent severe infection--until they wane, that is). But based on what you've relayed here, Bicksurn (thanks for doing that, BTW), I'd say he was unfairly banned, especially when compared to the vile stuff some others have posted on here without provocation, and without a single strike against them (and especially given that his first strike was merely quoting what another poster had actually called him). I think his rhetoric got on a Mod's nerves and put a target on his back, and that Mod's opposing worldview combined with RandallGs incessant inflammatory approach, produced this outcome. Like Trump, Randall's mouth didn't do him any favors, but also like Trump, someone charged with emotionally-fueled rage overreacted and took steps to cancel him. Its a lesson all posters should learn from. Stay civil. Stop name-calling. It may very well come back to bite you in the ass, and doesn't contribute to productive discourse.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
Thank you, warrior-poet. I couldn’t have said it better. You and I didn’t turn on him. We warned him about his, as you wrote, inflammatory approach, but I’ve seen just as foul if not more so on this board. He did bring insight to the board along with his anger. I miss his informative posts, but unlike so many who attacked him due to him countering them, I did my research. Most of the time he was spot on which those with TDS could not handle. Yes, he is like Trump in being his own worst enemy, but also like Trump there were grains of truth in what he said.
So, go ahead and attack me again einstein along with others on MC for standing up for someone who was unfairly banned. I wholeheartedly disapproved and to be truthful was disgusted by his callous remarks regarding the death of actor Chadwick Boseman, but all of us have spoken callous words to some extent. We all have a family member who we wish would stuff it, but we tolerate him/her. None if us are saints and we sure the hell aren’t perfect! I hope Mod 5 permits him to return. I’m aware our Mod Squad has a thankless job so I thank them for what they do.
There’s never a good reason to rationalize censorship of political speech. That attitude is what’s gotten the US being lead over a cliff by a guy who’s only skill is shitting his pants.
shareMod5 also lets Keelai, Brux, Kuat, Yatzo, Bloodshot77, hummusboy1, and other shitlibs make all the trolling comments they like but if anyone on the right does it they are banned
Yes!! I made the list. That means I got to him at some point.
And no I don't have sock accounts. I'm IP banned so Kowalski you're wrong again you idiot
Just LoL to this
PS Also Doggiedaddy was banned too and he was/is liberal so Randall is not right. As usual.
To paraphrase "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" by Thomas Gray: "The paths of Randall lead but to the Grave(s)."