MovieChat Forums > Headspace928377 > Replies
Headspace928377's Replies
No. It's average at best and the ending sucks. Not scary at all. People are overrating it because they're so used to horror movies being terrible anything that isn't is automatically great. Wait until it's on Shudder
Its all rigged and gay
There were good white people and bad black people in this show too
I'm not a Christian
Is he not one?
Go get help for your disgusting sexual fantasies
Oh give me a fucking break. Now you are just trying to justified pedophilia
You are trying to make excuses for underage relationships. What the fuck is wrong with you
Found the pedo. Fuck you creep
16 year old being groomed by an adult =pedophila. The director should be in jail
Exactly. I only went to see this because it was short and I had a free ticket I needed to use before the end of the month. Seemed like it stayed away from any politics for the first half, but then it makes sure to tell you the bad guys are evil just because they're Christian Republicans.
Lol so anyone who doesn't look this movie is a nazi? Shut the fuck up
I'm just asking questions. Why so upset?
A 3/10 is more like it. Yes on a technical level it's well made, but otherwise it's shit. There's no story or narrative. The whole movie is "watch this seemingly normal family go about life while gun shots and screaming go off in the background". It's a one note shitty art house movie made for white liberals who still think saying the holocaust is bad is profound. The ending scene in the museum was almost laughably bad.
No. I stopped after 5 because it wasn't funny anymore and all the charm and cleverness was completely gone. It wasn't the same show anymore and my friends who still watch say it's only gotten worse.
He needs to be stopped. They already forced him into the new Hunger Games too. I won't give any film money that supports the trans agenda