MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can anyone name one Democrat policy that...

Can anyone name one Democrat policy that strengthens the USA?

Can anyone name one Democrat policy that helps Americans, makes the country safer or more prosperous.?

Because I been doing pros and cons of an open border, no cash bail, transgender sports and other Democrat policies and the results were every single Democrat policy weakens or undermines the country and citizens.


If you want a dialogue, you should be more respectful of names.


Can you elaborate


Seems that you skipped English class when they were discussing parts of speech, like nouns and adjectives. That's all the clue I'm giving you. Try to figure it out and be more respectful in the future.


speaking of English class, I would recommend brushing up on your writing etiquette, its riddled with inaccuracies and misspellings.


Sentences generally begin with capitalization, but I don't think you actually care about such things.


the comma, is not needed in that sentence, please try again, and please be more respectful in the future.


Putting Shalom Rubashkin in jail for 27 years.


Dementia Joe actually helped write the 1994 Crime Bill. I don’t remember all the details of it but a lot of people would say it did some good. All liberals would disavow it today though.


it did some good

Like bringing the "superpredators" to "heel"...? Like Hillary said?

It should be called the 1994 Cringe Bill.


You can't speak for your stupid self, let alone all Republican/Conservatives, and certainly not Liberals.


A question I’ve been asking for a long time. You really can’t find a pro American Democrat since JFK. He was killed by communists. The same communists that infiltrated the media, education, and the Democrat party in the 1960s.

How many films of flag burning and anti American protests did you see before the 1960s? None. Because it didn’t exist.

There are books written about it. The Democrat party has been at war with the United States in the name of communism for decades.


OMG, the red scare!? Donnez-moi un break!


No one even tried.

At least lie to me.


Voting Rights.
Now name one Republic policy that strengthens America - not just policies that hurt people who you that and think are good.


Keeping Gitmo open

Stop and search

Remain in Mexico

The building of a border wall

The push for American based education, not critical race theory.

The separation of women and men for sports


> Keeping Gitmo open

That's a laugh. Pretty much everything you said is a laugh ... not an important policy any of those, and most of them wrong. And you're anti-CRT stand just makes it clear you do not want children to know the truth about history.

And I specifically said "not just policies that hurt people who you that and think are good."


I saw someone say voting rights, I was talking about more present day.

so far no one can list one positive Democrat policy?

Do a pros and cons list of
Open borders
Defund the police
Critical race theory
No cash bail

And you will see there is more damage done the good.


> I saw someone say voting rights, I was talking about more present day.

Someone? You wrote this moronic post either right after or right before you made your moronic reply to me. The thing this country was leader in the world of was voting, democracy, government by the people, of the people, and for the people ... a government Republicans are trying to tear down right now ... and none of the shitty measly policies you brought up are anywhere near as a symbolic of America and our country than the vote. But apparently the vast majority of Republicans don't seem to know that, or agree with it.

The voting rights bill HR1 you fucking dips hit ... while Republican have removed millions from the voting rolls in red states, and trying to disenfranchise the whole country back on Jan 6th. You have a lot of nerve to pass such ignorance off as a post. You should be ashamed of that ... you should have to walk around for a week with this asinine post thumbtacked to your skull to let everyone in your life on what a dangerous fool you are.




Do a pros and cons list of
Open borders
Defund the police
Critical race theory
No cash bail

These are not "democrat policies" its right wing propaganda about how evil the commies are.

That said I'd really love to see a sort of "top 5 " policies from both sides ,
I guess each side would have to write their own , to avoid the kind of bullshit examples you've got


And that's where your brain shuts down and you cannot physically accept what's going on.
They are absolutely Democrat policies

The Democrats worked to release terrorist from Gitmo

The Democrats left behind a cache of weapons for terrorist

Democrat planning got 13 marines killed.

It was a Democrat bill, no cash bail

It was Democrats and KAMALA bailing out rioters.

It was Democrats who got rid of stay in Mexico

It was Democrats who killed the keystone pipeline oil project.

, personally I dont know how anyone can defend working to release terrorist from Gitmo, arming terrorists and the killing of 13 marines.

Oh I forgot it was also Democrat leadership that's droned a family, mostly children.

Its the worst we have ever seen and Democrat voters act like its nothing.

Haven't even mentioned the border.


You don't care who's at Gitmo. Just keep 'em all there, who cares about them?
You really think those weapons are that significant? Would one of your chosen leaders done a better job?
rump got 115 Canadians killed by his idiot killing of Solameini just to claim a head on his wall. Thirteen marines died doing what they were trained and pledged to do. Sorry we didn't treat them like civilians.
The rest of your screed is just that ... screed.
Keystone? Oh well, who really profits from that?
Do the Dems make mistakes, yes. But they don't disown them and deflect like the last JO administration.
Dem voters don't act like it's nothing. It's rump voters who have no conscience and don't care what that bloviating ass jack hollers that was so embarrassing to every decent American citizen.
I'll take every misstep the Biden admin takes versus the horrible ugliness that has come previously, including the Cheney empire. Good god, have you no conscience?


Those released from Gitmo were terrorist. They now have top positions in the Taliban.
Others went back on the battlefield to try and kill Americans.
Yes any weapons given to terrorists is bad.

Democrats are dealing with a terrorist on the FBI most wanted list
Its amazing you defend this stuff.

13 marines were killed because the withdrawal plan was a disaster. It was a last minute rapid withdrawal.
Just incompetence all around.

Who profits from a key stone pipeline. America and Canada and those thousands who worked the job.
Biden and Democrats looked retarded killing the pipeline as gas prices increase and then they tell foreign oil we need more.

Conscience, you just said you would take all Bidens missteps. Which means you would take a terror attack under Biden on U.S soil over having trump as president.

I think you need to check your mentaity. Or just grow a pair.


Open borders - what an effing lie
Defund the police - an even Bigger ridiculous effing lie
Critical race theory - I don't think you even have a clue what you are talking about
No cash bail - ??? That's a real broad platform the Dems are pushing?

Meanwhile the pubs desperately find every excuse to pack the SC with toadies and make it harder for people to simply vote their conscience while gerrymandering in a desperate attempt to legitimize their ugly agenda to drive more and more of us into grinding poverty. What a Grand Ol' Party !


You are crazy.

You seriously dont believe Democrats back defund the police?

Defund the police already started in cities. Funds relocated, entire divisions dropped. Go on YouTube and listen to the Democrats call to defund the police.

You think open borders is a lie.
The entire message in south America is get to America Biden and Democrats are week. They brought back catch and release.
They will release you.into the country with hopes of them returning for s court date.

I'm sure you know the percentage of those who show up for the date.
Go on YouTube and listen to what the professionals say about the border.
Actions speak louder then words
The border is a disaster. Remain in Mexico was cheap and extremely effective.
The weakness and incompetence from Democrats creates a motivation to storm the border.
Republicans remove the motivation and send a more of a, follow the immigration rules like eveyone else.

No cash bail was a 100% Democrat created bill.
It's been about a year and the results are that keeping criminals out of jail results in more crime.
Kind of common sense, but then again the Democrat motto is common sense no more.

Critical race theory...oh yea its Republican teachers pushing that.

Are you this out of touch with reality?


Nothing, they literally have put illegal immigrants and terrorists above US citizens


Literally? Do you have any basic notion of what the word Literally means.
God, I'm so glad toothless morons like you are pushing this agenda.
Makes it so much easier for me to say - Look? See?


I know exactly what it means you brain dead nitwit and I am 100 percent correct. Your president cares more about illegal immigrants and terrorists than the people he swore to serve. He’s a liar and a traitor as are you for defending the son of a bitch


Makes you wonder, well not really, who the Communist Democrat media/party work for. It’s not their so-called voters. It’s not the America people.
