MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do You Believe the President Is Above Th...

Do You Believe the President Is Above The Law?

Yes or No?

No for me.


we don't matter to congress or this president just look at how he treats people who work for him also he is looking for any way out now so no listening to what he says he wants to take his football and call game over


PS: Notice most of the head clowns haven't chimed in for an answer.



No, of course not. As already mentioned, there are term limits for the presidency that s/he must abide by, and let's not forget the check and balances against the executive by other institutions of the government.

The president is subject to the law like every other American. That's the point of a constitutional republic. If s/he wasn't, it would be a dictatorship.


Only Democrats are above the law. Republicans are below it and should be prosecuted even if they haven't broken any laws. At least that's the gist of what I've gotten from Democrats on this board and elsewhere.


NO, that's the reason the US broke from England because the King was above the law. Impeachment and removal IS part of the law.
