Batfleck's Replies

yep you are retarded No itll be known as the epic time you had a mental break, imagined three things i never said and acted like i think them. all this only happening in your own unwell head. then got embarassed so much you kept positng ".". showing you couldnt address what i said. you literally look like you are mentally unstable to everyone. good job keep this going. everyone needs to see how weak yu are mentally and your breakdown. couldnt ahve happened to a more deserving person :) keep going so i can expose your illness forever :) So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year? With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves? You like those practices on a global scale? haha everyone can see your mental break :) "So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year? With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves? You like those practices on a global scale?" HAHAH you are having an episode ahahha you are mentally breaking down. good. you need help IMO westworlds boring as fuck. None of the tension of Halloween or Terminator. the end is just bascially one long hide and chase scene from set to set to set to set to set to set. no tension. you are mentally deteriorating infront of all of Moviechat this shows how bad i traumatized and owned you again haha. good did you not see my disclaimer in the first line? I agree 100000% with you. i just like to put myself in the shoes of those who like him. If i cant see their view on things im just living in a bubble. but undoubtably he does seem more a"average joe" than say Kamala Harris. i looked up her history hoping maybe she came from poverty and hence it would be funny that a silver spoon fed billionaire seems more down to earth average than somone who came from poverty. but her parents were both pretty well educated academics. But by no means nearly as wealthy as the Trumps. Despite massive fame, success and being called the sexiest man alive. He's still down to earth, relatable, seemingly nice, humble, not smug, not elitist. basically the opposite of Rene Zeggler. why did you run like a puss after i dismantled all your lies and BS have you talked to someone about your illness? which part of USMCA specifically was Mexico paying for the wall, which funds specifically?? you do realize the trade agreement would affect business profits right? LOL you are so dumb HAHAHAHA you are a little puss who cant be accountable for what you said and own up to it. take your L and leave like the puss you are. Hed proven himself once again. Hey may have gotten Joy from this job in particular, but really Hans was someone who excelled at whatever they did, a career perfectionist. He wold have excelled equally at organizing trash disposal for the nazis. so to him he didnt lost anything to let her go. Tracking her down again would only stroke his ego and be fun for another day. AL GORE BAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You might be retarded. yes and when i look for information on advanced human biology and how prgnancy works i go to Marjorie Taylor Greene. have you been checked for retardation? I can see both sides of "he never would" or "he would and it fits him" so ill argue the latter for fun He loves the hunt. hes a "hawk" and the jews are "rats". hed already won. hed seen through the farmers lies, hes found them and killed her whole family. Tracking her down alter would only show what a great hunter he was. and save more fun for another day. "So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year? With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves? You like those practices on a global scale?" this is pure mental illness........ imagining things in your own head, the other person never said, and acting like they said it. you are seriously ill just google them. before its too late. your mind is going clearly...