MovieChat Forums > Politics > The Curious Phenomenon of Trump Hatred

The Curious Phenomenon of Trump Hatred

Hate is a pretty severe emotion, it's an extreme sentiment of rancor and bloodlust. You hate people who threaten your survival or identity in some way.

Hate is deeply personal. A woman gets mugged by some trashy sub-human, for example, then that woman is entirely justified in hating him and people like him. Because this is hatred's proper place, to facilitate the destruction of the wicked. No sane person would begrudge her killing him if she had the chance; this is the natural order of things. The only people who don't understand this are bad people, or those who have never had to struggle in life.

But a politician? Sure, I dislike some. Obama said some dodgy things about small businesses, and why they don't deserve more support. George Bush Junior seemed a bit weird and unpleasant. The retards who want to let sociopaths out of prison en masse because of some profoundly misguided sense of justice, yeah fuck them.

But I do not HATE these people. Far from it.

People HATE Trump, and I've seen it with my own eyes. And these aren't peckerhead college students, these are company presidents and other successful people.

What genocide has Trump committed? Whose daughters has he raped? Whose houses has he burnt down? Whose children has he murdered?

People appear to hate Trump not for his evil acts, but because he somehow poses a colossal threat to their sense of identity. This doesn't make any sense and I don't respect it.

What is going on? I've always known that Trump is, like, a lot of people's personal boogeyman, but I don't know why. I think it's that he sort of calls out selfish, crybully assholes for what they are, and the shout-down tactics that work on everyone else don't work on him. But still, what's important is that this hatred of Trump is literally mass hysteria. It isn't normal, and yes this takes into account what he's said and done.

Not that I'm a big fan of his. I think he's controlled opposition at the end of the day, and I mean absolutely nothing to him or people like him. But this popular hatred of him is just... retarded. FFS invest that toxic energy into hating people who actually deserve it, if you must hate at all. Had to say this somewhere


They are filled with obsessive hatred for Trump.

This is not new. They hated Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney, and now Trump.

Because they’re a a “Nazi, White supremacist, hate women, hate men, hate...” yada yada. See the pattern?

This is what the Democrat party sells. This is what the Democrat media sells. They don’t sell ideas or solutions because they don’t have any. They have hate. That’s it.

And their lemmings will hate the next Republican because that’s all they’re capable of. Nothing inspiring. No leadership.

Pay attention and watch for yourself. You’ll see.



It’s very simple : most people dislike criminals in power


So where is your hatred for Hillary? Eric Holder? Lois Lerner? James Comey? Adam Schiff? Etc...


Trump is a man who wants to be a King.

America was founded on the clear concept of not ever having let one person have too much power.

Some people see this, others do not.

Some people just want a king and to be led. That might be just a part of human nature.


Did Obama want to be king, yes or no?


No. That was easy.


Then why did he bypass congress with an executive order to pass DACA if he respects the segregation of powers?


Dems hate history and facts I have learned over the years.


I’ve noticed. I’ve also noticed his lack of a response too. Such hypocrisy.


Bow to your king.


Are you bitter that Obama is no longer your king?


LOL Hilarious. And dumb. Sorry.


Trump said the other day that if he loses the election it’s because it was rigged.😳
I hate him Just for saying that.


To repeat the OP’s words:

“But this popular hatred of him is just... retarded.”

But, you don’t *hate* Hillary who to this day has not accepted her defeat! 🙄


Trump said the other day that if he loses the election it’s because it was rigged.😳
I hate him Just for saying that.

See this is the kind of thing that doesn't make sense to me. You not just dislike but HATE a man for saying the election is rigged if he loses? You feel animosity so overwhelming that you want, almost need to kill him? Because that's what hate is. Ridiculous overkill, in this case.

I think the elections are rigged too, you hate me for saying that? If so, that doesn't make logical sense. You must hate Trump for other reasons.


I’ve got a laundry list of hateful things he said also.
Never ending hate spewing forth from his pie hole!


no there isn't.

Let's take the one you mentioned, for instance. "if I lose this election, it's because it was rigged."

I read that and I'm just like, "okay, whatever."

Because that is not "hate," my friend. That is, if anything, the slightest bit douchey.

I like it because of the non-stop vitriol that has been blasted at him from the media since before he was even elected. THAT was hate. THAT was unreasonable. The endless saturation of venom aimed at him was hate. And it was stupid. It was insufferable. Experiencing that, made hatred stir in MY heart for the lemmings who are enchanted by it.

Maybe I'm a sheep myself, buying into this divide and conquer shit, but I suppose I misguidedly sympathize with Trump because I, too, am sick of receiving low-key venom for being unafraid to accept certain truths like illegal immigrants not automatically deserving benefits.


He brought it upon himself




Read his Tweets


can you think of a few of his worst and paste them here


HAHAHA. Now we have to repeat his idiocy just to show what an idiot he is?
No one is making this up. He's not slightly "douchey," and no leader of the free world should be considered slightly douchey -- unless you are one of those who start spouting off about the Clintons with fabricated lies just to muddy the waters. rump's the ultimate turnip turned into a truffle, an emperor who has no clothes, a wanna-be-somebody who has WAY too much power to play with at his whimsy.
I mean, I'd make a shitty prezident, but I'd be a hell of a lot better than mr sensitive, no one likes me except QANON and the KKK and my sycophants and family so I'll do everything I can to get back at them. Campaign contributors get cabinet jobs without any experience in the field. Sure, that makes sense ! Disgusting and deplorable.


tweets or fuck off


Can you read?


Can you debate? It's cheesy to just demand I go and do research instead of you providing the facts yourself, which I've done like three times already. Like this:

"on July 2nd, Trump tweeted 'I enjoy the act of flatulence so much that I bought a Winnebago.'" - thus discussion based on something substantial can ensue.


I hated George Bush too (still do). I never liked HC but maybe would have hated her if she became president and made decisions that needlessly led to thousands of dead Americans (like Bush and Trump have done).


Trump's not just an indecent, corrupt, mendacious demagogue whose only organizing principle is self-aggrandizement, he's a laughable fraud:


As Hunter Biden says, “Thanks Dad.”


How anyone could watch that video and still support that asshole defies basic moral principles


Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real pathology. You see it right here from people who have made hundreds, if not thousands of posts that almost ritualistically repeat the same patterns of expressing their visceral hatred for Trump and anyone who supports him.


You are whistling in the dark. And it's the faux news echo chambers that created this whole notion that people are mindlessly repeating what others say.
This is so typical of the wrong wing. They exploit all kinds of ugly tactics, then claim the other side uses them. It's like dealing with petulant teenagers. A kid acts shitty to another one, then cries, "I didn't do anything ! It's not fair !" This is exactly how the pubs operate these days. Simple, bald lies that they hope will gain traction and cover their sinful tracks.


Perfect. Thank you for providing an example of my postulate.


"Perfect. Thank you for providing an example of my postulate."



Anyone who doesn't see rump for the existential threat to humanity that he is truly doesn't get it. This guy would drop nukes just to assuage his ego. Worse, his world view is such that he would drop nukes because he has no empathy for people. He lacks perspective, he lacks intellect, he lacks positive emotion, unless you consider lust for sex, power, and admiration as a positive emotion.
Seriously, this is Kafkaesque. Things are spinning out of control and people stand by numbly shrugging their shoulders. Bad enough during normal times, we need to work hard to keep politicians in check constantly, but to allow some jerk-off like rump to call the shots is a crime against what America stands for.


Existential threat to humanity? Like how specifically? Show us you know what the hell you’re talking about.

How much in check did you keep for Obama? You allowed him to use executive power without question. You allowed him to waste tax dollars on fail projects like Solyndra and cash for clunkers.
You accepted him when he was against gay marriage. Benghazi was under his watch. Used the IRS to target right wing groups.

Stop being a blatant hypocrite, pal. You’ll look less of the shameless idiot for doing so.


Yeah, curious that everyone who knows him and those who don't know him ... most of his family and everyone else hate him. Who would not hate an idiot who thought he had all the answers and proceeded to screw up the lives of millions of people?


People that voted for Obama.


but see, you're just talking around the edges of things. I'm not psychic, and I'm not all that smart, so you need to walk me through WHY people hate him.

for instance, whatsisname, Ian Watkins, the rock star who was a serial pedo sex offender. Gloated about it. Unremorseful. HATE and BLOODLUST is the appropriate emotion to feel towards such a person.

tangentially, I wonder why he's still alive in prison


Yeah, well I would not say that describing the reactions and opinions of everyone who knows Trump is talking about the edges of things. What is it you expect to hear?


are you serious?

Are you doing that thing people do on the internet where they ask to be spoon-fed everything that they should just get on their own? Oh yeah, some random guy on the internet says that everyone who knows Trump, hates him. hmmmm sounds super legit, no corroborating and verifiable facts. And it's not like Trump is openly and mostly wrongly maligned for every little insignificant fart anyways, that asinine "grab 'em by the pussy" circus for example. Women go for powerful men. The fuck is the problem with a little locker room talk about that. Femen was a leftist group of motherless pieces of shit who openly called to "kill all men," where was the outrage around that?

By the way, what I just did is called a "specific example," which is what I expect to hear. great bait mate


How about his niece and his sister, or do you hear the news at all? How about all the people in the White House that worked with him and ended up leaving and saying he was a f-ing moron.


i listen to the news every day and didn't hear about his niece and sister or his coworkers, no. All I've heard is a lot of dumb insults that make me skeptical of anything negative anyone has to say about him.

like this one, a short search away:

just the title alone. "Trump cabinet voted to separate migrant children in 2018." Well yes, idiots, that's what happens when people break the law, the adults go into one holding pen and the children go into another to avoid the adults preying on them. Holding pens, jails, I hear they're pretty awful places. If you don't like it, don't break the law.

still waiting for that specific example.


Eight of his associates have been arrested or incarcerated.
That’s gotta be at least a little disconcerting for some folks






or do you have no argument


Do you live in a cave?


