"The level of trauma endured by event professionals over the last two years is something that we will need to deal with as soon as possible.
Businesses shut down, careers wiped out, forced pivots to virtual, relationships lost. These are just the tip of the iceberg.
Before we talk hybrid, we will need to talk mental health."
This was posted on LinkedIn by an events professional. I don't know him. One of my colleagues "liked" it.
Jesus H. Christ, when did SOOOO MANY people become so ill-equipped to handle life? Every stressful or challenging situation we face - that everyone in the human race has faced in some way, shape, or form, since there was a human race - is not "trauma" for fuck's sake.
Getting fired or laid off, a stressful work day, bad boss, divorce, losing a relative (the normal way) this is life! These are things that happen to someone EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. It's a part of life, as the saying goes. They hurt, can be stressful, and lead to problems, but my God, everything is a 200/10 now.
The human race is doomed. Far too many are devolving into entitled snowflake victims with no personal responsibility.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
Thanks to right wing loon bats with their idiotic little insults and snide one liners.
Right winger: Call them an SJW! SNARF!
RIght winger: We won, we insulted them!
Leftists: Thanks, meanwhile we have work to do fixing all the problems you caused while you were cracking insults.
No, you are literally not all there, you're fast asleep, ignorant and uneducated. Stop trying to divert attention from the problem. We all know who they are.
You have to be quite mentally ill to believe the only problem in a society are the people who you disagree with. The ego and lack of self-awareness that takes.
the only problem in a society are the people who you disagree with
That does seem to be the Republican mantra though doesnt it?
Virtually every thread on this page is blaming lefty commie libtards for all the worlds ills
although i do like that you didnt mention either side in your OP , and becasue of that I fully agree.
There will be "traumad" snowflakes on both sides
It's so shallow to suggest that it's as simplistic as "disagreeing". That's how pathological right wingers are. Over 600,000 Americans have died and they think that's an opinion. You can't "disagree" with facts.
It has nothing to do with disagreement. It has to do with freedom and survival and Republicans are trying to make both of those harder and harder to do for everyone.
1000s of people tried to burn the country to the ground last year and 1000s more cheered it on. The Vice President even encouraged support for a fund that bailed out rioters:
Kamala Harris tweeted support for a bail fund, but the money didn’t just assist protesters
The group you’re referring to are a very small, yet very vocal bunch, and you should ignore them.
But there’s something "SJW's", right-wingers, leftists and all groups have in common. While I'd suspect there are more on the left these days (mostly young, coddled idiots) that would fit the description of my comment, it's certainly not exclusive to that group of people. How many right-wing Christians have you seen blathering on about a "war on Christmas" (which has a pagan origin anyway, something they ignore), or whining about having no sanctioned prayer in schools, etc.? I'd say they fit that same description. In fact, I know of a couple of them who spout “personal responsibility” right from the very confines of their mamma’s basement.
One of the most important life lessons for anyone to learn is that no one has power over us unless we choose for them to. Outside events, people, etc. can only affect you physically. NOTHING can affect you psychologically, emotionally, or intellectually, i.e. alter your programming, unless YOU choose for it to. Each individual is in full control of their own programming, and yet far too many, even more today than in the past, let circumstances and other people influence how they react and think and feel.
More and more policies and cultural shifts are being imposed based on this foundation of human frailty (many on the left, but some on the right as well), encouraging it to perpetuate power for the elite. If it continues, societal collapse is inevitable.
But guess who will be left standing once the dust clears?
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
"While I'd suspect there are more on the left these days (mostly young, coddled idiots)"
Sign number two that you're a right wing loon bat. They say crap like "snowflake", meanwhile cause all the problems in the world. The left drives this country. They are more educated, more innovative, more creative, they are the workforce while the red states are the welfare queens. California itself is the FIFTH STRONGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD. We on the left built your goddamn roads so show some gratitude and stop destroying the country.
Way to pigeonhole presumptuously, typecast, and show your bias. Especially since I clearly in part referred to some on the alt-right as snowflakes, providing a few examples. Perhaps, take the blinders off and observe realty.
I know of a couple of them who spout “personal responsibility” right from the very confines of their mamma’s basement
And what does this have to do with California, or the economy? Deflection I guess? And only Liberals live in California?
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
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I’m not a religious person but when religion (Christianity) works properly it’s what gives people the strength to rise up and overcome. I would imagine it was the same with Native Americans spirituality. And Buddhism. I know it’s not that way with Islam.
You see it in all champion athletes. Thanking their lord and savior Jesus Christ. You see it in people who overcome insurmountable odds.
Unfortunately today people are force fed the faith of atheism by the communist education/pop culture industry and it leaves them totally unprepared for the challenges of life. No one thanks atheism when they win it all. There are no inspiring atheists. No one preys to atheism when they’re holding onto the side of a cliff.
And when they face adversity they’re told to get a shrink and go whine to them for $250 a week. So fing worthless. People who went through literal hell in WW2 came back and got on with enjoying the basics of life. Family. A house. A job. And they gave us the 1950s.
Then the self absorbed 60s came along and now everyone needs to constantly reflect on themselves and search for closure. So they’re left weak and incapable.
"Unfortunately today people are force fed the faith of atheism by the communist education/pop culture industry and it leaves them totally unprepared for the challenges of life. No one thanks atheism when they win it all. There are no inspiring atheists. No one preys to atheism when they’re holding onto the side of a cliff."
Education system is rightist leaning which is why children are force fed the pledge of Allegiance every morning. It's basically praying to a symbol. That's nationalism and that's rightist. Things like the truth about Columbus and the genocide of the native Americans are also censored out. 1984 isn't even on the national curriculum anymore.
"Education system is rightist leaning which is why children are force fed the pledge of Allegiance every morning. It's basically praying to a symbol. That's nationalism and that's rightist"
I'm OUT on this. You people look at being ashamed of being American as a badge of honor and then pretend to clutch your pearls when people call you un-American. Pssst, it's because you are.
Jesus H. Christ, when did SOOOO MANY people become so ill-equipped to handle life?
When "liberals" made life suck, by promoting trans lunatics to the top of society and also demanding that we worship frothing-mouth Jihadis and let tons of "refugees" into our countries who want to blow us up.
It's not average people's fault (or athletes fault) that they have "mental health" issues, it's the leftist extremists fault and its the fault of the "mainstream" media for playing so many stupid mind games and causing division, with their refusal to accept Trump's victory in the first place back in 2016.
The left causes life to be full of confusion mental disarray and cognitive dissonance. It's their fault the world is so weak and bad, not the fault of normal every day people.
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