MovieChat Forums > Politics > Has ANY good come from

Has ANY good come from

"progressives" insistence politics be a part of every day life like at work and sporting events?

Now you've got freaks protesting in department stores: or losers driving boats/cars around to worship their cult leader. Liberal started this crap, now they complain because the other side is doing it too.


Has any good come from the alt-right's insistence that Obama was born in Kenya?

Now you've got freaks protesting that an election which was legitimately won by a democrat was a conspiracy cooked up by China, Germany and Hugo Chavez.

The alt-right started that crap on their own. Now, during a pandemic, the alt-right will downplay the seriousness of the virus yet will criticize proper mask usage, all while claiming the DNC are satanic pedophiles.

And to answer your thread's question. No good can come from progressives' push for anything when the current White House has instead chosen to cater to the people I described above.
