MovieChat Forums > Politics > Even the Little League is rainbowed for ...

Even the Little League is rainbowed for pride month

Really? A kids baseball organisation? Kids as young as four? Minors???

Has America gone insane?


I'm afraid it's lost. All that is needed is for parents to teach their children to be kind to others. References to sexual desires or "pride" while doing so is sick. Forced acceptance, and even admiration, of unhealthy behavior is going to be the downfall of our society.


Yes! And they accept gender confused people. Here is their policy:

What has America come to?


The Weimar Republic.

They never told us just what books were getting burned in Berlin...


the end is nigh for America...

going to be funny when Americas start immigrating to Mexico...


They have been for decades. No one talks about the Americans trying to escape. There are colonies of expats living in Mexico. Ancient Chinese secret as to where though so I can't tell you but they live in bliss.


Were the Nazis imprisoning gays too?


A lot of this "confusion" is coming from weirdo parents, teachers, peers, tv shows, and organizations like Little League that has been taken over by creeps. Those poor children don't understand what society is doing to them by telling them they can be anything they want to be, and that they'll get all sorts of attention for being "different".


Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! The wording sounds like re-education camps! What to do? Pull your kid out of Little League and deprive him/her of playing; s/he being young not understanding why. America with this WOKE crap has gone stark raving mad! We have ceded to the inmates.There are more than one flying over the Cuckoo’s nest!


All that's needed is for parents to teach their children to be kind? lol

Clearly it wasn't enough for you and OP since y'all are pretty unfriendly.


I'm sorry, I'm not sure to what you're referring.


Aw ... life in Amerika was so much better when we could Dictate how everyone should BE.

"If you don't Conform, You Don't Belong." Just crawl off and die, or better yet, buy a Gun so you can justify how wonderful the 2nd Amendment is, and shoot yourself in the head, and that gun will fall into other's users hands, with a wonderful legacy attached.

Jeezus, I'm an old insanely hetero guy, but I realize that a lot of people have been repressed for decades if not centuries, for wanting to not conform to what everyone expects from them as good little go-bots for what we think is the Natural Order.
Men strong, women nurture. That simple.
F*** haven't we seen enough social discord to not conclude doing things The Old Way alone w/o looking at alternatives is wrong?
God ! I expected SO MUCH MORE from us as a Free and Democratic society to have been farther along than this by now !

So yes, lets encourage our young children to EMBRACE their peers, not ostracize them.


You're feeding the beast of gender/sexuality confusion that leads to suicide.


Um ... yeah ... (sarcasm alerts are necessary so I will insert one here)


I literally thought he said "you're feeding the breast of gender confusion", and I couldn't stop laughing for a few moments XD


“ You're feeding the beast of gender/sexuality confusion that leads to suicide.”

No, it’s people like you and your disgusting prejudice that lead gay people to suicide, you pathetic fucking homophobe.


LMAO! I know man don't you miss the days when men were men? Remember when weed was actually seen as a drug that killed people? Don't you miss those educational commercials about marijuana that were not propaganda? I just don't know what we are going to do man with all these progressives. I mean after all weed is a gateway drug don't' you know... There have been studies and guess what it is shown that everyone who drinks water is liable to smoke it. There must be something these people are slipping into the water. I am sure foxnews will continue to keep me up to speed.


Weed causes brain damage in some, including schizophrenia. I’ve known people who use it and watching them cough and cough as they get their hit made me sick. Degenerate.

And they don’t have money because their habit is costly.

Yeah, not a good thing.


Hog wash. I don't believe your anecdotal evidence. I don't smoke weed myself never had the desire to. You realize people will smoke weed whether it is legal or not? You realize the law is not a deterrent for people who smoke it? If heroin and meth were legal tomorrow would you do those drugs? I have friends who to this day still smoke and are perfectly functioning members of society. No they are not on welfare, food stamps nor do they harm anybody. They work their 9-5 and contribute to society. Is smoking a cigarette good for you? Is drinking heavily good for you? The answer is a big fat no! Thing is people as we have seen will do it anyway, remember how well prohibition worked for alcohol? Did people quit drinking?

We allow smokers, drinkers to live in peace without interference from the law. So long of course as they do not drink and drive, or other actions affecting others. If your actions do not affect other people the law should not be bothering you. It is on a person if they wish to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or other harmful activities. It is their job to stay away from those things not law enforcement's job to make them stay away. It is called the power of free will.


In this case, it should be a tightly regulated drug. It is good in that it doesn’t make people aggressive, but long term, it can make people paranoid.


It would be better regulated if it were legal. The war on drugs is a failure.


Not true. Drugs = crime (theft, robbery, violence.)

Stop drugs, stop the crime.

As someone once said, the three strikes rule got drug users off the streets and crime plummeted. They enjoyed feeling safe with all the drug users gone.


Oh it absolutely is true. No just because someone uses drugs does not automatically mean they will commit theft, robbery or violence. If they commit those crimes they should be prosecuted like any other person would be for those crimes. Theft, robbery, and violence are not victimless crimes. Someone smoking a joint in their own house is a victimless crime.

Drug use in and of itself should not be a crime. You can't stop drugs people will continue to find ways to do drugs whether it is legal or not. So no wrong on that front completely.

Lol are you serious right now? You know why drug users most often times revert back to their addiction? Because most of the time when they get caught it ruins their life. Sometimes people who have committed no violent crimes get thrown in prison and then they have a felony on their record. So once they get out what awaits them in the job field? Your opportunities are very slim thus making it far more likely to go back to dealing or using drugs. Drug abuse needs to be treated as a medical issue not a legal one. Watch this video. It is a former police officer explaining why the war on drugs has been a failure.

Cartels and gangsters benefit from illegal drugs. You make it legal you take their power away. What if guns became illegal? It would create a black market. Same goes for drugs.


"Aw ... life in Amerika was so much better when we could Dictate how everyone should BE."
Why do I have the feeling you are completely oblivious to how ironic your post was...




I tell you the non issue concerns of the right. They wouldn't be doing such ridiculous things if you didn't badger them so much. I agree it's not appropriate to push sexual orientation awareness on children but frankly I think you're full of it and don't believe it at all.

Hint: this gay pride thing is only done with the interest of pissing off the right that is so out of their minds over it. Stop feeding them and they'll stop trolling you. Get it? Become a liberal and change your orientation to freedom: live and let live and then it won't be made prominent.


Become a liberal and change your orientation to freedom: live and let live and then it won't be made prominent.

This is the biggest crock of shit statement I’ve ever read. 🤣

The last thing liberals today care about is freedom and “live and let live”.

It’s actually “believe everything we believe or we will force it on you, destroy your life, erase your history, get you fired, burn your city down, ban your pancake syrup, censor your favorite movies and TV shows, and make you just as miserable as we all are. Then we’ll act like YOU are the crazy ones.” Fascist hypocrite assholes.


Hey dickhead, I bet it really burns your toast that there’s no Australian arm of this group for you to join and spew your hate:

You can only hope that your nastiness catches on and we can return to the good old days when gays were crucified, like this incident which I just bet is one of your most cherished moments in history:
