MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can i vote for trump without being calle...

Can i vote for trump without being called a racist?

Why do we have borders and immigration laws if we cant enforce them?


No, you can't. Which should give honest liberals pause, if there are any left.


Sure you can, as long as you don’t tell anyone about it.


You wouldn't be called a racist by fellow Trump voters.

We all have issues with various groups, but that doesn't make us villains. It's just a personal flaw we all have to deal with at some point, and it's not fair to just brand someone and ostracize them over it. That's like calling someone a future murderer just because they own a gun. Not fair at all.

For liberals to pretend they have the high moral ground, or claim that only white people can be racist, are both big fat lies. They're just as racist as anyone else, and are using the word as a weapon.


If you don't want to be called a racist, then you will not be part of the T-rumptards and Republican party. (And that's not a bad thing, you know). You're either with them, or without them - and being a racist is a badge of honor T-rumptards wear proudly.


Can you link to a single honest post in your history?


You sound retarded.


So did your original post. I figured I'd reach you on your own level.


If you think what i posted isnt happening then you are most blinded naive idiot on message boards.


Also my parents are immigrants but they came here the right way. And my wifes grandparents are japenese who were here during the concentration camps for asians. They are more patriotic then youll ever be sheep.


You think it's retarded that we have border and immigration laws and not enforce them? Seriously?

Pray tell what is the point of a law if it isn't enforced??? There's a law when it comes to murder. Is it retarded to question why we have it and don't enforce it?

Seriously, how shamelessly stupid are you, doggiedump? 🙄

Speaking of shameless, Alice the Fairy is a book you'll hold up shameless proud at all the tee-heeing you garnered from reading it. Break from your indoctrinated script for once and relish in the tee-hee time you will have. 😁


You won't be left behind, Sandman27. One good thing T-rump has done for you.


I appreciate you keeping the thread alive with your posts.

Speaking of thread, Alice the Fairy is an excellent yarn! Truly endearing story that your little girl will surely love! Don't feel omitted, doggiedump. You can purchase your very own copy and incognito via amazon too!


And this is proof from doggiedump that if you don't agree with his ilk's agenda, you're an ist/phobe. No other reason is required other than that. Proof again of ZERO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT and strictly following the indoctrinated script to a tee-hee.

Speaking of tee-hees, Alice the Fairy is available right now for a very good price! It's a daunting 40 pages long, but they are fully illustrated for your comprehension an attention span benefit. Don't deny the tee-hee time to be had!😁


you're an ist/phobe

Ha Ha I love how you just streamlined the rhetoric.



Was that post above you? Even for a person that you badger as "autistic", even I thought you should've understood that one. 😁

Speaking of badger, I don't mean to continually badger you about Alice the Fairy, but it's just such a perfect fit for you! I don't want you to miss out on all the tee-hee time to be had. I would be disappointed, but your komrades wouldn't and be jealous at the joy you would receive. 😂


Typical delusional, antifa bull shit.


You don't seem to understand what antifa is. It stands for ANTIFACISTS!!! Don't you get it???


450 pound guys are called "Tiny". Don't you get it?


If your only reason for voting for Trump is because you fear Hispanics entering the country then you're a racist and the moniker fits.

It's highly unlikely you really care about "borders and immigration laws".


I care because of all the taxes i have to pay for the link cards.


If you really care, then you would be upset that Trump hired illegals. You would be upset that his wife was working in the country illegally when she arrived.

If you really care then you would be upset about wasting billions of dollars on ineffective ways to address illegal aliens. For instance, most illegals overstay their visas - not come across the border. Yet Trump is not addressing that.

Those who were coming across the border were fleeing violence. But, Trump stopped money to help fight the crime problem which caused more people to flee.

Many seeking asylum were staying with relatives or friends until their hearings. Trump is wasting billions by placing them in prisons. $775 per person in detention each day. Add it up.

The border is another ineffective waste of money which is why the Republicans didn't fund it when they were the majority in both Houses. $25 million per mile and smugglers are already making holes even though it's "impenetrable".

You may not want to hear this, but illegals and immigrants in general are vital to the economy. Nationwide, they are 52% farmworkers, 59% plasterers and stucco masons, 55% sewing machine operators, 50% housekeeping, 50% tailors and sewing, 49% drywall and ceiling installers, 47% taxi drivers and chauffeurs, 63% beauty and cosmetology business. And illegals pay about $12 billion in taxes each year.

Unless Americans plan to have more babies pronto, then immigrants are needed to replace Baby Boomers and Generation Xers as they retire.


More stats:

"A study by Moody’s Analytics concluded that for every 1% increase in immigration, GDP rose 1.15%. That’s a 15% return on immigration. Meanwhile, widely referenced economic studies estimate that roughly 10% to 11% of U.S. GDP is supplied by immigrants. Some estimates put
the total impact as high as 15% of GDP. At current levels of economic output, even the lower 10% GDP estimate comes out to about $2 trillion a year in added GDP. It’s a surprisingly large amount, a little over $6,000 per person, and the U.S. would be far less wealthy without it."

This iinfo is supplied by my ultra-conservative investment newspaper, the Investors Business Daily.


And that shut him up. LOL!


Relax i voted for bernie and will again.


You sounded like you drank Trump's Kool-Aid. I know quite a few who say they dislike Trump but quote him, anyway. Maybe denial?


Again, being that you're happy to allow in and give illegals a free ride, you should be happy that Trump helped these illegals directly, yes?

Of course, not wanting taxes to go up is a valid reason, I ask you again komrade keelai. Open up your house personally and sponsor some yourself directly, since you are more than willing to allow them in. In the meantime, get all of your komrades to do the same since you feel so empathetic towards people coming in illegally.

Again, let me ask you the question, why don't they go to Venezuela instead? It's a socialistic country where they can benefit immediately.

They're seeking asylum? Then why are they crossing the border illegally? Go through the proper channels and wait in the back of the line like all the other immigrants FOLLOWING THE RULES. Why is it okay for them to jump the line, pray tell?

The border is an ineffective waste of money? How does that even make sense? The border is the border regardless who's President. How stupid is this?

Nobody is bitching about immigration. However, we are bitching about ILLEGAL immigration. Pray tell me you notice the difference I mentioned there.

How would you like people squatting on your front lawn and dumping their trash everywhere, using your water and taking a dump in your yard? Would you call the rozzes? And what if the rozzes say we can't do anything about it because there is no policy to do anything?

If it was made personal, then you'd change your tune. If you say it wouldn't, then again, open up your house and sponsor some illegals personally.

The flash cards, komrade. Your post once again shows your extreme lack of logic. If you played chess, you'd be unable to even think one move ahead. Because of that, these flash cards will get you on your way to understand the basic of basics in logic.






Chances are you're going to need one of them to wipe your butt during your old age.


Awesome list!

In reality, I believe most Trumpers hate illegal immigrants because of what Trump, FOX and other right wing propaganda says about them.

They talk about how illegals are "taking our jobs" and yet--do you see Trumpers clamoring to take those back-breaking, extremely low wage jobs the illegal immigrants do? I sure don't.

Also--EXCELLENT point about the overstay of Visas that Trump is doing next to nothing about. Donald makes it sound like our border wall is being invaded like Helm's Deep from The Lord of the Rings and his supporters just mindlessly believe that.

Just more proof that Trumpers wait to hear from Trump about what they should/shouldn't believe in rather than formulate real thoughts of their own.


Why is it highly unlikely he cares about border and immigration laws? I care because I live in a border state. Do you know how much state funds is used? Do you think it's all paid via federal funds?

If there wasn't a border issue, don't you think those funds could be used for something else, like state infrastructure or education? Only somebody as naive and ignorant as you can say something this stupid. But then again, it's you we're talking about.

Don't forget about the flashcards. If you can't afford it, I'll assist you with a gofundme account and maybe you'll be able to understand the basic fundamentals of logic.


"Why is it highly unlikely he cares about border and immigration laws?"

Nope, I never wrote that. You should try Rif since your reading comprehension is bad.

I give you permission to set up a gofundme page except I want to be taught math by multi-award-winning mathematician Cédric Villani in France where he lives. Je voudrais pratiquer plus de subjet en France comme la langue et la gastrinomie.


If your only reason for voting for Trump is because you fear Hispanics entering the country then you're a racist and the moniker fits.

It's highly unlikely you really care about "borders and immigration laws".

This is what you wrote just above. Duuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... I'm sure you'll edit it out now since you were too stupid and lazy to even look at your previous post. Then again, what else is new, yes?

the gofundme is only for the flash cards. Why would a mathematician want to teach you when you haven't even mastered the basic fundamentals of grade school addition? Pray tell? Again, the flash cards will reinforce the basic logic skills of 2+2 will always equal 4. Get some rocks. If you have two rocks in one hand and two in the other, if you put them together, you will have 4. Do you understand how that works? The flash cards will help.


Hallelujah brother, give em Hell. It's amazing the stupidity spewed by these idiots who obviously have not dealt with it personally. Having been raised in the Army I'm the least racist person I know and yet these morons who DON'T KNOW ME talk shit about my racist ways.
NO ONE does that to my face.


Once again you need RIF. You managed to take my quote out of context by not quoting the full text and also ignoring why the wall is irrelevant which I addressed in detail.


How did I take your quote out of context, exactly? Pray tell? You should be able to explain it since it's relatively short. I'd like to hear your explanation on this one, komrade.


I just did. RIF, cultist.


You did? Damn! You just took a major stride in being the most ignorant and stupid poster here. Now it's a 3 way race. Pray continue because I'm enthralled in the drama! 😁

Speaking of drama, you could use a break from the drama of being stupid and enjoy some tee-hee time with your komrades by viewing a read aloud version of Alice the Fairy! It is a magical story of imagination that perhaps you can gain some enlightenment.


Once again, you're incapable to sticking with the topic or adding anything of worth.


Yet calling me a cultist is sticking to the topic? You really added much to the topic! 🙄

Once again, ZERO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT proven. Flash cards keelai! Flash cards!


Once again, you prove my point.


Willful hypocrite much? But then again, it is komrade keelai.

A person that wants to force others to pay for non-payers. Thus, mooching and looting.

A person that supposedly wants a constitutional President, but CANNOT denounce Anti-Fa that regularly violates citizens 1st Amendment rights. He probably agree to mandatory gun confiscation, which is a violation of 2nd Amendment rights, and he also probably had NO ISSUE with the Kavanaugh hearings which was violation of due process rights. Of course he's said NOTHING in regards to the impeachment hearings which again did not have due process. What a hypocrite.

Oh wait! He's going to say I'm off topic.

No, you cannot vote for Trump without idiots like komrade keelai from labeling you an ist/phobe. Happy now komrade?


Why do you like him OP? He has told thousands of lies and broken many promises. I can't stand him.


Obuma told so many lies his pants caught on fire.


You've told millions of lies and you kick dogs. See, saying something doesn't necessarily make it true.


I like him because ALL the Democrats running have no viable platforms and will bankrupt the country.


You obviously have not been watching the news. . . . . . they all have platforms!


Yes. Ridiculous, unsustainable platforms.


Why do you call them rediculous??


Because they're financially unsound.


I see none of the POTUSycophants actually answered the question...Typical




Trump is so bad that even if you think the Democrats economic policies are too far to the left, it's your patriotic duty to vote for his opponent.


Thank you jacob. You just qualified for the most Ignorant post posted. Brilliantly stupid.


No shit!!! That one definitely gets today's moron award!


Vote for whoever you want. Voting for the designer of the best economy in U.S. history might be the way to go. Screw anyone who doesn't like it.
