MovieChat Forums > Breeze > Replies
Breeze's Replies
To repeat:
Why on earth do people go online and babble such OBVIOUS inanities? She was born a woman, has lived all her life as a woman, and competed all her life as a woman. So, the only things we DO Know:
1) It's ridiculous for men to compete against women
2) It's equally ridiculous for trans women to compete against women
3) This particular athlete may have some congenital chromosomal/testosterone variances, but is NOT a man, never was a man, and did NOT undergo surgery/therapy to "become a woman." In short: NOT Trans.
Oh, for. . .
Why on earth do people go online and babble such OBVIOUS inanities? You've never been in the steam room with her, you do NOT know she "has testicles." She was born a woman, has lived all her life as a woman, and competed all her life as a woman. So, the only things we DO Know:
1) It's ridiculous for men to compete against women
2) It's equally ridiculous for trans women to compete against women
3) This particular athlete may have some congenital chromosomal/testosterone variances, but is NOT a man, never was a man, and did NOT undergo surgery/therapy to "become a woman." In short: NOT Trans.
She is a woman. NO, she hasn't been "disqualified from several other events." That is a distortion. ONE boxing commission. . .which has since been discredited. . .refused to allow her to compete, based on claimed results in their tests.
As for J.K., she DEFINITELY cares little. Why would she?
Congrats!!! You should be PROUD of yourself!!!
Deckard, you're an idiot, and an idiot who's bad at basic reading comprehension at that.
Not surprising in someone who doesn't even know they're an artificial person. Shrug.
On the bright side, you win the interwebs w/this review today. Take this W. . .
Who on Earth watched Borat, saw some of the insane things he did/had done TO him, and could Ever be surprised he asked an actor to do something outrageous?
I wasn't there; I don't know, but if I HAD to guess, I'd side with "Sacha doing whatever he needed for the movie" on this. FFS, the man had a fat guy's TAINT on his Face; is anyone shocked he asked someone else to do something nutty?
LOL. . .this post is all kinds of awesome
Nah. Which is obvious: you can't speak to the facts; all you can do is stick your fingers in your ears and squeal what you hope are hurtful names.
You're pathetic. Accept it.
I realize you're probably trolling, but (a) there's no shortage of people stupid enough to believe your nonsense, and (b) I'm bored, so:
This is just a couple of examples; there is a Wealth of easily-accessible information out there that shows what a doorknob you'd have to be in order to believe the idiocy you spout.
Shhhhhh! You're interrupting the stupid people, as they babble stupid things in an attempt to show their comprehensive ignorance. Let the stupidity breathe. . .
I have a GREAT idea: skip this one too; then you can have an equally-uninformed take on Both movies!!!!
Simple logic. . .yer welcome
I'm that guy your mom warned you about. You know: "Don't ever think too highly of yourself, because there's someone out there better than you at Everything." That person.
Go sit down somewhere; you're too stupid to attempt to reason.
Here's a thought experiment for you: If the hero/protagonist was a white male, would that be a problem?
(Hint: NO)
Yet, if the protagonist was black/brown/otherwise nonwhite male, you'd STILL be crying "woke."
This is to say NOTHING of you and yours wallowing in your continual, bleating incomprehension as to what that word even Means.
Conclusion: you're an idiot.
The End.
There is none. Are you new to the internet? It's where idiots congregate, to spew hilariously uninformed opinions. Typically, the more strident and convinced the given idiot is, the more Wrong they are about what they're babbling. Case in point:
Good points. This movie series requires you to turn off your brain and accept an INCREDIBLE level of incompetence in the world's various leadership/military complexes. Flatly, the sequence of events would simply Not Happen. For all the reasons you list, plus some others. . .
Ah well. There has yet to be a really accurate depiction of an apocalyptic event/response scenario in a major film/TV series. This movie is not as utterly absurd as (for instance) The Walking Dead, but hopefully someday we'll get a world-building effort that actually makes sense. Fingers crossed. . .
Decent review, but this guy consistently misses significant story elements. Not always a big deal, but when it creeps into his criticism (such as it is), it makes him sound sloppy at best and silly at worst. In this instance: the claim "does nothing to expand the overall mythology" is flatly wrong; we find out more about the alien's life cycle/movements. Compounding this flaw in his analysis is the fact that the cat is how we find out this new info.
Ah well. Review of the review: *** out of ****. Pay better attention.
There you go, making sense again. How dare you!!!
Protip: it's Really difficult to win an argument w/a smart person. . .but it's IMPOSSIBLE to win an argument w/an idiot. They'll just drag you down to their level, & beat you w/experience. Shrug.
Tell us more about how you're an idiot that doesn't understand the basics of science, evidence and logic. We're waiting patiently. . .