MovieChat Forums > Politics > Climate change . again .

Climate change . again .

I've always found it odd that climate change only bothers "liberals"
You'd think something that effects us all , that we depend on to survive no less , would be something everybody should be concerned about.

Usually republicans say they dont believe in it, usually citing "Its been hot before" or whatever.

Isnt it amazing that wether or not you think climate change is as issue ,
also MIRACULOUSLY aligns with your opinion on which party leader should be in the White House

I mean what are the odds?
Its staggering . 350 million people split one way or the other left/right politically
should align the same way on a totally unconnected 50/50 issue
The odds of this , mathematically , are 1 in 2 to the power 350 million
Which is a number so unimaginably massive it makes winning the lottery everyday look guaranteed.

Is there anyone here who goes against this model ?
ie a Democrat who doesn't believe in climate change ?
or a Republican who does believe in climate change ?

two predictable replies :
- the {other side} is stoopid
- the {other side} is brainwashed
anyone got any other explanations?


Somehow these republicans find it easier to live their lives if they simply ignore/deny the real problems in the world and instead focus on imaginary ones. But a lot of time and expense has been spent to persuade these folks to think this way.


Whats the democrats plan to stop global climate change?


There are many many myriad plans and measures that require the effort and cooperation of all peoples

Its not a single simple soundbyte plan like "build a wall"


So there is no plan? Dems have been whining about global warming/climate change since 2006. No one has come up with a plan to stop or reverse global climate change.

Of course there are many many many plans and measures but you will never get the cooperation of every Country on Earth.

The climate on Earth has been changing for over 4 billion years. How are the dems going to stop the climate from changing further?

What happened to the "how dare you" girl? What is she doing to make the climate perfect around the World?

People blame climate change for anything that is out of the ordinary.

If it rains too much = climate change
if it doesn't rain = climate change
if its too hot = climate change
if its too cold = climate change
building houses in a forest and not managing that forest and then your house burns down = climate change
building a house on the edge of the ocean and your house falls into the ocean = climate change
building a house on the edge of a river and the river floods because of upstream mismanagement = climate change
wasting millions of gallons of water for pretty fountains and then complaining there is no water = climate change
having an entire city covered in concrete and asphalt with no proper drainage and then the city floods = climate change
urban heat island effect = climate change
MAGA = climate change


Theres no fookijng magic wand ok ?
It (moving off fossil fuels ) is The biggest problem humanity has ever faced and will erquire a coordinated effort , some sacrifices

denying its happening and picking holes in bits of proposed solutions isnt helping.

Your solution of "ignore it" is the worst possible solution.

This is necassary not just becasue its getting warm and some houses are burning in forest fiers ,
but because there is a finite amount of oil and when it gets scarce everything stops working.


I know there is no magic wand. How are humans going to stop 4 billion years of climate change? I never said ignore it. I said it will be impossible to stop it. Unless there is a catastrophic event like a meteor hitting Earth and blocking out the Sun for a few years.

Climate change is a billion dollar industry, just like the medical field. Bezos donated 10 billion a few years ago. Joe got us in the Paris climate thingamajigger again. Russia is destroying an ecosystem. But dems will still whine about climate change and ban plastic straws and say its helping.

We were told oil was running out in the 1970's but we are still finding new oil deposits. It will run out someday but that might not be until 2123. By then we will probably be in a nuclear winter and no one will care about climate change.


because something doesnt have 1 single answer but will take a multifaceted approach, doesnt mean there isnt one you idiot.


It has 8 billion answers. Al Gore told the World about global warming in 2006 which was 17 years ago. What have the leaders of the World done in that time to stop or reverse climate change? How much money has been spent to stop or reverse climate change?

What happened to that $10b Jeff Bezos donated for climate change?



You might be retarded.

yes and when i look for information on advanced human biology and how prgnancy works i go to Marjorie Taylor Greene. have you been checked for retardation?


MTG can have my baby.


yep you are retarded


You can watch.


sooo retarded with no argument. like mist republicans


It's not odd. Accepting the reality of climate change means acknowledging the need for heavy regulations. Problems that can't be solved by the free market will always be downplayed by the market always knows best-types. That's why many people(especially in the U.S.) won’t accept or take seriously a well-known kind of market failure.


This is very true ,
but its basically another way of saying "I dont like it so its not happening" . There cant be *that* many people who think reality will magically bend itself to what they want it to be if they yell loud enough . I thought that was mainly just Trump himself.

Sadly it reminds me a little of various scientists pointing out ,and proving, inaccuracies in the church's version of the cosmos hundreds of years ago, and the reception they got.
(there wasnt as much riding on that though)


I think the response to any problem is the real issue.

Someone who flies around in a private jet and buys carbon credits to maintain their lifestyle is going to tell a peasant what they need to do?

Plastic straws are banned but the government allows Keurig to sell plastic coffee pods? Uh huh.

It's just another trick to keep people divided.


^ excuses.

Your solution to the problem of Global warming is "people are still using plastic cups , so forget the whole thing its made up" ?

"It's just another trick"
so thats a firm "I dont believe it exists cos its inconvenient" is it ?
Vote right by any chance?


My solution is a complete reorganization of how products are sold.

Don't allow the sale of disposable items, don't allow the sale of items made by slaves, ensure that items that are sold will last and so on.

But the "free market" won't let those changes to happen.


Great ideas 👍

and really illustrates that "market rules all" philosophy is fundamentally flawed


if a doctor smokes does this mean cigarettes arent actually dangerous?

try logic clown


I don't think you know what logic means.

But why does that surprise me.


couldnt address what i said. im used to that from you coward. you embarrass yourself each post you make


So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?

With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?

You like those practices on a global scale?


So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?

With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?

You like those practices on a global scale?

where the F**$* did i say any of those things. wow you are just making stuff up in your little head now. you sound mentally ill. get some help


You won't get this, as proven in the past, but it amuses me and that's all that matters:


are you mentally well? get some help immediately...

you are making shit up in your head i never said ranting "OMG YOU BELIEVE PEOPLE SHOULD BUY UNNEEDED NEW PHONES EVERY YEAR!"

im not being mean. you sound mentally unstable.




theres free resources available for people like you im sure. maybe try google.

you are somehow getting more mentally unstable each interaction. get help soon before its too late and your minds fully gone.

"So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?

With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?

You like those practices on a global scale?"

losing it over things i never said. inventing them in your head as if i said this or supported it. you are having serious delusions...




yep even you know how unhinged you sounded. but dont have the spine to admit it. your life must be one sad mess. get help soon




just google them. before its too late. your mind is going clearly...


"So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?

With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?

You like those practices on a global scale?"

this is pure mental illness........ imagining things in your own head, the other person never said, and acting like they said it. you are seriously ill




have you talked to someone about your illness?




this shows how bad i traumatized and owned you again haha. good




you are mentally deteriorating infront of all of Moviechat




ahahha you are mentally breaking down. good. you need help




everyone can see your mental break :)

"So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?

With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?

You like those practices on a global scale?"

HAHAH you are having an episode




keep going so i can expose your illness forever :)

So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?

With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?

You like those practices on a global scale?





keep this going. everyone needs to see how weak yu are mentally and your breakdown. couldnt ahve happened to a more deserving person :)


You carried on a conversation with ten periods.

This thread will be forever known as your Epic Battle with Punctuation in which you, uhm, won?

I can only assume you were head of your school debate club and have been a lifelong member of Toastmasters™.

And why do you feel the need to keep sending me private messages? Sorry, not interested.


No itll be known as the epic time you had a mental break, imagined three things i never said and acted like i think them. all this only happening in your own unwell head.

then got embarassed so much you kept positng ".". showing you couldnt address what i said.

you literally look like you are mentally unstable to everyone. good job




hahhahahah it looks even more mentally unstable you finally replied now back to the ".'s" hahah. ive given you mental ptsd and broke you




your minds going :) ever since i intellectually demolished in the nazi argument you havent been the same since hahah it couldnt have happened to a more deserving person




does your family know you've been permanently affected by the beating you got lol?

rememeber when i never said anything about this? and you just invented in your mind as something i believe? that was the final straw of your mental illness flood gates opening. mental delusions

""So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?

With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?

You like those practices on a global scale?""




never stop posting. i want people to see your mental breakdown in full. itll only get worse im sure of it :)

"So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?

With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?

You like those practices on a global scale?"





i can only imagine how unhinged your facebook is. massive angry rants and unstable disturbing videos lol


"Plastic straws are banned but the government allows Keurig to sell plastic coffee pods? Uh huh."

Here's an idea - plastic coffee pods are stupid. Coffee pods make crappy coffee. They are nice in an office because you don't have to clean up, but that doesn't mean they aren't pollutants. It is possible to use a refillable cartridge to put in your Keurig. You have to rinse it out, though, but it is a lot better. And I know people who use a Keurig that buy biodegradable pods. If you really care.

And the thing about straws are why do we use them. We are always given them in restaurants but who (above the age of 5) uses a straw to drink at home? Yes, there are a very few people who have physical problems with swallowing and it's good for them. But we use them in restaurants because they fill our glasses with ice cubes so they can give us less beverage. It's hard to drink out of a glass packed with ice cubes without spilling all over your face. So fuck straws!


People know that liberals are psychopaths so they do not care what liberals say about anything. Climate change alarmists are psychopaths and people can tell.

One of the results of climate change alarmism is that people who can feel real emotions will be less likely to have kids. If psychopaths keep having kids and people who can feel real emotions have less kids because of climate change then the future on "humanity" is psychopath. No person who can feel real emotions would go out in public and try to scare people who can feel real emotions out of having kids. Why do liberals want to scare people who can feel real emotions out of having kids.

The core difference of liberals and conservatives is liberals are psychopaths who have no parental instinct and conservatives are a mixture of psychopaths who have parental instinct and people who can feel real emotions. Liberals view parental instinct as a nuisance to their psychopath manipulation of the young. An example is that all liberals want to get kids addicted to drugs but conservatives have parental instinct so they don't want their kids to get addicted to drugs.

In the history of european people, there have always been some psychopaths wanting to scare europeans who can feel real emotions. In medieval europe catholic priests and other psychopath priestly class people wanted to always threaten european people with death. In today's world, liberals are the priestly class who want to always threaten european people who can feel real emotions with death.

Can psychopaths just let people who can feel real emotions live in peace without psychopaths constantly threatening people with death? Can liberals do that?


para1: libs crazy ,cons dismiss what they say , climate change made up.

para2. oh i give up

So the gist of all that shit you just posted is
"Climate change is made up " why? "to scare us"

thanks for confirming my theory in the OP


Nobody should believe in climate change.
You should study it, try to understand it, examine it, challenge it, try to come up with alternate explanations of the data, agree or disagree with it based on reason. But you should never BELIEVE a scientific theory. Belief is for religion.

And that's the problem. People who say they don't believe in climate change usually are not applying reason, they are relying on belief. And people who are republicans are more likely to base their view of things on what they want to believe, not what actually is.


Also, if liberals were serious about climate change they would not want "small carbon footprint" third world people to move into the USA so that they become "large carbon footprint" americans.

Psychopath liberals actually use climate change as justification to move illegal immigrants into the USA because supposedly it is not overpopulation of the third world that makes the third world bad, it is climate change.


If you do the math... Trees are sufficient enough to eat all the carbon dioxide we release into the air.

It's a scam.

Plant trees.


"If you do the math..."

Actual scientists have "done the math"
*real* experts

Why not just go with their answers ?
Do you think you and dirk have found something that the worlds best scientists have missed in the math?


Actual scientists have "done the math"
*real* experts

Bullshit, those are shills/globalists.

• There are 1,600+ scientists and 31,000+ scientists who have actually signed specific statements that say it is a hoax.

• There is also a Nobel prize winner, Greenpeace founder, and lead authors that all say it is a hoax.

• There are also scientist whistleblowers that say it is a hoax.


wow , NASA are in on the scam too!
I wonder who their gangmaster is? Are they being blackmailed by Big Oil for Rocket fuel ffs
Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change.


You are still shitty at gaslighting.

As stated several times; that was a consensus based on politics, not scientific validity and it has been debunked several times in the past decade as the main author of that consensus deceptively changed it from 1.6% to 97%.
There are papers and articles explaining it in details.

You can beat that dead horse all you want but it will still not change the facts no matter how much you and other cultists want to.


I dont know where you keep pulling that bullshit from

" that was a consensus based on politics"
"main author of that consensus"
WHAT was ? that NASA article ? the ones it links too ?
the sources they drew from ?

Have got any proof that the "main author " (of what exactly btw) decided just to change his guess from 1.6 ro 97%

that NASA !! page links all the sources , even defines how they are using the term "consensus "

All the scientists in the world are saying the exact opposite of you and all you've got is

"Yeah some guy made that up , he just pulled 97% out of his ass"


"All the scientists in the world are saying the exact opposite"

Did you read the first bullet point in my first response above or do you have short-term memory loss?


tbf i was mainly concentrating on your second response
so lets see ..

• There are 1,600+ scientists and 31,000+ scientists who have actually signed specific statements that say it is a hoax.

I'm not sure why youve divided those scientists into two groups.
Have you any sort of source for this claim ?
did any of the 31600+ scientists put it their facebook page or anything?


"I'm not sure why youve divided those scientists into two groups."

Because they are from two different and separate petitions.
I have posted all this information on this forum more than once.


I've never seen it .

I remember last time I referenced that NASA link you did the same , totally unsupported , no link , no sources just " oh yeah some guy made that up"

also like I said , i'm still curious how one guy can make that up when the article cites many research centers and projects and studies.


As stated several times; that was a consensus based on politics, not scientific validity and it has been debunked several times in the past decade as the main author of that consensus deceptively changed it from 1.6% to 97%.
There are papers and articles explaining it in details.

LOLLLLL all bullshit you cant prove. its why we quote actual scientists in the feild and scientific institutions.

and you point to "petitions" of "experts and academics". and 1 minute of research shows they count anyone with a bachelors degree in economics or math or english as an "expert" to sign their petition on climate change.


"anyone got any other explanations?"

Yes, trying using common sense.


That's because "liberals" are idiots that can be easily brainwashed. The Earth has survived much much more, than anything thats happened in the last 150 years before muh iNdUsTriAL ReVoLuTioN, for billions of years.

Even if everyone in the west does what the alarmists want, they still have absolutely NO WAY to control the rest of the world like China, India, and Russia from polluting the ever loving fuck out of the planet.

The focus should be on adaption.


They are successfully brainwashed through fear mongering like everything else.

It is no surprise that the mind of a liberal is weak and susceptible to indoctrination and brainwashing.

All those globalists/politicians/elites are practicing the exact opposite of what they are preaching to the liberals about the climate agenda hoax......cultists indeed.

Adaption goes against their regressive “progressiveness."


"still have absolutely NO WAY to control the rest of the world "

so that means the problem doesent exist?
