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Screw your freeedum! People not wearing masks are schmucks

Not my words
From the big man , the governor , Arnie himself!


Your a pussy if you resist wearing a mask. It's harmless. I got the vaccine, but respect people's right now to. NO ONE should be forced to put ANYTHING in their bodies. But you can;t wear a mask? Grow the fuck up.


I can’t agree with your language, but I most heartedly agree with your premise. I’m against a jab mandate and in the past against a mask mandate and still do. Common sense does prevail. Most of us are aware masks are window dressings against the virus. With that said they are a barrier. I wear one to keep people from coughing, sneezing and spitting on me when they talk. I have been so grossed out many times when people hack! hack! hack! Geez! Cover your mouth and/or sneeze in the bend of your elbow!


If people are afraid they can stay home, it's not my job to protect them.


I bet you think masks are a violation of your rights, eh?


No, they are adult pacifiers. Because that's what the world is now...a bunch of adult-babies.

Anyone that supports masking, hates children.


"Anyone that supports masking, hates children."



Children's mental and social health is greatly affected by mask wearing. Look it up.




Wow, you’re borderline retarded


Well thought out commentary if not ableist, I'll be sure to call for your wisdom in the future.


These people are unreal. I got the vaccine, but am adamantly against forcing people to do it. But a mask? Shut the fuck up and wear it. It affects NO. ONE. Fucking babies.




How does a piece of cloth stop the world's most deadly disease?

It doesn't. The masks' own boxes say so. I guess "Liberals" can't read?

I have a pack of my own which says exactly the same disclaimer.

The mask is a symbol of nothing but mindless submission. And you are nothing but a dickless clown.


We are aware masks will not stop the virus. I was and continue to be totally against a mandate to wear a mask. But, as I stated in my prior reply common sense prevails. It’s a barrier against the inconsiderate yahoos who cough, sneeze, and send spittle your way. They could mandate 10 masks and you (in the collective) could still come down with Covid via your skin & eyes. It’s not mindless submission if it makes you feel better against those who are coughing & sneezing your way. I don’t want a cold. I don’t want the flu so I’ll window dress with a mask.


"Liberals" are like 5 year olds. They believe that symbolic things and everybody "getting in line" and doing what they're told to do, will magically solve our problems. They must all be autistic or something, cause they get angry when something is "out of place", even though it doesnt make damn difference to anything


Why should I be afraid of other people's germs?


Do you really want other people coughing on you or sneezing on you? Forget Covid. I don’t want the flu. I don’t want a croupy upper respiratory infection. That is why you should fear other people’s cast offs.


But that's what makes our immune systems robust and on-the-ready for illnesses. Being a germaphobe actually has the opposite effect. Masking, distancing, and isolation LOWERS the immune system.

Think of it like an athlete... In order to be the best, the athlete needs to be practicing all the time, so when game day comes...he is ready for battle. Now if all the athlete does, is stay away from what makes him the best...on game day he will get his ass handed to him.

Your immune system is the same way.


I see your point, but I still don’t wish to inhale someone else’s cough or sneeze. Take the food industry, groceries, restaurants, etc. Employees are instructed to cough and/or sneeze into the crook of the elbow. Why are shields placed over the food at buffet type restaurants?

We should avoid being around those who have a cold or the flu. It’s not being a “germaphobe” to guard against becoming ill. I’ve been sent home when I dragged myself into work due to an important project. The boss informed me he didn’t want anyone else catching what I had.

All in all my immune system is good. I had many illnesses before the age of six. But, the worst I ever had as an adult, was when I worked at a nursery school. It was as if I had stepped into a petri dish! I thought I was dying!


I still don’t wish to inhale someone else’s cough or sneeze

Well no, I'm not advocating vacuuming up other people's sneezes with your mouth lol. I'm more talking about obsessive germaphobe behavior. It has the opposite effect.


Its about airflow , without a mask your foul breath is projected further distance around your surroundings.
its not 100% guarantee agains it , but it has some effect.

A bullet proof vest wont stop you getting shot in the head either , so they are useless?


A bullet proof vest wont stop you getting shot in the head either , so they are useless?

The same way covering your face and nose doesn't prevent a virus from entering your eyes?

Unless you are wearing a full hooded gas mask air tight below your neck, you're just virtue signaling.


again - its about reducing Airflow, which reduces transmission by "a bit"
unlike "a full hooded gas mask air tight below your neck" which will completely protect you, but is not practical for everyone to wear

All safety measures are a trade off
seat belts in cars are not as effective as a five point racing harness
open face motorbike helmets are not as safe full face
an open lifeboat is not as safe as a covered one

time and time again a see people who want to dissmiss a solution cite that its not 100% effective.
well virtually nothing is
seat belts, open face bike helmets and lifeboats are not "virtue signalling"


Bit of a problem here...

seat belts in cars are not as effective as a five point racing harness

Your seatbelt doesn't prevent me from flying out the window.

open face motorbike helmets are not as safe full face

Me wearing a helmet doesn't stop your brains from spilling out when it hits the pavement.

an open lifeboat is not as safe as a covered one

You being in the life boat doesn't prevent my drowning.

Masks are adult-baby pacifiers.


The same way covering your face and nose doesn't prevent a virus from entering your eyes?
Again - air flow

the mask on the other person stops the virus entering your eyes


the mask on the other person stops the virus entering your eyes

JFC, ok now I just can't take you seriously. Do you really believe this?


” the mask on the other person stops the virus entering your eyes”

Please tell me you don’t believe this! Why do you think there is so much blowback against wearing a mask? IT DOES NOT STOP THE SPORES OF THE VIRUS! They filter right through the mask and being airborne infect someone else.

In a nutshell a person with Covid who is not wearing an N-95 Medical mask, but a heavy duty one can still transmit the virus to you. On your skin, through your eyes, anyplace on your body which is not covered with haz-mat grade covering. Why do you think so many healthcare workers have come down with the virus and many have died. You could wear 10 masks & a face shield and catch the damn virus.

An ER nurse I spoke to was completely covered, head to toe in a haz-mat garb, gloves, face shield, etc. She got the virus through her eyes from patients wearing masks!

The mask is a feel good measure. A window dressing to stop inhaling spittle from a cough or sneeze. It will stop the spittle, but if there are Covid-19 spores being blown with the spittle they don’t get stopped! They’ve just entered your mask!


i always wear a mask, i've got used to it. but if after 15 months of masks, lockdowns, people working from home millions of vaccines.... and the situation hasn't improved who knows if they actually work. i read something months ago about a very isolated italian village where there are only monks.they know that nobody has entered or left this town since 2017, but theres covid there, how?

I had covid a year ago, but nobody that lives with me got it, we don't understand this virus, in about 5 or 10 years time we'll realize something about it.


Arnie is basically a RINO at this point. He doesn't really have a movie career now. Last time I checked he's also full of hot air about the climate change hoax.


Arnie can fuck off.


He's the governator. He will chew you up and spit you out. "Look at you! With your 48% body fat!"


Naw fuck him...Mr. Austrian immigrant, he should shut his fuckin mouth when it comes to freedom and authoritarianism.

I'm 12%BF, and 25 years younger... I look waaayyyyy better than Arnie.


I was quoting his character from Sabotage (2014).


Omg that's an actual line... well I guess you could still get away with that in 2014.


Way to take it out of context. He said screw the people using "freedom" as an excuse. "Freedom" in the false sense the anti maskers are using it. The "freedom" to infect others with a deadly disease is not freedom any more than the right to threaten other people's lives with a loaded firearm. Freedom is the right not to be infected by a person not wearing a mask.


Masks don't work dumbass, keep thinking they do you face diaper wearing buffoon
