AndyAce83's Replies

I have three main problems with MCU now. 1) Its too "funny". The heroes become one dimensional because they all behave the same with strife. They react with joking around. It minimize the story and the impact of the events. 2) Its too bloated 3) The PC narratives. Yeah. Marvel is a strife to watch now. I am 41 now. So its probably not ment for me, but a good anything can appeal to anyone, right? ---- "Another possibility is that the aliens take over not only the hosts, but the ships. Maybe the ship was in the process of being converted over to being as alien as the xenomorphs themselves." .... I thought so too. Parts look really xeno and other did not. Then again all looked Geiger in design. I dont know. ---- "I always thought that the space jockey was wearing a helmet, but also that whatever was under the helmet wasn't exactly human" .... Again I agree. It was either a suit or exoskeleton but the thing inside was NOT human. Noted ;-) I just heard it was one of the most intelligent games ever made. So I thought I try it. Also I had to wish for something on my birthday ;-) Sigh. It never ends does it? I mostly play old games now, because of it. The DLC for this game also had some "first trangender character" or whatever. It came with the game, so Ill probably try it, but I am just so tired of it. I also dont get it. They seem to say that trans are the other sex, but they are always represented as "trans". Meaning: In a fantasy realm, a "trans" could make themselves magically into the other sex. Infact, as a joke (I hope) there is a cursed object in balders gate where one changes sex if one take it on (Girdle of Femininity and Masculinity). Problem solved. But NO they are "trans". But I am also wondering about the political spectrum on this forum. I see a lot of... right wing attiude on here on more threads than this. Just wondering, as I am new here (not on IMDB). Is it a lot of "anti-woke" people here? It was kind of the reason why IMDB closed their forums, right? People having naughty opinions? Sex in RPG and other games is a niche I dont understand. I think some people think its "adult", but really its adolescent. All that "you can have sex" talk made me lose interest. That is why I bought and played the original instead. I will probably buy BG3 on sale, but first I will play BG1, 2, Icewind dale and Planescape: Torment. I have never heard anyone sell me on the "sex" in those games. I also have... Neverwinter Night I think. Didnt enjoy that one much yet. Something about the graphic and style. I just discovered that on EE you can restart the game with the same character... So I will be doing that. Then I will see how high a level I will be the next time I meet him ;-) I guess that´s old school gaming ;-) They dont take your hand and follow you around like they do now ;-) But also I was amazed about how one could improvise on certain challanges alot more than in new games. Like skipping them entirely or other surprising solutions. I think I did a charm person on a villain and that made an entire big battle disappear. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I remember those two being the main theories. I remember thinking about how the alien "grew into the chair". That it was made to be in that chair. Like a biomechanical computer for the ship. Prometheus was a disappointment. I think it would have been wise to keep the dead alien race part. They could discover more about the remains, speculated and given new clues to stimulate our fantasy, but kept the focus on the xenomorphs. The orginal script seemed to be much more like that. Having it be about diverse variations of xenos on the planet. But I cant compleatly hate Prometheus either. Its a movie I am very ambivalent about. In many ways I hate it, for all the reasons said a 100 times before, but I cant help but see what could have been. The potential. The things that worked as well... NOT the Jokey for course, but other ideas. I hoped that Covenant would have done a course correction. Made some smart "but this is what it REALLY was", but it just became worse. And yet I hoped that a third Scott movie would have finnaly explain it and it was REALLY, REALLY good because... 1) the space jockeys werent those proto-humans. They were just created by them. And 2) David didnt really make the xenomorphs we see in the original movie, but he just played with the DNA and made some version of his own. I doubt that would have happened, but... I liked the idea of the unknown and the "dead universe" of the original alien. Like how the xenomorphs werent the original "shape" of the creatures at it was a hybrid of xeno and human (Kane´s baby). And the" dead universe" was that the universe werent "filled with life", but was cold, dark and the little life there was just wanted to kill us. Thanks for the reply. I think I was level 7/8 when I reached this point. I did some sidequest, but not them all, that is for sure. I just wanted to finish the story, sort of. And the thing is that I think I am kind of locked now. At this part of the game I dont think I can go back. When I did, it seemed like the stores were closed. Like the game was in final mode. I dont have the summon minion staff, but I have discovered the summon monster spell (or whatever its called). If I could leave the dungeon and "grind" and do side-quest I could have done that I guess. Maybe Ill give the game a break, and return with a new character at some point in the future. I got Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, and BG 2 and my wife hinted that she bought Planescape: Torment & Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition too soo. But it does seem like I cheated and skipped a beat. Should I just continue on storymode now? Or go back to core? Huge nerd issues here ;-) Its not a plothole. The ending of Aliens has a SFX of an alien egg opening. Its already established that there was an egg on the Sulaco. Here are 2 possible reasons why: 1) Bishop brought one or more on. 2) The alien queen brought one or more on That could mean that the WY robot Bishop wasnt really trustworthy after all.