MovieChat Forums > quartz > Replies
quartz's Replies
I was going to make a thread about this on the page for III. but Beverly Hills Cop III must be the most 80's 90's movie I have ever seen. and III isn't "just" 90's, it's 1994, which was definitely the 90's by then.
That's the only reason 'ollywood makes 'British' drama's, and sets them in Victorian England. (nope, I haven't watched it)
Politically, it virtually is. But sure yeah topic was technically wrong.
Contentious point. David Cameron wasn't a moron, he was a cunt. Rishi? Due to the unique way in which politicians are separated from the views of the general public, my only conclusion is that he genuinely doesn't know what the general public think. I don't know whether he genuinely wasn't aware that he would lose, or whether he wanted to dump the Tories in it at short notice, so that they had as little time as possible to go job hunting. His twitter timeline was frantic on the 48 hours up to the election, and since then virtually nothing. It's almost like if he isn't asking for something, he doesn't have anything to say.
He probably doesn't give a crap. He's got California lined up.
2 years ago buy hey.
scratches head. Boris did an outstanding job of destroying the Tory party. ok I'll re phrase. Boris did an outstanding job of destroying the publics faith in the Tory party. (yeah it actually got destroyed on 24/6/16, but anyway). What's with this "he would have destroyed, if..."? General comment but I like the way every newspaper says "if this continues to happen, might happen". yeah. xyz happened about 12 years ago.
nah. it's over for her. I'm fairly sure that for the past few months the BBC have had an office bet to have at least one TS related story per day. sometimes two for extra doughnuts. Since Glastonbury, it's been Dua Lipa, and no TS. the BBC affair seems to be over. Or they've discovered another way to appeal to anyone under the age of 30.
Just don't eat the peanuts in the bowl at the bar.
The fifth film in the Bourne franchise? Seriously....I don't have any comment until I watch it again. I'm guessing they had booked the hotel room for the filming, and didn't want to waste money?
ah, no. "terminology". Is clearly the "study of terminators". the same as "terminitus" - inflamation of the Terminator. I lost focus after line one.
ah, probably. 30p Lee said he wants his country back. Most of Ashfield is trying to figure out where it went that it needs to be retrieved from
If the Jerusalem post said it, and BBC verify verified it, I'm up with it.
They asked him when he wanted to convert. He said "now then, now then".
I have no fucking idea what's going on here. Does anyone want a cup of tea?
fucking totally mate. All there is on the street corners are people saying blockchain is the way forward and posters of Elon Musk everywhere.
Honestly, well, I liked it. True, you never appreciate a movie that wasn't made (think Matrix Resurrections which after 2 viewings I also like, but lots of people have disliked). but. Transformers. whaddayawant? (and I'm saying this as someone who owned some of the original plastic toys in about 1990) you want.....massive robots that blast the cr*p out of each other. and T/F 2 had this. I thought Dark of the Moon tried to be too much (taking apart an entire city, the special effects couldn't quite handle it), but T/F 2.....forest fight....a combine-o-tron (Devastator - can't remember what the official name for that toy was). yeah I mean they are called Bay-splosions because Michael Bay has a reputation for just blowing everything up. but. robots. missiles. bang. tons of it. yay.
avortac posted on the Streethawk page. His post made no sense.
To a certain extent, I'm glad about this.
Quote of the night for me. "this has been an election that the Conservatives have lost, and they have lost them due to the votes that they have lost". thanks for that. Admittedly I had the television on mute for most of the evening, so there might have been a few others.
Stephen King vibes.