TheHardSell's Replies

Years ago she claimed she was only offered "sexy parts" and that was roles she did not want so se drifted over TV & cartoons. She was tiered of being a sex object. He had a sore back According to Ms Lewinsky, she and the president had 10 sexual encounters, eight while she worked at the White House and two thereafter. The sexual encounters generally occurred in or near the private study off the Oval Office - most often in the windowless hallway outside the study. During many of their sexual encounters, the President stood leaning against the doorway of the bathroom across from the study, which, he told Ms Lewinsky, eased his sore back. This came out years ago but he was obsessed with large female breasts. "Big tits" turned him on. Ms Lewinsky testified that her physical relationship with the president included oral sex but not sexual intercourse. According to Ms Lewinsky, she performed oral sex on the President but he never performed oral sex on her. Initially, according to Ms Lewinsky, the President would not let her perform oral sex to completion. In Ms Lewinsky’s understanding, his refusal was related to “trust and not knowing me well enough.” During their last two sexual encounters, both in 1997, he did ejaculate. According to Ms Lewinsky, she performed oral sex on the President on nine occasions. On all nine of those occasions, the President fondled and kissed her bare breasts. He touched her genitals, both through her underwear and directly, bringing her to orgasm on two occasions. On one occasion, the President inserted a cigar into her vagina. On another occasion, she and the President had brief genital-to-genital contact. Probably, but few stepped so deep into it as Bill Clinton. The shit he pulled, all the fucking, the underage girls, the rape its unfathomable. Indeed, smoke & mirrors! Listen to Matt This is how toxic white men are! No wonder we are hated by all blacks, Jews & women. For trying to create world peace ! On August 15, 2019, Washington Post announced the bones that were broken in Jeffrey Epstein’s neck was ‘more typical in homicide by strangulation’ opposed to suicide. On August 28, 2019 it was reported that the two cameras outside of Epstein’s cell had malfunctioned before his death. On January 6, 2020, Dr Michael Baden the family pathologist who was hired by Jeffrey Epstein's brother Mark to oversee Jeffrey Epstein’s second autopsy claimed that the alleged noose didn’t match wound on neck which proved that he was murdered after new autopsy God Bless this man BRICS is interested in economic development and the American hegemony is interested in militarized neoconservatism. No wonder why BRICS is on the rise When corrupt countries like Norway, Sweden & Finland will fight Russia, with US money, we will see those nations burning as well. I agree Spectre The film is a love letter to Jewish America ! Vaccinated Individuals Don't Carry Virus Or Get Sick: CDC Set in Texas, shot in Mexico City with Chinese money. Earlier "brown hair" wigs looks red in harsh lights. Artificial Pump, what comes after ? A massive dump. Main Messages The blacks are the new news! Whites are evil! Whites will turn on whites until whites are no more!