MovieChat Forums > quartz > Replies
quartz's Replies
favourite - Saving Private Ryan or Apollo 13
least - Forrest Gump
I noticed they didn't. they only showed the test one
I figured CN wanted the film to be more about the explanations and the politics, rather than an explosion-fest
I mean the Irn Bru wasn't deep fried either
when they had the interview scene and CM was naked, I thought to myself that must have been an awkward scene to film
but why...everyone looks more or less like that, they just wear clothes. one of those deep director sort of questions
Last of the Mohicans tune
Celtic style music if anyone wants to search for it
my car boot isn't big enough
we've got 3/4 of a small aircraft carrier, one harrier to go on it, and the phrase "I say, desist now"
"sweet or salt"
"sorry I thought you were asking me about popcorn"
before clicking on this I thought Bambi, but that's a something not a someone
we might get to the stage where the only decent thing Lucas ever did was the asteroid chase, and (spoiler) Vader beings Lukes father (that was a spoiler) (case someone didn't know)
am I in the minority that actually thinks the Special Editions were a good thing? Han did shoot first, of course, and Vader didn't say "no" before tipping the Emperor, but I liked most of the CG content.. (clearing up the goo underneath Lukes speeder, and seeing Mos Eisley as Lucas more intended it to be)
watched a movie called Margin Call the other day (enjoyed it). all dialogue, no effects. I'd say Oppenheimer was the same sort of thing, but about creating the bomb, rather than the credit crunch (and had an explosion in it)
I guess the reason I'd watch Oppenheimer again, is to read up on the history beforehand so I knew more about what they were talking about. I doubt I'd get anything out of just watching it again without reading up on it
I think that photo was more a media opportunity to show the colour of his eyes...:P
it's mostly bumph although it seems to be more bumph recently. tbh it's just strangers arguing a lot. I only joined 10 years ago or so when I lived on my own because I wanted to talk about what I was watching on TV at the time and there seemed to be other "random internet people" watching the same program as me at the time. it's less enjoyable to go on there now so I go there less
occasionally its half useful when something changes (eg, google maps changes their colour) and you go on to check there are a few other people mentioning the same thing. which is. "useful"
I went on to reddit about 2 months ago, and within about 30 minutes I'd regretted going on to reddit
looks *exactly* like Outrun
as recommended by the Director
not that this is the sort of thing the director would say...
but this is the sort of thing the director would say
I didn't think it was a big screen film. mostly dialogue. I suppose the explosion allowed you to get 'into' it
Lois has always seemed to be more 'news readerish' than 'pretty looking'?
true, it seems to be about the essence of it though. when it was about birds, the arguments always seemed to be light hearted. someone said the X logo looks like two razorblades, it seems like the tone of the "arguments" on the site has changed, from light hearted to "battles"
why someone would buy a site where the brand recognition is about birds, then remove the birds. can't help but think his ideas are going to fall flat on their face
could do a lot worse than that (deleting account)
you don't have to put on the red light
I think it goes