KiwiJim's Replies

Oooh cold 🥶 I’ll always try for you. You’re amazing. I think I love you. 🌺 Thanks beautiful, I’ll send you a postcard xx Columbo is on the case!! 🕵🏻‍♂️ Maybe I’m Lady Gaga herself!! Oooh I can’t wait to see how this turns out… Well the word is I’m Kowalski. I’ll do some research and get back to you. Thanks for your interest. Are you paying? I never refuse a free holiday. The most surprising thing about this is that it was a surprise to you. Ever listened to any of her music? I mean, the lyrical content of Born This Way is not something you would expect from a republican. But who really cares anyway? Isn’t the art the important thing? I would find it just as lame if someone refused to watch a Clint Eastwood film just because he’s on the right politically. Even if you disagree with his persuasions you can’t deny that he is an excellent filmmaker. Oh, see now I don’t feel as special knowing that you hand out eggplants to everyone. We could have been so amazing together. C'est la vie.. Well this is taking an unexpected and erotic turn. Saucy!! Hello Stratego, thank you for your reply. You seem like a real sweetheart. Have a nice day. Oh here we go…. 🍿 as the bigots flock to reply like flies to shit… Suits me 🤪 Anyway, a JODY by any other name would act as sweet.. Also, nice edit 😁 pew pew 🔫 Let’s make out big boy, in secret, 80s style 😘 Any relation to Jodie Foster? Because she is great!! No, I don’t. If an artist chooses a stage name and becomes successful under that moniker I think they have every right to be addressed as such. You don’t sit down for an interview with Elton John and start with “So, Reginald..”, it’s just a dick move. I do wonder if this has ever happened though. Any real world examples? Or is this thread really about how you dislike rapper’s stage names? Sigourney Weaver - Alien Not even a nom. Sally Field in Norma Rae??? Getouttahere!!! With a wail wail here and a wail wail there, here a wail, there a wail, everywhere a wail wail.