MiyagiDoMAGA's Replies

Won the popular vote, the EC vote, the House, the Senate, SCOTUS majority, clean sweep, wokelibs on suicide watch lol Part of why I support him is because of how irrational and angry he seems to make people like this, I enjoy the schadenfreude of their anger and their not being able to understand simple things so they resort to denigrating the majority of the population lol, yes The_Rev, 70million+ people should've just listened to your whining instead shouldn't they. Maybe you don't know as much as you think you do and you're a puppet for the media after falling for their "Trump is a meanie" BS hook line and sinker. Pathetic. LMFAO oh dear you people really are lost and stuck in the exact same mindset that gave Trump the biggest landslide in decades aren't you! This is amazing! Carry on, push all the sane people further away from you to the right. We'll have a right wing non-woke US government for 20 years thanks to you people! https://miro.medium.com/v2/0*ZjYSm_q36J4KChdn Thank you for your service. Trump is president elect. How angry are you right now? I'd suggest rejoining reality or the next 4 years are going to be tough on you snowflakes. Or you can keep up the same nonsense that drove him to the biggest landslide in decades, up to you lol https://news.utexas.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/trump_smug_smile.jpg "He's stuck repeating the bleach lies!" https://media.tenor.com/e4zVcSyAnHkAAAAe/laugh-laughing.png How embarrassing, please continue doing what you've done for 8 years though. That sure worked out well so far lol "without leaving a single trace" LMAO I think it's performative for a lot of the talking heads tbh, but there's a massive part of their audience that swallows it unquestioningly and it's their nightmare scenario coming true in their heads, I feel bad for them. Lots of young people with poor mental health and open to suggestion, I hope the people who manipulated them over the last decade can be held to account. Are you roleplaying an elderly person by pretending to not know how replies work now? Aw that's so cute. "I am driven by Trump's extreme lack of integrity and the damage he can do to our country." But you didn't vote against him? lol *flap-flap* This kind of coping is the best kind, your account is mostly just you smearing Republicans and Trump and you expect me to believe you're a legal voting citizen who didn't vote against him lol. It's time to stop the coping and enter reality now ok, otherwise the next 4 years are going to be very tough for you to deal with. Did you forget how you all flip flopped from "never taking Trump's vax" to "take the granny-saving vax, chuds" because we sure didn't forget. You seem way too young for dementia too so I conclude that you just have pants on fire and are still in the final throes after getting resoundingly humiliated in the election, flopping around like a goldfish on the carpet. Landslide. 5 million lead on the popular vote, House, Senate, 312 EC votes. Let this be a wakeup call to the far left extremists and their stooges. My point is non native English speaker's opinions on native English speaking countries and their leaders, are irrelevant to native English speakers and natives to those countries. Continue barking like an angry chihuahua by all means, just don't expect people to care all that much. Why wouldn't you vote against "literally Hitler" did you not want to save democracy? Or are you a foreigner to America? I just drank from a milk carton that is dated older than this thread, it tasted perfectly fine. How long do think the shelf life for milk is? Oh don't worry I doubt I'll be hanging around for long. This place has gotten as ridiculously censorious as other sites, to the point where the phrase "3rd world country" might get flagged as being "against community standards" lol, who tf would voluntarily choose to be part of such a "community" Pro-tip, native English speakers don't say "safe" they say "save" Maybe you shouldn't be worrying about America and should be worrying about whatever country the phone farm you're currently in resides in? This kind of knee jerk reaction to the Trump name is precisely what I described and is precisely what turned regular voters away from your side, it turns out adults remember what a nazi actually is. Say hi to your therapist for me. lol yes keep calling him names, it will work this time I'm sure. I think there should be a "basic identity" test to validate your vote. You must have some basic ID to be allowed to vote. Let's get the voter ID laws in place America. Then when Barron decides to throw his hat in the ring too, his genetics alone will raise salt levels to unprecedented heights! The future is bright.