LessThanZero87's Replies

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13472949/amp/Groom-discovers-bride-actually-man-wedding.html People on here are commenting it might be or looked transgendered. Didn’t know you were a ladyboys lover…All that masculinity on tv/movies/stage (Well, accept for “Take Me Out”.). Is this yours??? https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=bc8be091688d4f3a&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS711US712&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWILbM1sQ_AjMEp-jj9w2SrQ2gArXKA:1716999776983&q=pwinty&uds=ADvngMhRdPtYCqIqsDXs38aiB9W_99-Cs0Tz-HY0HmsqBJ54gumMivzBUUk7eMqAwXD8nVwdb4Zj5vH93v6aQIDd4vFbrV9j00dX_iRKiU3S_Q4CGmrMgHFqpXg0JW5rSubfqw6CdI9Gx3177_rFCg3KveP3M_Hput7DZo3YoJBlyYZMH_D6VAgokdbsD4gYtYJyWMqsN_66tNg-ZN3q8jcmxck2VFnMggZ5ZAkMdQ3fgzK-iNvHhCu_Ws9x4vaOjTFzfEKCsa1T8xU2OgIwDBFqNnGsVjPbHa0tKvkJr8INjU-qi5yLr71gptiB_nEfU1Cd6sGctlCu&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizhKXOorOGAxUjGzQIHTwoBEcQtKgLegQIFBAB&biw=428&bih=739&dpr=3#vhid=zQal7GhqH-QeZM&vssid=mosaic Are you straight, bi??? Yep…Someone was willing to turn it into a star and housewife. Then, parading it all over the net like folks wouldn’t notice or recognize….It’s telling. Just recently tried to become an actor. It’s not her real name which is the reason you’re probably getting “paint” stuff when you Google it…Lol It’s from Miami, FL and former xes worker. Go to IMDb.com and type in Pwinty (the aspiring actress)…Lol Diddy??? Obviously, it’s Daniel posting this this🤣🤣🤣 He’s not a moron. You lefties are just a bunch of hypocrites and baby killers. Hence, the name, “Satan” trying to play both sides. I’m sooo glad it (Ladyboy) doesn’t love me…Lol That’s an ex xes worker who would dare??? Hell, no…Lol Replying to Satan (2016)… Now, is that something nice to say about someone you don’t know personally? Ha! Stalker! Lol! Ha! Satan out here calling ppl names! And what do you contribute to this board? I’m sure it’s not rainbows and unicorns. You’re just like the rest of us here on the social media boards: We become opinionated and sometimes lash out at people. You’re no different from me, Satan! Also, your choice of words won’t stop me from doing whatever it is I want to do, so keep scrolling the next time if you’re sooo sensitive to this heux…Lol Seriously, ask to see the text messages, ask to listen to the voicemail messages which refers to you being a joke, etc., and amongst other demeaning things. He doesn’t think you belong in Hollywood. Why would we lie? Be bold and confront him about laughing at your Maxim photo shoot. That birthday cake and Valentine’s Day gifts were pathetic (store bought cake, cheap Valentines gifts) are only signs of your worth. Stop settling. I would stop posting because people are not smiling with you. They’re laughing and clowning…SMDH. If you don’t care, keep scrolling! It’s that’s simple! selling “oochie, coochie…la, la, la”… “Never heard of her…” that’s because she’s trying to be an actress at the age of 30 after all those years working in another occupation😉 They discuss what’s she’s been up to of late on LSA (lipstick alley).