MovieChat Forums > curiousMInd101 > Replies
curiousMInd101's Replies
Funny, that's also the name of her OnlyFans.
I bet she shags like a minx! Yeah baby!
I exorcise demons for sport.
The power of Christ compels you!!!
I love that post. I think you hit the nail on the head. There is something sexy about Jen Psaki. She'd be the perfect hate-fuck. Yeah baby! Oh behave!
Not all of them, of course. But the idea that the government can’t officially acknowledge what’s happening because it would undermine their policies should be obvious — it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a conspiracy fact.
Or take George Soros, for example. The so-called conspiracy theories about him are demonstrably true. Just recently, Senator Kennedy spoke on the Senate floor about how Soros used his influence to purchase a radio station in Louisiana to spread his Open Society progressive propaganda. He strong-armed his way in, bought out the station, and miraculously had every Democrat he donated to expedite the approval process.
Then there’s the well-documented scandal of Soros funding District Attorneys across the U.S. who push a progressive, soft-on-crime ideology. These DAs — all backed by Soros — refuse to prosecute black criminals under some warped notion of social justice — once again, the direct influence of his Open Society Foundation. He clearly has an agenda, and he uses his wealth and power to fund political campaigns that implement it. This isn’t speculation; it’s fact.
And of course, there’s his well-documented support for mass migration, openly advocating for the demographic transformation of White Western countries into multicultural, multiracial societies. He’s a major proponent of the so-called Great Replacement and funds propaganda — seen across state and corporate media — designed to brainwash the public into not only accepting their own displacement but celebrating it.
Yet, every time I provide these examples, you dismiss them out of hand as mere conspiracy theories, or worse, anti-Semitic tropes, implying that everything I’m saying is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. So I have to ask — why? Why do you reflexively dismiss things that are demonstrably true and have been pointed out, time and time again, by people in positions to know?
I'm also being branded a fascist, racist, and a Nazi, but in my case I am all those things so...
I really like this concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, so I decided to explore it further in a separate post. I titled it Trump and Musk: A Game of Mutually Assured Destruction. I'd be interested what the other denizens of Movie Chat think about my take.
I really feel for Trump. He’s a narcissist — he thrives on being the center of attention, the most important person in the room. Having Elon Musk constantly steal his spotlight must be messing with his ego. Normally, in a situation like this, he’d tear the other guy down and puff himself up, but he can’t do that with Musk because of the corner he’s backed himself into.
Basically, he and Musk are locked in a game theory scenario of Mutually Assured Destruction. Trump has the power to ruin Musk financially and legally, but Musk has the power to destroy Trump’s reputation and turn public sentiment against him with a few tweaks to Twitter’s algorithm. For better or worse, they’re stuck with each other.
That makes sense. However, if that's the case, he shouldn’t be bringing his child into such an environment. It’s disrespectful to everyone involved.
I’m sorry to hear about the tension between you all. I genuinely like each of you and truly hope you can find a way to get along — or at the very least, bust each other's balls in the spirit of friendship.
It’s pretty hilarious that he ended up marrying Krystal Ball. Back when she worked for MSNBC, he thought she was a low-IQ bimbo, calling her stupid and a dumbass. LOL. I suppose that’s one way to win a woman’s heart — by insulting her first!
It just shows what a complete twat Elon Musk is. What kind of father lets his kid behave like that, with such blatant disrespect? He should sit him down and set him straight, but instead, he lets him act like a little shit.
BTW, how have you been? I haven't seen you around for a while.
That’s why I post these clips from Kyle. It’s valuable to hear another perspective and get some legitimate criticism from the left regarding what Elon Musk and the Trump administration are up to. Plus, it’s amusing to watch Kyle’s meltdown as he goes from a solid, non-partisan newsman to a deranged partisan hack clearly suffering from TDS.
Muh dick! Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiiiit....
We wuz kangs n' shit. Daz rite!
Whoa, calm down. I’ve been friends with Semi for a while now — he’s a good guy. I don’t know anything about the drama on the GD board, save for a few posts; I was just curious. I’m open to hearing all sides. I like a lot of people on the GD board, including you, Kiwi. I’m not taking sides — I’m just trying to support my friend.
Also, you got to admit, Mini Coopers are for fags. I mean it's no Mazda Miata but still pretty gay.
Thank you always for the kind words. For all my faults I try my best not to be boring.
Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be back and to be welcomed by you.
I don't think I'm better, I think it really is just my OCD. I feel the need to respond to everyone. I don't want to leave them hanging.