MovieChat Forums > Shadowfan300

Shadowfan300 (26)


Trailer is playing in theaters Amazon has gained creative control of the franchise Is this going to be the movie that kills the Oscars? Is this real or fake? Very good, but the ending was weak. Was good besides the rape scene Shouldn't have been called a movie and Sonic's voice actor was terrible Goofy silly fun Didn't age well The worst show ever made View all posts >


I only saw the first half because the theater I was at lost power about halfway through, but I mostly agree. It had it's moments, but just felt kind of dull and more like something that should be on streaming or a series instead of playing in theaters. It didn't ruin the movie for me, just ended it on a bit of a weak note. It's very long, but it feels shorter than lot of 2hr movies I've seen. It also has an intermission at the 100 minute mark so you can split it into 2 parts if you want. Trailer seems to indicate this one will be even campier than the last one. The fuck it was. No, and it should never come back. Sonic Underground is the worst Sonic media to ever have existed I work at a theater and almost all of our showings of Mufasa yesterday and today have been almost empty. Working right now and nobody showed up to our 12:30 IMAX show or 1PM showing. Sonic on the other hand has had a good amount of people showing up for each showing since yesterday. If I could I would honestly put Sonic on our IMAX screen What is crazy is that I work at a movie theater and we had way more people show up for this than Kraven this weekend. Friday night I would say our 7PM showing was pretty much full besides the first two rows. Guess I work at the only theater people are watching it at. View all replies >