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Anti-Vax ignoramuses ... ( trying to ruin the US economy )

This is a good one. Sam Harris podcast with Eric Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute.

A Contagion of Bad Ideas: A Conversation with Eric Topol

Eric Topol is a great source for solid, up to date honest information on Covid-19 and the pandemic ... and the vaccine as well. I'd strongly recommend anyone to listen to this podcast and see if it makes sense to you.

Three things I keep hearing from the vaccine averse is that the vaccines have not been authorized by the FDA for use, and that the side-effects, first, but not the long-term term side-effects of the vaccine are not know and finally the mis-interpretation of the VAERS ( Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ) database.

1. FDA authorization:
This is an understandable and a reasonable point. I have wondered why the FDA is dragging its feet on this myself. Personally, for me, I know enough of the facts from millions of people getting vaccinated and almost none of them are getting Covid-19 or having side-effects. This is talked about around T=22m50s. The reality of the vaccinated population has given so much data that, for the mRNA vaccines these are the safest and most effective vaccines in history, so the FDA ought to get off its butt. The FDA bar is set at 50% target efficiency - so it is quite weird that they are dragging their feet.

2. Long-term Side-Effects:
Topol states quite clearly that never in the history of vaccines has any vaccine been shown to have any lasting, long-term side-effects past the 2 month point.

Just know that in the supervised trials where patients were closely studied after getting vaccinated - none of them had any adverse reactions. But, there are some possible problems that they are watching - with the J&J vaccine, not with the mRNA vaccines.

It is also sad that some Vaccine-hesitant people are taking advice from people who are lying to them, specifically Republican spokespeople who are getting vaccinated themselves but implying that the vaccines are dangerous.

Again, the mRNA vaccines are 90-95% infections. At the worst they are 88-90% effective against the Delta variant and 96% effective against death or serious illness. If vaccinated people do happen to be exposed to a large viral load the disease is virtually never serious or fatal.


Leave people to make their own choice.


If people are basing their choices on no information or disinformation that does not work for the overall country. You are just making the only final anti-vax argument left ... your free-dumb.


They can make their choices however they want. If you're not someone's doctor, you have no right to be giving out medical advice.

And if you hate freedom so much, fucking leave dude.


I just hate free-dumb ... and since it is free you probably pigged far more than your share of dumb too.


My body my choice


I hope you will stand up and say this during the abortion debate.


I don’t need to as that is not my standard. However that is your standard and therefore you should be saying that during the Vaccination debates, you should be Thai into me, I’m just trying to make sure you stand by your principles and don’t come off as a hypocrite.


Yeah, I guess you have the Freedom to gun up the town with your legal firearm and accept the consequences of your misdeed. A bunch of people are dead, family's torn apart, and you can grin sheepishly in your shackles, "I was just exercising my 2nd Amendment rights, my Freedom."


If you care about reducing gun violence maybe we should just enforce the laws we already have and tell KKKamala to stop bailing violent criminals out of jail.

I own guns and none of them have ever hurt an innocent person because I am a law abiding citizen, however I do have them as protection and it’s a good thing I do because the left wants to defund the police and take away my right to police protection.


You're insane.


Brux Koresh preaching the gospel of St Fauci and the Branch Covidiots


This has nothing to do with Fauci, so as usual you are making no sense. I don't think Fauci was mentioned in the podcast at all, and I said nothing about him either. Why do you have to make stuff up?


Covid has nothing to with Fauci LOL ok dumbass


Don't be so harsh on the antivaxers. It's OK if they don't get the vaccine. Remember Darwin. Let nature take its course.



We need herd immunity because the vaccine effectiveness goes down after a few months. Israel and the U.K. are examples with Pfizer.


That's not true - you are being a spreader of misinformation - just another troll. There is no verified data for how long the vaccine is effective, but the vaccinated people getting Covid-19 are in general not getting serious cases, or cases that lead to hospitalization or cases which are fatal. That includes for the Delta Variant as well.

It says this right on the Things to Know about the Covid-19 vaccine webpage of the CDC.


I'm 100% pro-vax and had Moderna. My point is that more people need to be vaccinated in the U.S. and worldwide to reach herd immunity in order to prevent more variants which can lower the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Even if the symptoms among the vaccinated aren't severe, I don't want covid which is why I still mask up, social distance and avoid crowds.

Dr. John Campbell is a good source for information without the politicized & pro-business BS. He links to CURRENT DATA.

My local government officials (pro-vax) are concerned about the vaccine becoming less effective which is shown in some current data, but they're more concerned with revitalizing the economy and basically telling people to gather in large crowds. Their pass and some current covd policies have been responsible for unnecessary deaths and contagion.

I don't expect them to be honest about when a booster shot becomes necessary since they're still trying to convince people to be vaccinated.

Israel is a good country to watch because they reached 85% herd immunity (with Pfizer). The data is preliminary, but I wouldn't completely discount it. Data is constantly being updated and revised.


Apparently you decided once again to:

Deny, Dismiss, Deflect, and/or be Dumbfound by my prior post.

”A look inside Israel’s recent coronavirus outbreak” July 20, 2021


I'm pretty sure by now you've lost anyone with any sense of dignity and self-worth. Why you persist in believing you are persuasive is incredible in itself.




LOL, the argument of the ignorant.


Reminder for the Covid cultists - only 50-60% of FDA and NIH employees got vaccinated. The FDA and NIH directors can't even persuade their own employees to take the experimental mRNA vaccines..

See 53 second video of Fauci and company answering the Senator's question:

Thanks to Kanekoa@KanekoaTheGreat for bringing this short clip to us.


I sent that to my brother, who usually has some lefty rebuttal to everything, he never wrote back.

Later when I asked him wasn't that very telling, he told me that those are big corporations, it's probably low IQ people like receptionists and janitors not getting the shot. LOL


Did you not read my OP? If you did maybe you decided to:

Deflect, Dismiss, Deny, and/or be Dumbfounded


Yes, that indeed sounds like your agenda. Alternative facts, there is no such thing. Facts are facts. Deflect, dismiss, deny.

The world will be a better place when you are eaten by worms.


kaskap, OK. We know that you can come up with four words that start with the same letter. You don't have to do it any more.


Hey everybody! We have a new TROLL! And its name is cv1cv. Who will now go on Ignore where all the vacuous minds go!


LMAO! Delusions of grandeur. If you had that kind of power over other people here I would be impressed. But so far it's just hilarious. Come on. Give us another one. What else will you command us to do?
