Today's hysterical Reeeeeacism news
Black on Asian crime is a symptom of white supremacy
University removes "racist rock" after students complain
Black on Asian crime is a symptom of white supremacy
University removes "racist rock" after students complain
That first link is bizzare
"White supremacy does not require a white person to perpetuate"
rev Talbot Swan be crazy
About 70% of anti-Asian attacks are committed by whites. Furthermore, most hate crime victims are blacks and their attackers are white.
Your topic was already done.
I'm sure you have proof and I don't mean the doodoo covered fingers from you pulling those stats out of your ass
To clarify, he means verbal attacks, not the actual fisticuffs which is mostly done by the other groups aka le darks or what you mostly see captured on CCTV in the news. This was discussed already awhile back in one of his or my threads.
Proportion of offenders in violent anti-Asian hate crimes are more likely to be non-white, but that 75% of offenders in anti-Asian hate crimes are white.
Verbal and physical assaults.
shareThis is total misinformation. You are spewing nonsense out that piehole of yours as usual. Asians worship whites and even use bleaching creams to turn their skin more white. In Japanese culture women with whiter skin represents beauty and wealth. You might also want to check up on the Philippines and how they have tons of museums and statues honoring General Douglas MacArthur. Then there is South Korea which is basically America with a bunch of Koreans running it. Have you ever seen a Korean street food video? You will never see a dish that uses more ketchup and mayonnaise. They have completely adapted to western culture and its disgusting eating habits. Why would they do any of this if whites were their oppressors?
This is a flat out LIE.
You are a liar and a racist.
Stop your incessant lying.
The OP has conveniently forgotten the long history of white racism against Asians which include:
*anti-Asian immigration legislation
*job discrimination
*stereotypes in movies and TV
*Japanese internment camps
*covid referred to as Asian flu by Trump and his racist cult
*Trump and his racist cult blaming Asians for covid
*attacks on Asians increasing because of Trump's anti-Asian covid comments.
Most anti-Asian attacks are verbal. Both verbal and physical attacks have and are committed mainly by whites.
Of course, the OP prefers to attack black people while pretending he never associated covid with Chinese people.
>anti-Asian immigration legislation, Japanese internment camps
Brought to you by Democrats
>job discrimination
How when Asians are the best educated
>stereotypes in movies and TV
What during WW2? Cry me more tears for Imperial Japan
>covid bring referred to as Asian flu by Trump and his racist cult,
WuFlu, China Virus cause it came from WuHan China
I didn't forget shit but I knew anything Rrrrrreeeeeeaacist would bring your KKK loving ass out and you didn't disappoint showing your stupidity again
Go look up asian attacks on YouTube or Google and the perps are black but you conveniently make excuses for them cause only white people are bad according to your racist ass
Get to steppin Hoe!
You're a racist who hates both Asians and blacks.
My links based on history, research and criminal data support my comments about whites as the main perpetrators of Anti-Asian hatred, discrimination and assaults.
"WuFlu, China Virus cause it came from WuHan China"
BTW, nice of you to prove my point by making an Anti-Asian slur.
You're a racist who hates whites and America
Here's a link for you
Calling the WuFlu China Virus what it is is not anti asian. Is rocky mountain spotted fever racist against people from Colorado?
You're too dumb for words
"covid referred to as Asian flu by Trump and his racist cult"
So let's see, we have Guinea Worm, West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ross River Fever, Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Marburg Virus Disease, Lassa Fever, La Crosse Encephalitis, St. Louis Encephalitis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Lyme Disease.
All diseases named after where they began. But when Trump and his voters do it, it's a 'racist cult.'
Not only that, the Chinese government made the pandemic much worse by lying about its origins and how contagious it was. This pandemic deserves to be named after them.
Why are you making excuses for a violent authoritarian dictatorship?
Thanks for proving my point about ongoing Anti-Asian hatred among whites.
share"Thanks for proving my point about ongoing Anti-Asian hatred among whites."
Yeah, because Guinea, West Nile, Germany, Ross River, Ebola River, Marburg, Lassa, La Crosse, St. Louis, the Rocky Mountains, and Lyme are all in Asia.
Seriously, you can't be this stupid, right? You have to be some conservative who's just trying to make liberals look like idiots.
Continue to defend your anti-Asian hatred!
share"Continue to defend your anti-Asian hatred!"
Yeah, because Guinea, West Nile, Germany, Ross River, Ebola River, Marburg, Lassa, La Crosse, St. Louis, the Rocky Mountains, and Lyme are all in Asia.
Seriously, you can't be this stupid, right? You have to be some conservative who's just trying to make liberals look like idiots.
Continue to defend your anti-Asian hatred, bigot. The more you do, the more I'm proven right.
share"Continue to defend your anti-Asian hatred, bigot."
Yeah, because Guinea, West Nile, Germany, Ross River, Ebola River, Marburg, Lassa, La Crosse, St. Louis, the Rocky Mountains, and Lyme are all in Asia.
Seriously, you can't be this stupid, right? You have to be some conservative who's just trying to make liberals look like idiots.
Plot twist:
The rock turned out to be an actual racist, and hijacked the truck that was carrying it away. After eluding the police on a high-speed chase, it ran over 200 BLM protestors standing in the middle of the highway. Last seen, it was heading towards the Capitol Building in D.C.