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movie72fan (4)


Harold and Maude weren't the nicest people Want to see my old adds View all posts >


Hey Mill how are you? Thanks for the reply. You have a nice holiday? Mine was quiet. Just did some volunteer work help the less fortunate out. My family live far away rough to just go for one day So it was good. Anyway yeah about what you said about it was more scary to have mamma and Willis waiting for them to strike . Totally agree. One of the more scarier scenes of the movie. The rest really wasn't that suspenseful. Still a good movie but so much came off as boring bland in parts. Some great humor though Willis stole the how . The first one had more scarier scenes and better story. So do you think if Lewis and Elaine would have just knocked on the door a few times and then left, or maybe just pooped in the front door for a minute yelled then just left. wonder if they would have made it. Think once they went farther from the entrance their chances went down. Ha didn't feel just little bad for our Ell? She was a sweetheart. Would have liked to know a little more about her. Lewis was cool to Hell she got so worked up just passed out. That probably saved her feeling get bitten, What kind of friend was Willis! They come to pick him up and he turns them into the undead-I can't see my face! Hey just real quick here. In the first Blackula. the beginning when Mamma met the count, why was he cool to him and his wife.? Dracula had him dine with his guests. I wonder if the subject of the slave trade hadn't been brought up maybe old Drac might have let them go. I thought when he saw that mamma was a educated, cultured individual he was very impressed and let him stay join his guests. Once the issue of slavery comes up they argue get upset, then mamma insults him the count is like "okay you're not going anywhere! I would have liked the scene to go back further like mamma arriving at the castle and hanging out with Drac and his guests. Hey glad you wrote back Mil have a nice holiday and watch some good movies. movie72fan Hey Mill how are you? I see you replied to my old message on Scream Blackula Scream. I was the original writer on that. I'm glad they made this site and see my old messages from years ago. I just liked having fun telling what Il liked or dislike about a movie or tv show. Throw in some jokes fun stuff nothing heavy. Just curious all you said in reply to my message was "no" that's it nothing more. Did you read the message? Liked it didn't? I'm always curious when someone replies back to one hell you can say you loved it or hate it. It's all in fun. Please if you get a chance read again and let me know what you think. I just read again I think I made good points on what was good, bad with the movie. The whole thing with Elaine was fun few laughs. Got to admit she was a classy likeable lady. That was one of my favorite parts of the movie creepy and suspenseful. I liked both them actually, wished they would have escaped. Anyway nice meeting you mill check out some of my older messages on here. I'll write some new ones when i get a chance-work sucks! I'll check out some of your messages. Always cool chatting with good people. Take care peace View all replies >