MovieChat Forums > Politics > Has ANY good come from

Has ANY good come from

"progressives" insistence politics be a part of every day life like at work and sporting events?

Now you've got freaks protesting in department stores: or losers driving boats/cars around to worship their cult leader. Liberal started this crap, now they complain because the other side is doing it too.


Progressives are the dregs of society.

A smug arrogant group lead by compassion and zero common sense.

Intelligence, experience, education not important for top positions.

Being the first female, the first foreign born, the first transgender that's what fits the bill for these wackos


Don't forget that they like to be paid with YOUR hard-earned money!


This should be a bumper sticker.


They had to overcome more obstacles. You know, people like you.


I'm not fan of progressives, AT ALL, but freaks yelling at retail employees when asked to wear masks, marching in Kohls, or hosting Trump parades aren't exactly any more rational.


For a good part of the twentieth century, blacks could be denied service at restaurants and hotels.

Social Security was a progressive thought when it first came out, so was Medicare/Medicaid.

Any politician who would think of putting forth a bill to remove these laws would be a one termer.




Yeah strangely, many people didn't want the social security program when it came out. It was considered forced savings and kind of communist.

People also believed in the first half of the 20th century, that businesses had a "American right" to deny blacks (or anyone)services if they wanted to. In the southern states in the 1950's many restaurants on the interstate would not serve blacks.

A great example of this attitude was scene in the movie Giant (1956).


Are you lost or something? You keep replying to my posts, but seem to be commenting on something someone else said.


Changing aspects of everyday life IS part of a active political discourse, which is the point (historically) I was trying to give you. Sometimes messy, but always American.

Complacency, the attitude of "fuck it" is what we should fear.


Very succinctly...Medicare is one of the worst, if not the worst boondoggles put on the American people. We pay into FICA all our working days, reach 65 and yippee we’re eligible for Medicare! The main problem is...Medicare pays diddly squat! It was the genesis of medical costs skyrocketing!


Economist have figured that people are taking out of it more then they are putting in.

I concur wholeheartedly that medical costs are out of control.

The only way I could figure out beating it is to invest in a mutual fund that specializes in health care stocks (it has a good dividend!)


Smart move investing in healthcare. The doctors are selling their practices to conglomerates or just retiring. We invested in oil in the 80’s and lost it all in 2008? My husband took care of the investments. My mom left me Suntrust & Mattel. Look where Mattel is today! A big fat loser. It used to pay good dividends so I purchased another thousand. Bad move because now we don’t rcv benefits any longer. Some say sell, some say hold. As soon as it gets back to where I purchased...I’m selling!

I’m older than most of you on this board so I’ve witnessed gainers & losers. I just heard from someone who gained 30% on Vanguard I.T. I swear! If I didn’t have bad luck...I wouldn’t have any luck at all!

Medical costs, college tuition, home insurance has hit the roof. Why? Because our government got into the insurance business. People who had good insurance before Ocare no longer have the good coverage. There was a day, I lived it, if you needed to see a doctor and didn’t have insurance, the doc still saw you and you could make payments. No longer.

When Trump came into office he signed away the individual mandate. Biden is going to put it back on the table. Before Ocare young healthy people could get a hospital plan which covered you if you needed to be admitted. I had one in my 30’s due to not being able to afford the dependent insurance. My husband was fully covered from his job. Mine was a good policy because it even covered in office surgery! I paid a little over a $100 a month with a 20% co-pay. This is the individual mandate. Later as his income rose we were able to pay for dependent coverage.

Flash forward: Ocare passed. We were paying a little over $900 a month which included the Medicare premium plus the Retiree Cigna plan, health, dental, vision, drugs were covered. When Ocare passed any plan written had to cover a mandatory 10 points. As a result our premium shot up to over $2,000 a month! Of course we had to drop out. I have no drug plan!


Economist have figured that people are taking out of it more then they are putting in.

This is the end result of mass-media promoting degeneracy and instant gratification, rather than promoting health and delayed gratification.

The former leads to health problems, and causes the drains on the healthcare system we suffer with today.


No. Progressives are the worst. I’m glad other people are finally starting to push back against them and their insanity.


No, the Vanderbuilt Football team brought on soccer player Sarah Fuller as for some reason they had to force the idea that Women can play football with Men. Men and women are physically, mentally and emotionally different. No woman has any business playing a violent sport like football with men who are in some cases two or three times their size. It would be barbaric towards women and its part of the left's war on men as a monolithic group.


When the US crumbles to the ground they will have succeeded. They are not alone.


Not true. Pubs started this crap decades ago by ignoring social issues and catering to Whites and Wealthy, total identity politics. While Dems have been working hard to help the poor and disenfranchised be recognized, pubs just chuckled up their sleeves and claimed that they needed to bootstrap themselves while tilting all the economics in their own favor.
Add in the woeful state of public education, at pubs urging, we have a lot of people who don't understanding what sober critical thinking is, on both sides.


They kinda still do to some degree but in a more inert form or subconscious one where they don't know they're doing it. I watch Crowder, PJW, Fox News and the likes and you notice some of this stuff when you watch both sides like I do as with the radical stuff the left does as well.


What's "not true"?

"Pubs" are more charitable than their liberal counterparts. That's a fact. I've worked in nonprofit for 18 years. There's been many articles about it too:


I suspect Snepts blows donkey while saying anything he can to support his liberal snowflake pals, regardless of facts or truth. I've pointed out his BS with undeniable facts and he just quietly slithers back to his mom's basement like the beaten dog that he is, but never admits he's full of shit. I'd just ignore.


One thing I don't do is bring up donkey or Mom's basement and slithering and all the pointless BS that distracts from the issue that pubs are simply mean and insular and tribal. I see it here everyday, people talking made up shit just to roil the water, absolutely stupid made up BS. It's like it's acceptable to lie if it supports your side. So we get Dems started this and that and it's total BS. Dems don't need baseball caps with MAGA to have a conscience about the direction the country needs to go in.


Tax Freedom Day in 1979 was April 22.

It's come later every year since.




Dwight Eisenhower appointed Potter Stewart to Supreme Court October 1958. Ever since, majority of USSC has been GOP appointed Justices.

Roe v. Wade was a 7-2 decision, 5 of 6 GOP in favor (Renquist lone GOP dissent)

Since Roe, GOP has appointed 11 Justices, Democrats 4.

(If we just look back at the Casey decision in 1992, GOP had 6 appointments to 0 Dems, and they already had Renquist and Byron White to start.)
