If cops get off for George Floyd's death...
American cities will burn and innocent people will die.
So should a jury find them guilty no matter what? No, not at all. Juries must vote in line with their oaths.
American cities will burn and innocent people will die.
So should a jury find them guilty no matter what? No, not at all. Juries must vote in line with their oaths.
This country will never be the same if Chauvin walks. We will NEVER recover from the violence it would bring. Liberals will defend it - unless it affects them - and Trump Republicans will just double down on their "beliefs" about "defending blue lives" and what not. No one will care about the truth about ANY of it. Liberals won't care about the violence. It will be completely and totally justified in their mind. Republicans will use it as an opportunity to defend any and all cops - including a DIRTY one like Chauvin - and criticize urban black communities. Both would be right about certain things, but none of it will matter. It's would be all about extremism. There would be mass violence across the country.
Chauvin needs to be guilty because he is and because the country would never be the same ever again, and frankly he nor Floyd are worth that.
He's guilty of being an SOB but not necessarily murder.
shareWell Floyd's death was ruled a homicide and Chauvin knelt on his neck for 9 minutes, soooo....
shareThere is still a lot that can happen...https://youtu.be/Y96gCwxG474
share'Homicide' is NOT interchangeable with 'Murder'. Technically, the dude that sold the fentanyl to Floyd is guilty of 'homicide'.
shareWell any sane person would opt for a knee on the back of the neck for nine minutes rather than taking 3 times the lethal dose of fentanyl.
shareThe knee was on the shoulder, not the neck.
sharewow , you should be on the cops defence - his lawyer hasnt even thought to bring that up yet! the amateur!
shareLol, those moments are the best, because they can't blame autocorrect, they just inadvertently expose they're dumb.
shareI cant be expected to keep track of the number of English words you dumb Americans cant spell properly,
but the language is called English.
We were speaking it before your country was born , motherfucker (that was a Sam Jackson joke)
So obviously If there's a British way , and an american way
it goes without saying the the British way is correct.
English - The clue is in the name
If the country is built on that flimsy of a foundation, maybe it isn't worth it either...
shareWhatever the outcome, the Liberals will resort to violence.
They’re going to burn anyways. Like they always do. They’re lawless Democrat party run shitholes.
See the OJ trial and what happened when he got off.
Fun fact. George Floyd died from a drug overdose. Did the cops mishandle the situation. Seems so. Did they kill him? No.
I don't think the words fun or fact mean what you think they do. Expert witnesses all confirmed he did not die from an OD, pre-existing condition, or Covid:
"Derek Chauvin’s attorney, in questioning pulmonologist Marty Tobin, is asking whether George Floyd having had COVID-19 could effect the elasticity of Floyd’s lungs. Tobin said no. "
"A critical care doctor called as a prosecution witness in Derek Chauvin’s murder trial testified on Thursday that George Floyd died from a lack of oxygen caused by being handcuffed face down in the street with the police officer’s knee on his neck."
"Blackwell asking if any Floyd's pre-existing conditions have anything to do with his death. Tobin says "none whatsoever."
Let's humor your stupid argument too, that it was drugs. So he was overdosing and not only did they not help, they did something that contributed to the problem he was having (breathing). That's a direct role in his death. Your argument has no leg to stand on whatsoever.
He had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system.
His death was ruled a homicide. How's that for a fact?
This is true, they are just proving the cops right.
shareWe now have enough beaners here to rebuild the cities.
shareWhew! Some brief tension this morning in court, a real cliffhanger as the trial came dangerously close to a mistrial being declared, just as both sides were respectively closing their cases.
shareThat man is guilty as hell, but I'd be shocked and amazed if he's actually found guilty.
shareThe trial is disagreeing with you.
shareThat man is guilty as hell, but I'd be shocked and amazed if he's actually found guilty.
.. becasue you think the white folks will band together and let him off because it was only a black (criminal) guy that died?
I dont think they can get away with that anymore
Lol because we've seen this movie countless times before and it almost always ends the exact same way.
"I dont think they can get away with that anymore"
Why exactly? They've been getting away with it for 400 years, and I don't remember any significant changes being made in that last year. George Floyd is just the latest(or was) in a long line.
Just ask Daunte Wright and Adam Toledo.
shareLiberals cities in blue states will burn. Riots won't happen in red states because we won't let it happen. It'll be a repeat of last summer.
shareAnd Red States will staunchly defend their right to treat anyone they choose in anyway they choose.
Their Peace Officers are Extermination Experts. Need to get rid of Pests? Call Terminex, i.e., the local Police Force.
If it's Dark and it Moves -- Kill It.
If the cities have to burn so that innocent people do not go to jail... I guess they will have to burn. We should NEVER bow to mob rule...EVER. That's akin to negotiating with terrorists.
shareYet no one rioted when the illegal immigrant who murdered Kate Steinle got off. That’s the difference between the left and right, the right doesn’t riot when they don’t get their way
shareThat’s the difference between the left and right, the right doesn’t riot when they don’t get their way
The capital riot happened because of voter fraud, sure it wasn't the right course of action but you can understand why it happened. The BLM/Antifa riots are happening because the left is lying and perpetuating false narratives about racism. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have their fingerprints all over this, they both should be impeached and then prosecuted.
shareSo what you said was untrue then? The right has rioted before.
shareIt was because of voter fraud and I never said I condoned it. Also the left riots far more than the right. When Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal immigrant who then got off completely and then the scumbags lawyer lectured us on how we treat illegal immigrants there were no riots.
shareYou said that is the difference between the right and the left, the right does not riot when they don't get their way. That is your quote verbatim. I never said you condoned it. Point is what you said was a false statement.
shareIt’s not a false statement , it was far more than just not getting their way, it was because the entire election process is corrupt. That is a really big deal and I denounced it the day it happened but you can understand where they are coming from
shareKey word far more, but part of it was because they did not get their way. It is a false statement. No side is above rioting, just as no sex, race or political affiliation is exempt from corruption or wrongdoing. That was a generalization and false statement made by you. It indicated a certain affiliation is less likely to do something corrupt. I would not say that about any side because it boils down to the individual. I denounce rioting as well, not once have I ever justified hurting innocent people. I can understand many reasons why people do bad things but it does not mean I condone it. You understanding where they are coming from makes no difference.
shareThat’s what I said, rioting no matter what is wrong but the capital riot was about far more than just not getting their way. The left actively searches for excuses to riot. Biden and Harris’s have blood on their hands and need to be held accountable.
shareDoes not matter they still rioted, which shows they are not above it like you attempted to imply.
shareI said the left riots when they don’t get their way, which is true. The capital hill riot was about far more than the election results , it was about the integrity of the election process which is a very serious matter
shareYour post was not just about the left, you attempted to paint the right in a higher light. Now you are attempting to make it appear you did not do that. Let me post your quote again verbatim.
That’s the difference between the left and right, the right doesn’t riot when they don’t get their way
I’ve already clearly explained the difference, if you don’t understand by this point then it’s your own fault
shareInteresting that there is zero evidence of any voter fraud, yet you claim that the Jan 6th riot was about election integrity and not just a bunch of pissed off white guys who didn't get their way.
shareIt’s an objective five fact there was voter fraud, dead people literally voted for Joe Biden. Also the fact that you had to bring race into this is only showing your own prejudice and hate.
shareAnd yet the dozens of elections lawsuits Trump filed were tossed out for being without merit. Got any reputable links to these "objective facts"?
Since you are citing cases that got thrown out George Zimmerman was acquitted for the death for Trayvon Martin as it was a justifiable, self defense. So should the left apologize for the smear campaign they launched against him? If Derek Chauvin is acquitted shouldn’t Biden and Harris be impeached for spreading a false narrative?
Before I concede to anything relating to Trump you need to call for the impeachment and prosecution of every single liberal congressman who claimed “Trayvon was hunted down like a rapid dog” and MSNBC should be banned and censored for selectively editing his 911 call
The lefts rhetoric in cases like this lead to the creation of BLM who are responsible for multiple assaults, vandalism and murder
EDIT: Also just to be honest, kid. You have already proven that you are a racist so talking to you is honestly beneath me. I don't have to justify my opinion to anyone who sees people as skin colors.
No you simply misspoke and got called on it. Carry on though.
shareThey'll be talking about the Capitol 20 years from now...how pathetic.
shareThe libtards are very pathetic, they think the rules don’t apply to them. I actually heard a liberal talk show host say that the unarmed woman killed by police on Jan 6 deserved to die because she was a Trump supporter. She definitely will not receive the outrage that libtards express whenever a thug is killed by the cops, justifiably or not
shareYou mean the unarmed woman who appeared ti be leading the charge at one point at the Capitol Riot? The one with dozens of others behind her as she was climbing through a window? The one who was warned repeatedly by a Capitol office not to come any further or he would fire? The one who was one hall away from the room where lawmakers were certifying the Electoral Vote for the President of the United States?
Over the years, lone individuals much further away from a potential target such as the President, Vice President, etc., have been shot in and around the Capitol Building. No one complained about those incidents being excessive use of force until a certain loud-mouthed, incompetent liar became President.
Except libtards bitch and moan about police shooting thugs and criminals yet here we have an unarmed woman who was shot by police and instead of advocating for her they actually said she deserved to die because she was a Trump supporter. Disgusting on all levels and if she were black your attitude would take a complete 180 because you are a racist
Also get off your pedestal, the left loves rioting , heck Chauvin was found guilty on all counts and they still rioted. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and Waters have their fingerprints all over this and should be impeached
no, they said she deserved it because she was leading a violent revolt against duly elected lawmakers certifying an election
shareYet thugs who lead violent revolts against our police and innocent civilians are glorified and portrayed as victims.
She was unarmed and was shot by the cops, at the very worst she was trespassing. So basically if a Trump supporter trespasses they deserve to die, but if a white cop stops a black criminal from killing someone then the criminal is the victim and the cop is a racist bigot. If a cop protects himself from attempted murder by a BLM thug then the cop is a racist bigot. Thugs and terrorists who burn our cities are "peaceful" and "civil rights movements" yet Trump supporters who trespass in the Capitol deserve to die and the politicians who they supported apparently deserve to be impeached, typical libtard logic. If libtards had any credibility they would be protesting for her as well and demanding the impeachments of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Waters and Schumer but they aren't because they are biased and blind slaves to their cult. And I heard two libtard talk show hosts say that she deserved to die for supporting Trump. Yet at the same time you have the nerve to condemn police who saved a young girls life from an attacker about to stab her. Step out of your libtard bubble and come back to reality.