The insurgence is a symptom of a majority of republicans believing Biden's election was fraudulent. Just because the coup failed, it does not mean it's over. What can democrats possibly do to prevent the next one? What can they do to convince the brainwashed Trumpers that Trump lost?
Your diversion does nothing to address the problem. Its only purpose is to ignore it.
if trump followers had actually breached the capitol building and zip tied up congressmen what do you think Trump would have done
my thought is he would have walked in with a smile on his face and they rioter would say Heil trump
I think Biden would have walked in and executed everyone in the room, and then jerked off on their corpse while working his ass with a dildo.
See how stupid it sounds to play the "what if" game?
Its well known in the DC circle that Joe can't actually get it up anymore, so the idea that he could actually shoot his load on a corpse is pretty far fetched.
What would he have done? He would have declared a state of emergency, and told there American people he had no choice until we could "find out what's going on". He would have claimed he had nothing to do with the events, but that the rioters "had a point" and that the entire election should be investigated. He might even throw a few of the rioters to the wolves to make it look better. Since much of the Legislature would either be dead, in hiding, or held hostage, a quorum would be impossible. A large chunk of the legislative branch would essentially not exist at that point. The entire country would then be run by the executive branch, state governors, and some Senators. With Pence a hostage or dead, Trump could either appoint a toady as VP, or simply leave the position unfilled. The election would be sent to the state legislatures, who would have made Trump president.
Maybe the reason they wanted Pelosi so badly was that she'd be the successor if Pence wound up dangling from a rope. As I understand it, Trump's term would end on the 20th at noon regardless of whether the results were certified since he was not the winner. Nancy Pelosi would be sworn in as Acting President until special elections and/or appointments (it varies from state to state) could reconstitute the Congress. With Pence and Pelosi gone the succession passes to Mitch McConnell (yikes!). Maybe Trump figured he could count on the old toad to help declare him "legitimate" President-elect, or at least get him a redo of the swing state elections.
It was a Keystone insurrection, in a lot of ways. When you've got a motley crew like those guys things are more likely than usual not to go to plan. They went in there with zip ties to take Senators hostage but then they were looking around like ... hey, where'd everybody go? Plus they just had to stick with the covid denial, not gonna wear no stinkin' mask, so their faces were exposed for the world to see. Hell, they proudly posted videos of themselves on their own social media. So now they're being rounded up one by one.
What really gets me is how they gave interviews as if there was nothing wrong with what they were doing. Imagine bank robbers taking the same attitude and speaking to reporters standing outside. Yeah, we just went in and made a little withdrawal, is all. Arrest us? Why would the police do that? 🙃
Pretty much, there’s always an excuse when Democrats do it but when it’s anyone else it’s a threat to democracy, their outrage over this isn’t legit, they are using the justice system to further their agenda and get revenge on politicians they don’t like, it’s totally shameful and if the Republicans have an ounce of integrity they will call for the impeachment and imprisonment of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Waters and Schumer
Hey onemanarmy82, what's up? It's another right wing sock account circle jerk. Trump and his idiot worshippers are traitors to this country. Those brainwashed drones made a terminal mistake last week. The national guard and military have firepower a bunch of shitkicking rednecks can't begin to match. When Trump is out, our response won't be hamstrung from within anymore and there will be no more toleration of their bullying and violence. I'm going to enjoy watching them go down! 😎
Then there should be no toleration for the BLM and Antifa riots but I have a sneaky suspicion you are going to pathetically attempt to explain the virtue of rioting when you can benefit politically from it. Get off your pedestal it’s too little too late.
Is that form reply the best you can do? So predictable. But I am going to enjoy seeing these white nationalists and far right militias annihilated. As if a bunch of yahoos who think they're tough guys can face down the real military. 🤣
Lol I love how you weren’t even able to address my point. Thanks for admitting to your hypocrisy and double standard . Now that you’ve been outed I trust you’ll stand by your principles and demand the impeachment’s of Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Waters, etc . If not then all you’re doing is proving the OPs point.
Ha thanks you’ve proven both Satans point and my point. I don’t even have to try with you you do my job for me. Your cult obviously didn’t indoctrinate you too well in the art of debate
LOL clearly you don't because you just give up and pitch a fit as soon as you're asked to address uncomfortable truths and answer hard questions. I realize you and the rest of the libtards have your panties in a twist over this right now but whatever logic you used to excuse rioting when BLM and Antifa were doing it all last summer just use that to excuse what happened last week. I however don't have to because I condemned both of them, you however have no moral authority on this because you liked rioting when it benefitted your political agenda.
Blah blah blah, yak yak yak. Antifa is not a single organization genius. It stands for Anti-fascist. Most people who identify as Antifa are dedicated to nonviolent protest. So are most people in the BLM movement. You got a few extremist nuts, along with hooligans who didn't care about any cause just going there to raise hell, and a smattering of white supremacists who threw bottles at police and lit fires, deliberately trying to turn things violent. A lot of the serious looting was actually done by organized shoplifting rings. One especially ambitious group brought a U-Haul van and stationed lookouts with walkies to keep an eye on police. So the situation is nowhere near as simple as people like you want to make it.
I find it interesting that right wingers resent being tarred as a group by the actions of the craziest and most violent among them, yet they want to do the very same thing to the other side. The vast majority of BLM protestors did not riot or commit any acts of violence.
And you also ignore the legitimate concerns they have, as if they went out there during a pandemic for no particular reason. Even as the issue has come under intense public scrutiny a steady drumbeat of unarmed black people being killed by cops has continued. And too many of those cops escape punishment even when the video shows clearly that their response was unjustified and was essentially a summary execution. If you can't see that people had good reason to be out there raising their voices ... well that's part of the problem.
Most people who are MAGA are dedicated to nonviolent protests. MAGA stands for Make America Great Again, why would you not want to make America great? BLM and Antifa have several extremist nuts who murder policemen, innocent bystanders and destroy buildings and unlike MAGA those movements haven't had the courage to denounce the lunatics in their own movement. The vast majority of MAGA people do not riot or commit any acts of violence. You ignore legitimate concerns they have such as widespread election fraud and a government that is getting too powerful. Even as the issue has come under intense public scrutiny, a steady beat of MAGA people are assaulted and/or killed by Antifa thugs along with cops and other innocent bystanders (many of whom are underprivileged minorities who you clearly don't care about, you only care about thugs as long as they are killed justifiably or not by a white police officer). And just about all of these Antifa thugs escape unpunished (they are even glorified and bailed out by scum like Kamala Harris) even when the video shows that they clearly were rioting and assaulting innocent people. They don't even always wear masks or socially distance meaning they clearly don't care if they give anyone covid, every covid death that happens they have blood on their hands. If you can't see that the MAGA people had a good reason to be out there raising their voices....well that's part of the problem.
See how easy that was? I could easily apply the same standard to the Capital Hill riot, but I won't because I don't condone rioting, but you shouldn't have a problem with it. Violence is violence, it's never acceptable, you are a piece of garbage, you clearly condone rioting but then when it happens the other way you piss your pants and throw a hissy fit. You are a blind, partisan libtard only interested in scoring cheap political points and it doesn't matter a damn to you how many people get killed in the process. If BLM/Antifa had the courage to police their own movement I might give them the time of day but as it stands now they are terrorist movements based on lies and misinformation spread by the DemoKKKrats. I have asked you repeatedly for "evidence" that you claim justifies the BLM/Antifa terrorism and all you have given me are assumptions and appeals to your own ignorance. You are a complete scumbag and a joke and I feel sorry for you if you actually mean what you say. The more you talk to the more you prove the OP's point you pathetic libtard.
Lots of false equivalences there. Antifa is NOT a single organization. How many times do I have to say it? And how many people on the left have killed Trump supporters? I can only remember one off the top of my head, Michael Reinoehl. On the other hand you have self-annointed soldier Kyle Rittenhouse, El Paso mass shooter Patrick Crusius, Poway Synagogue mass shooter John Earnest, the 14 men arrested in a plot to kidnap and kill Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, on and on and on.
The FBI and intelligence community has warned that right wing terrorism is the single greatest internal security threat the country faces. Or as the Center for Strategic & International Studies put it:
... far-right terrorism has significantly outpaced terrorism from other types of perpetrators, including from far-left networks and individuals inspired by the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. Right-wing attacks and plots account for the majority of all terrorist incidents in the United States since 1994, and the total number of right-wing attacks and plots has grown significantly during the past six years.
Right-wing extremists perpetrated two thirds of the attacks and plots in the United States in 2019 and over 90 percent between January 1 and May 8, 2020. Second, terrorism in the United States will likely increase over the next year in response to several factors. One of the most concerning is the 2020 U.S. presidential election, before and after which extremists may resort to violence, depending on the outcome of the election ...
No false equivalences at all, you are willing to make any excuse in the book for rioting as long as it suits your particular political agenda and you'll even encourage it but then when it happens on the other side you immediately put on this self righteous virtuous act about how it's terror. It's terror in both situations but instead of standing up for what's right you just follow the DemoKKKrat talking points and you clearly sold your soul and your morality/character to them. I have posted multiple articles about Antifa assaulting and instigating riots at MAGA ralliess (also not an actual organization) but clearly you are too stupid to read. Antifa and BLM have murdered multiple people including a St. Louis Police Captain, a toddler in a stroller and attempted to block the entrance to a hospital so an ambulance carrying 2 wounded police officers couldn't get through all while chanting "we hope you die". Even the Nazis allowed medics to carry wounded soldiers off the field, BLM and Antifa are even lower than the Nazis. Hell a crazed Bernie supporter actively tried to murder a group of republicans and shot Steve Scalise . BLM and Antifa have both said they want cops to be murdered, a BLM spokesman said he would burn the country to the ground until the police were defunded (which makes Pelosi’s sudden moral outrage about the deaths of police officers beyond shallow). Again whatever excuses you made when BLM and Antifa were doing it just apply that logic to the capital hill riot or join the effort to impeach Biden, Harris , Pelosi, waters and sanders but I have a feeling you’ll do neither because you are a partisan coward
You're not even a challenge. All you do is spit back right wing talking points. The only thing I'll agree with you on is, MAGA is not an official organization. Of course I never said it was. Wearing a red hat doesn't automatically enroll you as a member in anything. Neither does wearing a shirt that says Black Lives Matter.
Some of those dead people were killed by police you know. Others were killed in confrontations with unknown individuals in the crowd. Two officers who died were shot by burglars unaffiliated with the protests, simply using them as cover for their robbery.
I never said there was no violence among BLM and Antifa protestors, only that it was the exception not the rule. There is A LOT MORE VIOLENCE on the right than on the left. They are by far the most prolific perpetrators of terrorist attacks and seditious plots. Are you going to defend those insurrectionists who were going to kill members of Congress, tried to hunt down Nancy Pelosi and other specific targets, and were even chanting "Hang Mike Pence!" - talk about karma being a bitch, after four years as Donald Trump's little lap dog that's the gratitude he gets! 🤣
I don't even have to try with you, you just prove my point by yourself, by now I'm just here for entertainment but at the same time I want to study and understand the mind of a libtard.
I never said there was no violence among MAGA, only that it was the exception not the rule. There is A LOT MORE VIOLENCE among Antifa and BLM than MAGA. They rioted all summer and as of now you have pointed to one legit MAGA riot. The difference is though is that I've had the courage to denounce the MAGA riot while you on the other hand have made excuses and poorly thought out justifications for BLM and ANTIFA's terror, you are a coward and you have worn out your moral authority and sanctimony on this issue (and alot of other things). Also quit trying to quantify violence, not only is it grossly disrespectful but it's also pointless because I actively called out and denounced violence on both sides, you however are playing partisan politics with people's lives and that's the discussion here, genius.
Strawman I said repeatedly that I denounced both the capital hill riot and the BLM/ANTIFA riots, if you aren't going to debate honestly then go crawl back into your safe space. Are you going to defend BLM blocking the entrance to a hospital so that an ambulance couldn't get in while chanting "we hope you die", are you going to defend the murder of David Dorn, Davall Gardner Jr and countless others.
You are not legitimate, you are a blind libtard and a slave to the DemoKKKrats. You don't even have the courage to call out terror when it's terror while I on the other hand do, you don't have any shred of decency or character and you are a sad, pathetic little boy who's up way past his bedtime.
Are you going to defend BLM blocking the entrance to a hospital so that an ambulance couldn't get in while chanting "we hope you die", are you going to defend the murder of David Dorn, Davall Gardner Jr and countless others.
Really wish he would have even attempted to answer these questions you asked...the hypocrisy of some of the people on here is unbelievable. The fact that so many of our liberal friends on here are calling for everyone’s heads about the Capital Hill riot, and are right back on the fascist “ban and censor everything” train, while in the same breath flat out refusing to acknowledge ANY wrongdoing or similarities with the summer BLM riots...just astounds me. I give up trying to reason with these people. They have no logical response. They just lump everyone who disagrees with them into a group and bust out the common generalizations “Trumper, trumpist, etc.” without even trying to make any point.
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He wouldn’t because he knows he can’t defend it, he attempted to justify the BLM riots but as soon as I shot that down he went straight to his usual tactic of flaming. It’s almost as if they aren’t even trying to hide their hypocrisy anymore they are establishing two sets of rules for people based on race and political ideology and it’s very disturbing , this is what people do in China
If you've got nothing of substance to say in reply to your other sock account, at least riddle me this: why does a troll always need to have the last word? In this case, badly enough to talk to himself using two of his usernames.
Believe it or not and I know this is hard for a fragile little snowflake to believe: more than one person actually doesn’t like Biden. And you quit posting anything of substance a long time ago, also it takes two to play the game, junior
You gotta vary the writing style, man. Otherwise people can tell it's you. There is nothing quite as sad and pathetic as someone who needs to log in under a different name to back himself up! 🤣
I was a member of IMDb for 12 years until they deleted the message boards. I’ve been on this site since it opened with the same name as I had on IMDb. I’m nobody’s sock puppet dick bag. Believe it or not, not everyone agrees with your bullshit hypocrisy.
Then why do you talk EXACTLY like onemanarmy82-MovieChatUser497? 🤪
You have to vary the writing style. Otherwise it's plain as day your posts were written by the same person. The fact that you've been a troll for that long is sad. Spawning multiple accounts to troll for that long is truly pathetic. How meaningless is your existence?
Why do I write exactly like another poster on here??? Everyone writes exactly the same moron. They’re called words. Why do you sound exactly like the mouthpiece of Doggiedaddy or Melania'sMirror, the former liberal extremist toolbags on this site? Are you their sock account? See, I can deflect like that too.
You’re a hypocrite and have an overall horrible view on everything going on. I remember having another conversation with you a while back...I think I just labeled you “The socialist”. The time wasted trying to talk logic with you wasn’t worth it then, and it’s not worth it now.
Another standard evasion, I could totally lay out a logical argument to support my position but I'm not going to bother. Riiiight. 🤭
Come on, don't play dumb (I realize it's not much of a stretch). People don't all write the same just because writing involves words. That's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while.
This is typical snowflake behavior, they think it's impossible for more than one person to disagree with them and therefore it must be the result of sock accounts, you are at least the third person he has accused of being my sock. He lives in a very privileged, sheltered bubble and he needs to grow up.
You need to work harder at varying your writing style, so every account's posts aren't obviously the work of one person. Your style is unique enough that a term or two none of the other ones use isn't enough to disguise the commonalities. Put a little effort into it man!
LOL, in your fragile, privileged snowflake mind anyone who disagrees with you must be: A) A cultist, B) stupid, C) someone else's sock. Grow up and get over yourself, you really aren't that important.
Oooh ... hit a nerve, did I? I'm on the lookout for other accounts that clearly mirror your writing style. For the ones I know about already, I can pick examples from each account that are nearly mirror images of each other. Especially when you get angry, every account of yours goes ballistic the same way. It's pretty distinctive. Do yourself a favor. Don't quit your day job and apply for a position at the CIA. You'd make a terrible spy.
Can it with your conspiracy theories and come back to reality, if that’s even possible. Why would you think you hit a nerve when I was clearly laughing at you in the previous post? Please tell me you aren’t that stupid
You know, it's funny: you say I'm not that important and yet ... you gotta have the last word! You can stop replying anytime. If I'm so unimportant just turn away. But you can't. Because you're following that playbook. Always make sure you get the last word. Right?
Honestly I'm just here for entertainment by this point, you have completely given up on having a civilized, intelligent conversation. I just enjoy putting you in your place.
You have yet to do it so far. But you keep replying, because this is what right wing shills do. It's part of the playbook they're given, like the script a telemarketer follows. That's why no matter how many times I reply, you'll reply. Gotta have the last word! Always the last word.
So how about this? I'll keep replying forever ... until the mods delete this entire thread, like they did last time we went on and on. Then it won't matter anymore who had the last post right before it vanished.
If you're capable of not responding, let's see it. You're not though.
You see there you prove my point, you are totally oblivious to how badly you've been owned, again I don't even have to try here you do the job for me hahahahahahahahaha.
Just once I'd like to run into someone who supports Trump and can actually offer an intelligent argument for their position. But then ... what would that be? It's no coincidence his biggest fans are the most ignorant elements of our population.
HAHAHAHAHA, you've not offered a single intelligent argument other than "you're a cult member", "Trump is Hitler", blah blah blah.(Edit: I am not implying those are intelligent arguments) I have literally demolished your pathetic excuse of an argument and you immediately retreat to playing the victim and your claim that it's just not an intelligent argument which is just a pathetic attempt to get out of the discussion while salvaging as much dignity as possible. Get over yourself son, you're not nearly as smart or as virtuous as you think you are. A double standard has been presented to you and you refuse to address it because you know that it's true and that you are a blind, partisan, DemoKKKrat hypocrite. Instead you deflect and attempt to cowardly weasel your way out of it.
Are you sure you don't need a rabies shot? That foaming at the mouth doesn't seem healthy. And oh my god, most movie theaters don't do as much projection in a year as you've crammed into one post!
I don't claim to be a model of perfect virtue. I am a hell of a lot smarter than you, though. Not that that's an especially high bar to clear. 😳
Not foaming at the mouth at all, I don't let this stuff give me TDS and in need of therapy like the libtards do, I just move on with my life. And that's pretty pathetic if my paragraph long statement was too much for your tiny brain to handle. You are neither virtuous nor smart, you are just a sad, deluded libtard cultist who has a superiority and a persecution complex. You are a whiny toddler throwing a temper tantrum but what's really scary is that our actual elected leaders share your evil, childish mentality and they have actual power which is why we need to immediately impeach and prosecute Biden, Harris and Pelosi. Going by the DemoKKKrat standard that should happen immediately but I'm sure the slimy bastard will find a way out of it and I'm sure the DemoKKKrats will not stand up for what's right.
I gave a succinct response. You responded like a triggered methhead, with a rambling diatribe in which you accuse me of throwing a temper tantrum. Whatever you say man. 🤪
LOL I presented you with facts and you immediately threw a temper tantrum, libtards and creationists seem to get very pissy pants whenever anyone asks them hard questions.
You've barely managed to ask me any coherent questions. If by hard, you mean it's a challenge deciphering what the hell you're talking about, okay - I guess those qualify as "hard questions".
I asked you several questions and you immediately threw a hissy fit and attempted to salvage the bare minimum of dignity with pathetic excuses of personal insults.
You want a definition of hissy fit? just go back and read the majority of your posts and you'll have your answer. Seriously do I really need to spoon feed you everything?
Since you asked though here you go: Are you sure you don't need a rabies shot? That foaming at the mouth doesn't seem healthy. And oh my god, most movie theaters don't do as much projection in a year as you've crammed into one post!
I don't claim to be a model of perfect virtue. I am a hell of a lot smarter than you, though. Not that that's an especially high bar to clear. 😳
Here's another: You're babbling like an idiot. What does any of that mean? Do you have the faintest idea what you're actually saying?
You refused to debate anything I said previously and instead tried to scare me away (unsuccessfully) with poorly thought out personal attacks and flaming. You are no different from creationists, whenever I ask them hard questions about their God they also get super defensive, take a stress pill and get a grip on yourself little man.
Here onemanarmy82, I'll do it for you since it's obviously too complicated.
1) Just once I'd like to run into someone who supports Trump and can actually offer an intelligent argument for their position. But then ... what would that be? It's no coincidence his biggest fans are the most ignorant elements of our population.
2) Are you sure you don't need a rabies shot? That foaming at the mouth doesn't seem healthy. And oh my god, most movie theaters don't do as much projection in a year as you've crammed into one post!
I don't claim to be a model of perfect virtue. I am a hell of a lot smarter than you, though. Not that that's an especially high bar to clear. 😳
3) I gave a succinct response. You responded like a triggered methhead, with a rambling diatribe in which you accuse me of throwing a temper tantrum. Whatever you say man. 🤪
4) You've barely managed to ask me any coherent questions. If by hard, you mean it's a challenge deciphering what the hell you're talking about, okay - I guess those qualify as "hard questions".
So which part has that red faced, angry feel to it?
On the other hand, we get this from you:
Not foaming at the mouth at all, I don't let this stuff give me TDS and in need of therapy like the libtards do, I just move on with my life. And that's pretty pathetic if my paragraph long statement was too much for your tiny brain to handle. You are neither virtuous nor smart, you are just a sad, deluded libtard cultist who has a superiority and a persecution complex. You are a whiny toddler throwing a temper tantrum but what's really scary is that our actual elected leaders share your evil, childish mentality and they have actual power which is why we need to immediately impeach and prosecute Biden, Harris and Pelosi. Going by the DemoKKKrat standard that should happen immediately but I'm sure the slimy bastard will find a way out of it and I'm sure the DemoKKKrats will not stand up for what's right.
Yikes. Time to wipe that drool off your chin. Say it, don't spray it. 😆 reply share
LOL, are you seriously suggesting that your emoji means more than your words? Typical libtard logic. Also I don't know who onemanarmy82 is.
Honestly if this is the best you can do we need to just dismiss your case right now. Chill out and take some citalopram, we don't want you getting worked up too badly.
Of course you know. It's one of your other sock accounts. You really need to do a better job creating distinctive writing styles for each one, so people can't tell it's the same fool talking.
I have no idea what you're talking about but if that's what you have to tell yourself after the savage beating you've received to be able to sleep at night, OK little boy, you do you.
LOL I won a long time ago, the ref called the match during the last encounter but he just never stopped me from bashing your face in while you lie unconscious on the floor of the ring.
I mentioned that once. Next time you're in Mordor, stop by and check it out. Throw some coins in the donation basket. Trump's going to need every cent for his legal fees!
Try applying the standards you set for other people to yourself, I don't think you'll like what you see, but I doubt you will because you're afraid to.
Neither are true, it's not too complicated you are just so far up your own butt you don't realize your obvious hypocrisy. I really could not have made this any clearer
Just trying to give you a little friendly advice. Again you won't apply the standards you set for others to yourself, you are literally repeating yourself yet you accuse me of having a repetitive writing style or whatever.
Hold on bud back it up just a tad. Maybe I should clarify I think rioting over something trivial is silly. I just hate when people who had nothing to do with an act of wrongdoing get caught in the crossfire. Maybe I misspoke. Sorry if I came off that way. Do not take me for some blind follower.