Can i vote for trump without being called a racist?
Why do we have borders and immigration laws if we cant enforce them?
shareWhy do we have borders and immigration laws if we cant enforce them?
shareThat depends. Do you denounce his racist activities? Do you denounce him calling predominantly brown-skinned countries "Sh!tholes" while calling for more predominantly white-skinned countries to immigrate here?
Do you denounce his throwing innocent children into cages?
Do you denounce his calling Neo Nazis "good people"?
Do you support his assertion that most illegal immigrants are "criminals and drug runners"?
Do you look upon Muslims in America as a bad thing?
Do you think we should only have Christianity in America?
Are you in support of multiple religions/cultures in America?
Do you believe that American equally belongs to all races of people?
Do you want to know why people call you a racist for supporting Trump? It's because he is guilty of disparaging everything I just listed. Are you in support of those things? See, if you're not in support of them, it calls to question just what you ARE in support of. Are you just supporting Donald but cherry-picking things to like or support about him such as economy, jobs, etc?
Donald is a loaded package and most of the package consists of very bad things. If you can't understand why most people raise their eyebrows at your support of such a loaded and divisive man then there is no helping you.
PS: And I SERIOUSLY doubt most of you Trump supporters actually care at all about borders/immigration. In reality, those situations don't affect your lives in any noticeable sense and I guarantee you right now that, if Donald succeeded in building that wall, you wouldn't notice a single solitary difference in your daily life, finances, etc. Nothing. You're just looking for something to be "outraged" about. He tells you they affect our lives when, in reality, they don't. Not in any noticeable sense, at least.
For every murder by an illegal, there are thousands more murders by our own citizens. For every drug that is supposedly being pushed by SOME illegals, there are many more drugs being pushed by our own people.
The illegal immigrants aren't even a blip on the radar. Trump just tells you they're a big deal, makes a huge spectacle of it, makes it sound like we're being "invaded" and you supporters of him just gobble it all up as gospel.
So, no--you're not necessarily racist just for supporting Donald Trump but it DOES call to question what you're supporting when you cast a vote for him.
In most normal cases with any other president (Bush Jr, Obama, etc) I would say it's unfair for people to assume you're racist just for voting for a particular president. But these aren't normal times. These are "Trump Times" and Trump is anything but normal.
Over 65% of our country hates this guy. Most of the world hates this guy. Blimps of this guy depicted as a baby have been constructed, for crying out loud.
Maybe instead of complaining about people labeling you racist for supporting this guy you should actually stop and seriously consider three things:
1. Why so many people are painting that label on you.
2. Why an American majority hate him.
3. Why most of the world hates him.
In most cases, I would feel sorry for those of you Trumpers who aren't racist/maybe have legit reasons for supporting him but I don't feel sorry. Not anymore. Too much has happened. Too much blatant evil has been put on display. Too many incidents to count.
I have only one last thing to say to you: You chose to support a massively-hated, massively divisive president who has been labeled a racist by countless people. You made that decision. You and you alone. If you don't want people to tell you that you smell like sh!t then stop rolling around with the pig in his pen.
And I say all of this as an independent who usually doesn't judge people by their choice of president. Not this time, though. I'm now at a point where I honestly can't wrap my mind around how anyone could support Trump at this point, let alone not see him for the crazy and evil man he is.
After that three page tirade let me reply in this way -
Blah blah blah
Lol ;)
If you're going to try to make a point, don't use lies to do it. SMH.
shareWhat racist activities did Trump do?
I'm sorry, but many African countries are literal hellholes. If you want to move to Liberia, I'm sure we can setup a gofundme account for a one-way ticket for you.
Show me the pictures of kids in cages. You do know that Obama separated families too, yes? Hypocrite much?
Another Charlottesville cherry picker. Ignorant much? Indoctrinated much?
Being that they are illegals makes them ALL CRIMINALS. Duhhhhhh.... What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand? Stupid much?
No, but I do Islamic extremists. It just so happens they're muslims. Death to the infidel, yes?
I don't see atheists, buddists, sikhs, or jews being oppressed by the government or singled out.
Yes, but I don't believe in a socialist system.
You call people that vote for Trump an ist/phobe because IT FITS YOUR NARRATIVE. What is it? ORANGE MAN BAD. it's as simple and as stupid as that. ZERO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT.
Why wouldn't we care about border security, exactly? So we should let illegal people usurp the freedoms granted to US citizens and drain our social programs that our tax dollars are used to pay for? Why wouldn't I care? By all means, SPONSOR illegals yourself so we taxpayers don't have to be burdened.
For every murder by an illegal, there are thousands more murders by our own citizens. For every drug that is supposedly being pushed by SOME illegals, there are many more drugs being pushed by our own people.
Did you write this post from your indoctrinated script verbatim? It sure as hell sounds like it, because I don't detect a single iota of INDEPENDENT THOUGHT.
First of all, everybody that voted for Trump, doesn't care what you think. That's kind of the point they voted for Trump. Just FYI.
The OP shows a usage of Independent Thought. Using his brain, they can make their own decisions for what is best for their lives moving forward. Just because you suffer from TDS and OMB with your komrades doesn't make you right.
Was Galileo right or the church? Of the two, who held the majority opinion?
Finally, as stupid as doggiedump is and as Ignorant as Dick Dick and komrade keelai are, you've managed to beat them on both of these instances. You lead the race in being stupid, ignorant and hypocritical. Believe me when I say that I'm surprised at the fact as the bar was previously set abyssmally low by the mentioned ignoramuses above.
shareNo. Drink the coolaid or be called a racist/sexist/homophobe/mysogonist/Boomer
shareHahaha! I just noticed the OP says he's a Bernie supporter-I'm guessing our own crew of 'very fine people'ππ» have yet to discern this particular fact...
TalkinPikchorBox, you're ok in my book...
You should only be called a racist if you say or do racist things.
There are many reasons people vote for a particular person (or PARTY) and it's impossible or at least very rare to be 100% aligned with any candidate in terms of values and ethics. I guess people feel they have to go with the candidate who they feel will do the best job for them, even if they don't agree with everything that candidate says or does.
I have been suspicious about or unfair towards Trump supporters before, simply because I really don't like the guy. I'm not proud of that. Maybe in all honestly I was suffering a little of that TDS people keep talking about. He is quite easy to dislike at times, let's be honest.
I think the point of the OP was that we all need to show more respect to each other and with that I agree 100%