

Because this time the other side of the system (Trump,Musk with his X,etc.) was careful to fight against that


Trump and conservatives were taken by surprise in 2020. This time, they knew what was coming and were able to guard against it. Besides, it was a landslide, big enough to beat any cheat.


Who says that a new virus is not already in the works? Let's have an eye on creepy Bill...


It's because the monsters who did it last time knew they wouldn't be able to get away with that bullshit again. People now know better and wouldn't fall for that crap a second time.


Why wouldnt they? , they pulled off a massive fraud countrywide that would involved 1000s of people without leaving a single trace. With that kind of black magic superpower why not just do it again ?

answer: 'cos it never happened, now or then.


"without leaving a single trace"



All the judges in the land ruled that every single piece of "evidence" you produced was just maga delusion.


Trump is president elect. How angry are you right now? I'd suggest rejoining reality or the next 4 years are going to be tough on you snowflakes.
Or you can keep up the same nonsense that drove him to the biggest landslide in decades, up to you lol



It didn't happen again because it was a pretty definitive win for this election vs 2020 when America was in a Haze over Covid and the Democrats pretty much adopted the phrase "Never let a Crisis Go To Waste" and they ran with it. Now, if Harris would've won the Popular Vote and Trump the Electoral College Vote, there's be recounts and lawsuits over it, but since Trump steamrolled her, it was a moot point
