MovieChat Forums > AnthonySocksss > Replies
AnthonySocksss's Replies
Translation: “turn off your brains and stay dumbed down, or else we’ll be out of a job, sniveling sheep!”
Mick Garris was the 90s version of Mike Flanagan.
Both hacks!
He took out like $320k in loans for VIN numbers on vehicles that didn’t exist, in an attempt to defraud the finance company for the dealership. Which was an actual scandal that happened at General Motors in the 80s.
Sociopath and psychopath are the same thing
Like the other guy said, drugging the wife would point too much suspicion towards Jerry, also there’s too many variables with drugging someone like either mistiming the dose or the wife not consuming it.
If Carl had just put the tags on the license plate they never would’ve been pulled over, but that still left the issue of Wade screwing up the deal and the wife still being left alone with the crazy Norwegian psychopath.
No it’s dated Oscar bait dreck! In a year filled with great films like Moonstruck, Princess Bride, Raising Arizona, Hope and Glory, Planes Trains & Automobiles, this flick just doesn’t hold up.
Solondz understands satire and how to poke fun at itself and the audience. Unlike these precious filmbro directors.
Allegedly both Baldwin and Mctiernan didn’t return for the sequel because they disliked the Irish being the villains, seeing as they were micks themselves.
Also yeah, Connery was pretty much the main star of Red October, his face was the only one on the poster. Baldwin was more of a supporting role almost.
Because they already met in Hunt for the red cocktober
He was jackin his ryan
subliminal advertising
This movie seemed cringe when it came out, which is why I’ve avoided it.
I like Edgar wright’s jokey Brit-humour movies like the Cornetto trilogy, but when he tries to be serious it comes off really lame.
What about the Ansel Eghort scandal?
As much as I hate Trump, this is the smartest thing he’s done.
The US had no business being in Ukraine to begin with.
I don’t think the problem is being woke or being a woman/minority
I mean Christopher Nolan is none of those things and his movies are also terrible
Yeah but you can retire at 40
I’m impressed Harrison ford could replace Chadwick boseman so well
Your mum does the squeaky hinge
Goldeneye is almost a soft reboot considering it was meant to jumpstart the franchise that had been on life support for the past 5-6 years. It was the first Bond film not produced by Albert Broccoli, without longtime series cinematographer Alec Mills, and various other cast and crew not returning. So everything felt new and fresh.
M makes a comment that Bond is “a relic of the Cold War”. But the film also seems to carry over from the Dalton era, with the opening Dam dive scene clearly meant to feel like Dalton, until it’s revealed to be Brosnan.
^ triggered 🤬