To make the elites feel better about using it? Thought it was suppose to put a stop on the war on drugs yet nothing's really changed... Not only that, the illegal pot farms are also harming the ecosystem around it with its hazardous banned pesticides and herbicides.
The taxes in California will always have a underground operation. You don't have to pay immigrants minimum wage or social security. You don't have to pay tax to the goverment for money you make either.
Only few retailers have the monopoly on them and that's the bigger corp industries. Mom&Pop type small shops get pushed out because they can't compete.
I agree. The idea is legalizing it reduces the amount of profit a single seller makes, but then they changed the rules so that there are few sellers who make a lot of profit.
This is a great illustration of how "free markets" and unfettered capitalism gets perverted to serve the rich and powerful. People start throwing out "Socialism !" but my god, the average person is getting left behind because of how rich people will manipulate every opportunity they have to wring more $$ out of people without the least concern for communities and individuals.
Is legal pot an avenue for Mom & Pop to start up a business? Probably not.
The only points pointing towards legalization are the racist implications
Blacks are arrested more for weed and liberal Democrats dont like that.
If black people like to smoke and sell weed so much let's make it part of a reparation agreement.
Black people given financial aid to start weed stores.
One big reason to legalize would be to allow federal funding to better research the many benefits of medicinal weed. But the gov, fda and big pharm would rather you take a synthetic pill for depression/anxiety than a natural edible.
Poison Ivy is natural, it doesn't make it healthy. There's absolutely nothing "natural" about the COVID-19 vaccine... but I'm not a loon pot head who is scared of vaccines. Pot isn't going to cure cancer, pot isn't a panacea... pot just makes you feel loony. Heck, look at Elon Musk, pot head who calls HEROES pedophiles and makes absurd claims that have no evidence backing them.
If it wasn't for the engineers and scientists working for him, Elon Musk would be known only as "that retard who is scared of getting vaccinated." Musk is the world's most well known idiot, and the fact he smokes pot only makes him dumber.
Also, I've often questioned the profitability of this market. It's called "weed" for a reason, it's not that hard to grow. I'd guess the only profitable market is people that buy "Skinny Girl" bottled cocktails...
So California wants to make this profitable/taxable.
Also, Anheuser Busch, Diageo, etc., need their profits...
If weed is legal, you won't see any black market. You don't see a weed black market in Nederlands. Why? Because it makes no sense to buy some shit in the street when you can go to a coffee shop, pick the type you want and get good quality.
If there's a black market, the only explanation is that it's "legal" (with quotes). For example, it could be "technically legal", but in practice nobody gets the license to produce or sell it.
No idea about what happens, but be aware that there's legal and "legal".
You're right. Federally illegal, only state legal, not all states support it. Combine that with high taxes + over regulation + pot being more expensive to buy legal than illegal + sanctuary city + Democrat policies = You get the problems you see today there. Vicious cycle.
Quality control and safety issues, just like the alcohol industry has. I've seen some pretty questionable weed in my days, so it's great to be able to buy something that I know is free of mold, insects and certain pesticides.
Its also nice to be able to grow and not worry about your door being kicked in and arrested. Legalization in certain States is somewhat new, so there is still a supply and demand issue, which leads to high prices and subsequently a black market. Give it time. I mean, there is still a black market for booze, but the demand is small because there are so many competing liquor stores out there. I'm assuming in years to come, it will be the same with cannabis.
I've always wanted to try vaping THC but I kept hearing stories of exploding vape pens and peoples teeth getting wrecked badly so it kept me away from it.
As for giving it time, how long? How long did it take for black market booze to die down? Licenses began being issued in 2018 so we're 3 years into this. Seems like this will continue to keep happening as long as their is cheaper alternatives. That and the Biden come ye come all.
In 1933 Prohibition was abandoned. The bootlegger did not become extinct, however. In the early 21st century, alcohol was still prohibited in a number of U.S. counties and municipalities, and bootlegging continued to thrive as an illegal business.
The exploding vapes were mostly in the early days of E-Cigarettes. If I remember correctly, it was from a specific type of battery, which the THC vapes don't even use. The technology has come a long way since then and anything from a legal dispensary will be completely safe.
Not sure, but in my opinion, it will be a slow and steady wins the race kind of thing and real change won't happen until the Feds legalize it, which is probably inevitable at this point considering the public support. I live in Massachusetts and the dispensaries are still insanely overpriced compared to Colorado, where a gram cost less than a glass of beer.
I think there will always be a black market for weed, so the best we can do is make the conditions in the legal market as best we can to make it a more viable option. I actually grew up in a dry tourist town and saw first hand the negative effects it had on the economy. People would just drive over to the next town to buy booze or eat at a restaurant with a bar. Hopefully we can learn from our past mistakes and not repeat them. Prohibition simply just doesn't work.