LessThanZero87's Replies

She’s never going to acknowledge it. Not to us anyway because she’s portraying an illusion here. Yep, of course it’s a nice body. If you understand anatomy, you’ll know that males and females bodies are different especially when it comes to metabolism and fat cells. Men bodies are going to respond differently cortisol in the body, etc. She’s in a man’s body but saying she’s female. It gives off a false illusion. That part isn’t right! Okay, English Teacher…Lol Maybe, it was one of my other personalities that was answering. It’s hard to keep track at times. Thanks for reminding me, though…Lol Seriously, I didn’t even notice. I’ll get better at checking my grammar in the future. Oh, is that how we post pics on here? I asked you a while back on how to do this, so people wouldn’t be clicking on random links. Thanks for coming through with this :) No, that isn’t my boyfriend…Lol I had 2 thoughts, though: he may have been duped or was a willing participant. What’s that feline’s name that you have now? Did you name it, Kush II? Thank you for being kind and asking questions like an adult instead of attacking me because I’m exposing a truth. This board is about discussing movies and celebrities whether good or bad, right? Yes, there are photos. Go to Google image search and type in Pwinty. She got rid of her instagram/tumblr account when she started to get exposed and people were becoming aware of the scam. The girl was selling her body out in Miami, FL at a young age. She’s from Burma, Myanmar. Now, there are rumors she’s tied to you know who that lived in Miami and is now under investigation (hint:houses got raided). She snagged some D-lister actor about 6-7 years ago and they’re together now. You’ll be blown out-of-your mind once you observe who he is. Let’s just say the show: Power Book II: Ghost gave him a chance. This woman has absolutely no talent and to say she’s an actor is ludicrous! Who decides to get into the profession at the age of 30! Her cockiness and arrogance is what made people expose her lifestyle! She was a paid heaux which isn’t your typical forte for actors…SMDH What??? You want recipts? No, I’m just a truth teller. People need to be exposed. She/He is a former prostitute (xes worker). Everyone in Miami, FL knows her/him and his/her actor/boyfriend. We know you’re not a female. Your selfies are all false. Sure, men metabolism are different from women and they don’t acquire fat like we do. Shame on you promoting this propaganda and having young ladies think they can achieve those same looks by doing “Hot Yoga”. You’re not a biological woman; therefore, you owe everyone who thought differently an apology! You need to be exposed for lying like this…SMDH Sodomite…SMDH That thing (Pwinty or whatever the B@tch is calling himself these days) ain’t cute, sexy, attractive. It’s sickening…Nah, no one is jealous of that body because it’s not a female…Men bodies are biologically different…Metabolism absorbs faster and they’re biologically thinner due the deposit of fat cells…Tell that thing no amount of “Hot Yoga” will change the Truth…Real Women are Superior to “Hollyweird’s” abominations…Yes, that’s exactly what you two are (abominations) and your baby carrot duck was once a clitoris which explains the misshapen of it and the reason your entire genitalia area is higher than a biological man…See, clownish weirdo…Lol…I’m going to continue to mock you and that B@tch…Lol…Should’ve never came for me…I’m Ruthless!!! What the hell is this, bro: https://lens.google.com/search?ep=iosbwsb&re=mf&s=4&p=AbrfA8rctLDvmg4cOOWLWUIdZhSwnxmknMI2TWeVfkRfQusxMRcV9K2A0D1YJln1oHULd1OV6EQQ7xrLoguevcHlZKSIshfJSiqcEG3MvK5CMD74izudFj2647bxUDElWZs9-kmoXH4k7ohBY08JHWGxu20o8rL0jKGTlDD4_UIuEcqf5jmotSxm4YHesX5glLVOVnKSB8rz9Ee2mTj1yCKUCWxIeO2VfDq9iSSuqqYxt_ohNt3JKW9-gw%3D%3D#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKREkwWmpKak1EYzNMVE00T0dRdE5EYzVOUzA0TVdJMExXVmtZalZoT0RjM1pXWmlOeElmWXkxNFRuTlliRkpHVWxsWFNVVXhUR3gwZUVKVlRHOXZRM2hpYWw5NFp3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsW251bGwsImVuIl0sW251bGwsbnVsbCxbNTY2NiwxNTA2Miw3Njc5MCw3MTk1NV1dXQ== No one is convinced anymore that this is a woman… I have a question for you: Do FTMs keep their vaginas? Come get your peeps off LSA defending your clownish azz…Lol Speak only for yourself…Lol This thing is a Trans…Lol First be honest about that and we might reconsider. No one in Hollyweird either will hire, so stop encouraging this mishap. Do you see anything listed on this board??? Nada! Talented actors that have honed their craft for decades don’t need this type of debacle in the industry! 🤔 He’s not embarrassed…Lol He knew all along… Exactly!!! We come here for the real actors that have a legitimate craft and not someone that makes up a profile. I’m done, though because I think it took the hint. Plus, being a commercial doesn’t make someone an actor…Lol…Needs to go back to hooking in Miami…Lol I’m no more obsessed than you and others on these threads discussing actors, movies, etc. This person doesn’t deserve to call itself an actor just because it traded xes to get started in the industry. I’m just speaking on it. Well damn; then, don’t mothertr@cker! No one is begging you to click on sh@t! Lol…On a lighter note, arsehole! Tell me how to post the pics on here and then you won’t get frustrated about the links…Lol https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2a9a82c62e9e371c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS711US712&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIJqAPardRXEgY45PIQ1U63iaPCvFw:1717305591342&q=pwinty&uds=ADvngMhRdPtYCqIqsDXs38aiB9W_99-Cs0Tz-HY0HmsqBJ54gumMivzBUUk7eMqAwXD8nVwdb4Zj5vH93v6aQIDd4vFbrV9j00dX_iRKiU3S_Q4CGmrMgHFqpXg0JW5rSubfqw6CdI9Gx3177_rFCg3KveP3M_Hput7DZo3YoJBlyYZMH_D6VAgokdbsD4gYtYJyWMqsN_66tNg-ZN3q8jcmxck2VFnMggZ5ZAkMdQ3fgzK-iNvHhCu_Ws9x4vaOjTFzfEKCsa1T8xU2OgIwDBFqNnGsVjPbHa0tKvkJr8INjU-qi5yLr71gptiB_nEfU1Cd6sGctlCu&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8n_jtlbyGAxVAOTQIHUnUBhgQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=428&bih=739&dpr=3#vhid=FPfQilUUe8HrqM&vssid=mosaic https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2a9a82c62e9e371c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS711US712&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIJqAPardRXEgY45PIQ1U63iaPCvFw:1717305591342&q=pwinty&uds=ADvngMhRdPtYCqIqsDXs38aiB9W_99-Cs0Tz-HY0HmsqBJ54gumMivzBUUk7eMqAwXD8nVwdb4Zj5vH93v6aQIDd4vFbrV9j00dX_iRKiU3S_Q4CGmrMgHFqpXg0JW5rSubfqw6CdI9Gx3177_rFCg3KveP3M_Hput7DZo3YoJBlyYZMH_D6VAgokdbsD4gYtYJyWMqsN_66tNg-ZN3q8jcmxck2VFnMggZ5ZAkMdQ3fgzK-iNvHhCu_Ws9x4vaOjTFzfEKCsa1T8xU2OgIwDBFqNnGsVjPbHa0tKvkJr8INjU-qi5yLr71gptiB_nEfU1Cd6sGctlCu&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8n_jtlbyGAxVAOTQIHUnUBhgQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=428&bih=739&dpr=3#vhid=bh-5X9HrluKRSM&vssid=mosaic https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2a9a82c62e9e371c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS711US712&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIJqAPardRXEgY45PIQ1U63iaPCvFw:1717305591342&q=pwinty&uds=ADvngMhRdPtYCqIqsDXs38aiB9W_99-Cs0Tz-HY0HmsqBJ54gumMivzBUUk7eMqAwXD8nVwdb4Zj5vH93v6aQIDd4vFbrV9j00dX_iRKiU3S_Q4CGmrMgHFqpXg0JW5rSubfqw6CdI9Gx3177_rFCg3KveP3M_Hput7DZo3YoJBlyYZMH_D6VAgokdbsD4gYtYJyWMqsN_66tNg-ZN3q8jcmxck2VFnMggZ5ZAkMdQ3fgzK-iNvHhCu_Ws9x4vaOjTFzfEKCsa1T8xU2OgIwDBFqNnGsVjPbHa0tKvkJr8INjU-qi5yLr71gptiB_nEfU1Cd6sGctlCu&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8n_jtlbyGAxVAOTQIHUnUBhgQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=428&bih=739&dpr=3#vhid=WW7d1EyzEAXZDM&vssid=mosaic https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2a9a82c62e9e371c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS711US712&hl=en-US&sxsrf=A