MovieChat Forums > LessThanZero87 > Replies
LessThanZero87's Replies
Lol! It’s a trans with very bad plastic surgery! Lol!
Lol! Yup! Lol!
Lol! Pwinty is definitely Trans and no ands, ifs, or buts about it. Lol So, I guess this means you won’t be complaining anymore especially since you’re creating threads now. Lol!
Lol! Pwinty is Trans. Daniel Sunjata is gay-bi. Lol!
@LetessLol! Since you asked me, what about you? What do you do for a living? Lol!
Lol! It is hilarious! Another truth is you like being entertained by the notion Daniel Sunjata is dating a Trans. Lol!
Lol! You promise? Lol! You said this before, you know. Lol! You’ll be back and I’ll be waiting. Lol! Btw, the sickness is Daniel Sunjata claiming Pwinty is a woman and not a Trans. Lol!
Lol! You can’t post pics on here. Lol! Besides, you said you didn’t care and hated my posts. Lol! Now, you want to cozy up to me. Lol! I’m not buying your endearments to me. Lol!
@Thaisticker…Lol! I’m baffled! Wouldn’t disgusted people shy away from my posts? Lol! Many say they’re disgusted but then will create new posts. I’m not buying it! Lol! You like responding and is intrigued by Pwinty being a Trans and Daniel Sunjata his lover. Lol!
@OnanTheBarbarian…Lol! Who me or Stickers?
@Thaistickers…Lol! I still say Pwinty is Trans! I been saying it all along and it’s what it is. I’m happy you keep responding and waiting for me to oblige. Lol! Stay engaged, Stickers! Lol!
Lol! You all keep coming back over with the same hesitations because you’re trying to convince yourselves. Lol! The more you say Pwinty isn’t Trans, the more I’ll say he is. Lol!
@letess…Lol! Are you serious! Do you even know how hormones work? Lol! There’s a reason they can change the voice. Lol! I already said on here many times Pwinty is Trans. Lol! Keep trying to convince yourself and not me. Lol! WYKYK! Lol!
Lol! Are you seriously interested? Really??? I thought you hated speaking on Pwinty. Lol! You went and created a whole new post that I originally created. Lol! It’s there! Just use your magical skills and you’ll find it. Lol!
Lol! Not only that, they’ve created posts on this thread. Creating new posts say a lot about them as it does me. I guess I’m not the only one obsessed ;-) Lol!
Lol! No Cap! They can’t get enough but too shy to admit. We’re two different people and it shows in the writing style! Lol
Lol! Daniel knows that Pwinty is Trans and has been shielding the truth from the world but everyone knows now and Daniel has been outed as gay-bi. Lol!
Lol! I hollered as well. There’s one with the song called, Deadbeat Daddy! The words will bring tears to the eyes because it describes Daniel so well. Lol!
Lol! Daniel is horrible in this series just like everything else attached to the name Daniel Sunjata. Kaitlin Olson’s character is unrealistic and makes the other detectives feel stupid. Daniel also does have anything else lined up and was banking on High Potential! It got renewed but will they be able to squeeze out another season…Lol!