An amusing gag but one that begs the question as to when this film is set.
Note that no real names or dates are mentioned. Hardly surprising since:
-Slater wears a Confederate uniform so possibly the film is set a few years after the civil war (late 1860s)
- Emiliano Zapata was born in 1879. As the kid looks about 10-12 that would make the film occurring in 1889 (ie 24 years after the end of the civil war so Slater can't have fought in it)
- The Federale fort contains what looks like a Maxim-type machine gun in one of the 'turrets' and this would not have been around before the 1890s.
- There was no Mexican Revolution per se between 1867 (after Emperor Maximilian was deposed) and 1910 (when what is commonly known as the Mexican Revolution started).
I think we are in some form of never-never Hollywood land in which Mexicao is always in indefinite 'revolution' during the wild west period.