MovieChat Forums > Politics > Whats the first country Biden will bomb?

Whats the first country Biden will bomb?

After 4 years of no new wars,the establishment need to start again immediately! I bet on North Korea already in the first few months. Then Belarus then Iran.


Alaska !


Obama got criticized for being too soft on Russia and too soft on Iran.

Now Obama's VP is going to bomb everything?

By the way, how is Trump's proxy war with Iran going? He's been selling $100 billion in weapons to the Saudis nearly every year of his presidency. And you sit there and praise him for no new wars.

You have no ideology. Only bullshit.


You know Biden will start many wars like Obama,Bush jr,Clinton (and not Trump) did. Thats what the establishment wants.


You're going to have to do better than looking into the crystal ball you pulled from your ass.


If you would be intellectually honest and not supporting the Dems like you support your baseball team,you would admit is true. America always do new wars,thats how America works,thats what the establishment asks to their presidents to do.


Show me anywhere in Biden's campaign where he says he wants to start a war.

If you can't then you are being intellectually dishonest.

Repubs start the wars. Dems either go along with them or end them. Dems starting new wars is a fallacy and you damn well know it.


Damn you are so biased it hurts


sorry we want evidence, facts and proof.


Right he is basing it off his groups history.

If. Biden wins , wars and less safety agin in America.

4 years of quiet and safety under trump.

Not a Democrats priority.
Using tax payer money from transgender surgery.. now that's important.


No, he ran away because he had nothing.


I don't get it..he ran away ?


I don't get it..he is basing it off his groups history?


They want everything heads they win tails you lose.

like you said obama was too weak on terrorism, but he was also a warmonger and trump isnt.

they say Obama was weak negotiating with the Iran deal and others, but Also trumps the best for talking to North Korea.

Obama made the US look weak militarily, but also hes a Warhawk who attacked everything


Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona



I think they will attack Belarus next Spring,then North Korea probably in the Summer. About the Middle East,probably in 2022


Biden will be too busy bombing the USA to bomb any other country.


"The establishment", LOL! When did Trumpers turn into Bernie Bros?


You really know nothing,dont you? Trump has always been the real anti-establishment guy. Bernie Bros are just dumb if they trust Bernie who is like Biden,many years in politics and no achievements at all.


The left is the establishment.

The right is the counter-culture.


Uh huh.


There are Repubblicans who are establishment too


put back on your tinfoil hat and turn off info wars...


He says hes been Fully Overlooked!? This massivley obese man is boo hoo ing.
