Headspace928377's Replies

Nick Fuentes is a loser incel who watches tranny porn Idiot. Michael Keaton is Beetlejuice is non-binary now How is this guy still around? He sucks at reviewing movies If you are a bootlicker It's been long rumored the movie ends in a way to closes the opportunity for any sequels which I assume means he does die at the end. He was an idiot No there weren't. Just a rehash of the last 5 movies with a younger cast Promethus and Covenant were masterpieces compared to this hunk of shit Borderlands did worse It's because he's a black supremacist Does anyone have a link to watch Considering it's been playing before almost every movie for the past two months it's been hard to avoid The messaging want as obvious as the last one, but there were some anti-racism and anti-billionaire overtones in this one Who the hell still has a 3D tv Pretty much As a movie it was OK, but it didn't live up to the hype imo 54 on Metacritic is not positive lol Was it dark comedy when The Deep rated Starlight? I mean, Stuckmanns following will make it a financial success regardless of quality. I still bet it's shit, but not surprised they picked it up.