MovieChat Forums > ChiefAlex

ChiefAlex (72)


So for those of you who had seen the movie? So for those of you that have seen the movie So would you say that Jack Nicholson So Which Of These Three Actors Portrayed Batman Best? This movie or War of the Worlds? (2005) For Those Of You That Have Seen The Movie? So For Those Of You That Have Seen The Movie So for those of you that have seen the movie. Who was the best portrayal of General Zod? So who was the best portrayal of Lex Luthor? View all posts >


Nice review after hearing all the terrible reviews about this movie. This movie is a prime example of why some movies should be left as a standalone film. The whole movie was just painful to watch it's like the movie was just trying to shock you with vile images rather than tell a good story ,but to each is own I guess. Nice Review sounds like you really liked it. Seems like you enjoyed it more than rating that you gave. From your review seems like you were is leaning towards giving it a 6/10 rather than a 7/10 ,but its was an interesting review though. Now it currently has 18% on rotten tomatoes that's awful. In comparison Lincoln had 90% and All the Way which depicts Lyndon B Johnson's presidency had a 85% rating. lol! I thought maybe I was being overly nice or something that’s why I deleted it. I thought you were thinking dude chill! It’s just one movie ,and you’re telling me I should be casting director? 😂 All kidding aside Chris Cooper would have been a better choice. Oh no I’m not saying that Dennis Quaid is as good as Bryan Cranston. I was only saying that instead of releasing the movie in theaters the producers should have put it out on Netflix or HBO. That’s how All the way with Bryan Cranston was released on HBO. Dennis Quaid is okay ,but he isn’t any where near as good as Cranston or Daniel Day Lewis. I'm not sure how this movie will turn out on one hand it is a low budget film costing around 25 million ,but on the other hand I didn't see too many commercials or ads promoting this movie. Lincoln at least had Steven Spielberg ,and Daniel Day Lewis. Dennis Quaid is okay as an actor ,but he's no Daniel Day Lewis. Probably would have been if they just released it on Netflix or HBO similar to what Bryan Cranston did in All the Way when he portrayed Lyndon B. Johnson. View all replies >