MovieChat Forums > Politics > Police brutality isn't a race issue

Police brutality isn't a race issue

It's a power issue. Cops use their position of authority to abuse people of all colors and sex, it isn't about race. I think blacks tend to push back a little more because the media has convinced them that they are being singled out, and therefore we see more confrontations. Rest assured, they kill,beat and abuse white people all of the time too. We need police reform, not race reform. If that happens, the problem fixes itself.


Police aren't the cause of the sky high black crime rate.


Irrelevant to my comment.


Not really. Police brutality, which should be punished whenever discovered, but pales in comparison to what the public does. Do you remember the 80s and 90s? Whole campaigns about "ending the violence" and "putting down the guns". People in those communities were actually angry at the violence, because it was the #1 problem in their communities. Now it's all about "the cops" and the 0.000003% of the people they kill a year. "The black community" and white liberals who blindly defend them don't want to talk about the truth: they kill themselves more than cops ever will. This is a deflection and complete and total denial of responsibility and accountability. If we as a society can say most serial killers and mass shooters are white males, why is it taboo to admit over 50% of gun-related homicides are committed by black men?


I don't disagree at all with you, but it's a seperate issue. Yup, blacks need to start looking at themselves for the problems in their community. I'm just saying that the militarized style of police today is out of hand for everyone. Fix that, and it would be hard for black communities to use the cops as an excuse for the uncontrolled crime and violence.


How do you control modern western multicultural societies without a brutal police?

Check UK. 40 years ago, police didn't use weapons. They were usually very kind. But former British citizens didn't use to make trouble, and when they did, they used to obey police when they were reprimanded.

40 years forward, and what you have in modern UK is a multicultural and barely British society. Right now, police are armed and they're not kind anymore.

The same is happening in Sweden. Police used to be kind there. The current situation is that they can't control high immigration zones anymore, the famous 'no-go zones'. And that means that Swedish Police will stop being kind and will become brutal too, eventually.


"I'm just saying that the militarized style of police today is out of hand for everyone."

And I'm just gonna repeat the stats. Police killed 0.0000003% of the entire U.S. POPULATION last year. And you know as well as I do, they're not all - or even mostly - innocent victims. It's not only not a lot, but pales in comparison to what the public does. Do NOT complain about "how bad" one is when it's the smaller problem. It's a baseless stance.


I'm not just talking about deaths, I'm taking about their general demeanor.


Well said.


Police aren't the cause of the sky high black crime rate.

Irrelevant to my comment.

No it's not. You claimed if we had "police reform" "the problem would fix itself". You weren't clear about what "problem" would be fixed by solving the separate problem of police brutality, but presumably it had something to do with black sociology and/or racial strife given the context in the rest of your op. As long as blacks have a sky high crime rate that will be the underlying problem fueling periodic flareups. Reforms addressing "police brutality" won't fix that because police aren't the cause of black crime.


There should be a standard of behavior from police in dealing with people that applies to everyone, regardless of whatever group you are a part of. A great deal of that is police accountability, which works both ways when being accused of improprieties. These things have nothing to do with black crime rate, which I don't disagree is an issue, but it's not part of this discussion despite you trying to steer it that way


Then your op claim that "We need police reform, not race reform. If that happens, the problem fixes itself." is nonsensical. If "the problem" you're referring to isn't related at all to black crime, then it's also not related to the ongoing race riots or anything else you presumably had in mind when you posted that but failed to identify what "problem" you were referring to.


That's right. Many of them treat you based on what you represent to them; it's human nature. (Doctors do the same thing, but to a lesser extent). But the ones who are mistreated would never know this, since they have not been exposed to it.

As if I should have to be stopped riding my motorcycle more times than necessary so the cop could alleviate his boredom and/or find some dirt on me.


You nailed it with doctors. HUGE egos.


Doctors/dentists assume that you have not done research on what ails you,, and perhaps they are threatened when you tell THEM what's wrong with you instead of them discovering it. Not all are like that but they should have gratitude that they had the opportunity to be $$ doctors, instead of put -off by one thing. Well, in fairness, maybe most people have not done their own research.


Oh, that's not what I meant at all, but I can see that too. My wife's good friends husband is a doctor. I have spent a fair amount of time around him and his colleagues. I also know some through my business. All of them are a tad condescending to extremely condescending. They have an arrogance about them. I actually had one correct me when introduced him to a co-worker. It had to be Dr, not Mr. I damn near laughed in his face, but it was a $80k project, so I let it slide.


There's the arrogance and condescension too; the younger doctors seem less so. And the same with lawyers (and I'd say with other professions to some extent where the subject earned a degree).


I'm still waiting for the proof that Floyd was killed because the cop was racist.
That should have to be proven, not assumed.


He does have a bit of a history that doesn't look good, but I agree with your sentiment. Isn't the presumption that a black man who was killed by a white cop must be racially motivated, racism in itself? Also, it looks more and more like the cop didn't actually cause his death, but I'll bet a judge hangs him out like a lamb to the slaughter for fear of further riots. But, I've had enough experience with cops to know they love their position of power, and have no issues abusing it.


Did the cop wake up one morning saying to himself he was gonna go out and kill a black man?
I do see your points but from the first viewing of this recording, the masses jumped on the bandwagon that he died of racism and racism alone.
How about that other cop of color who helped hold him down? Is he racist too? Or the other minority who stood there? Are all 4 racist?

Yes, information is being suppressed. That goofball Buden who "supposedly"'did his 2nd autopsy is false. He gave his OPINION. He never touched the body. The guy is a complete quack. Look up his history. How convenient he's frequently involved in these high profile cases.


tell me: what caused the confrontation in the first place? What did Floyd do that provoked the officer?


He resisted arrest and tried to kick them when he was in the squad car, so that's when they took him out and put him on the ground. It all stemmed from Floyd trying to pass counterfeit bills.


no..dont kick. Did the cam show him kicking?


There is new footage that recently came out. It definitely show's him resisting while in cuffs, and clearly a struggle with him in the backseat. Everything went exactly as the officer's reported, even if the outcome was tragic.


Unless a civilian shot this footage, it's strange that an officer would forget another officer is filming him via their body cam, or the officer is full of adrenaline by then and doesn't imagine his actions will be scrutinized as police brutality..


It's either security camera or civilian footage, definitely not bodycam.


Burk explained it.

He wasn't being arrested for no reason. He was a criminal. Now because he's dead, 20 innocent lives are lost and many are injured. Domino effect.

(My post got doubled for some reason so I deleted it)👇🏻


But did the cops check his background history before the choke hold? (did he have a history, or no?)


I don't know.


He'd resisted arrest multiple times and was getting arrested for passing counterfeit money in this one altercation. I would imagine they had done a background check at some point, but that was already enough to escalate his detainment. It is tragic he died, but we can't ignore Floyd's roll in it.



The left assumes that because they need someone to demonize so they can make others feel like victims , it’s disgusting


It's about agency.

If its the black family of a deceased person, they aren't likely to have enough agency to hold law enforcement accountable without something going viral. The action of going viral is usually what gives them agency. The downside is the potential for anarchy.

If its the white family of a deceased person, yes, they too can not have enough agency to hold law enforcement accountable, but they are still more likely to hold law enforcement accountable without needing it to go viral in comparison to black families.


I'm glad someone sees the bigger picture.


your blind


Agreed it’s not about race. It’s about attitude.

In 2015 under a president Obama 104 unarmed blacks were killed. By 2018 it was 4. Out of 55 million arrests/tickets given a year. This doesn’t include all the police interactions that result in neither.

Compare that to deaths caused by medical screw ups. 250,000 a year.

Once again Democrats pushing mythical unmeasurable issue (systematic racism) that is not possible to fix because it doesn’t exist.


Simple! Those 4 cops are probably Trump supporters. They probably have a big poster of him on his wall and they probably bow down to him ever night.
