MovieChat Forums > curiousMInd101 > Replies
curiousMInd101's Replies
I think you're being too lenient with him. Yes, he’s a proponent of free speech, and I appreciate the fact that I can say the N-word on Twitter without facing a ban. However, as you mentioned, he’s not as principled as he pretends to be. He's banned numerous left-wing journalists simply because he disagreed with their views. He’s also silenced right-wing voices and demonetized them when they criticized his stance on H-1B visas. So, despite presenting himself as a champion of free speech, he’s ultimately an authoritarian — which is ironic, considering he claims to be a right-wing libertarian.
What I’ve noticed is that the worst offenders are often libertarian authoritarians, like Musk and Javier Milei, whom Musk is trying to emulate. These people are fundamentally selfish. They’ll happily destroy the safety net for vulnerable populations — the poor, the elderly, and the disabled — but have no qualms about accepting more subsidies for themselves. The ultimate welfare queens — proper parasites.
If you haven’t already, I highly recommend checking out the YouTube user Thunderf00t. He exposes Musk’s various schemes and sheds light on the charlatan he truly is. It’s thanks to videos like those that I’ve developed such a low opinion of Musk, despite acknowledging some of the positive things he’s done.
You're right — 'conspiracy' may not be the best word. Perhaps agenda or scheme fits better. It has the elements of a conspiracy — collusion, a coordinated effort, a plotted course — but it isn’t entirely secret. There’s some secrecy involved, of course — the true motives, behind-the-scenes machinations, and deals made under the table — but much of it is out in the open. There’s a clear worldview, a plan, and a political goal being pursued. That’s why I don’t think the examples I gave even qualify as conspiracy theories qua conspiracy theories in the traditional sense. That’s also why I semi-jokingly called them conspiracy fact, though that’s not quite right either. In hindsight, I should have just called it an agenda — or better yet, a scheme.
Thank you Film. It's nice to be welcomed back. I'm just catching up on the happenings here in our little MovieChat community. I'm always glad to see you here.
Elon Musk has always been a charlatan. He does some good things and I give him credit where credit is due, but I would take everything he says with a grain of salt. And never forget that he does what he does to benefit himself first and foremost.
Not all conspiracies are secret — at least not anymore. Take Project 2025, for example. It’s a coordinated effort to radically reshape the government and American society, orchestrated by a group with a clear agenda. I’m not passing judgment on whether it’s good or bad — I agree with some of it, but not all — but it is, by definition, a conspiracy. And it’s happening right out in the open.
The same goes for George Soros and his Open Society. He isn’t exactly hiding what he’s doing; he openly advocates for policies and societal changes that align with his vision. The only secrecy lies in how he frames his actions — as benevolent rather than manipulative. It’s a conspiracy, but not in the shadowy, cloak-and-dagger sense. It’s all right there for anyone willing to look beyond the rhetoric.
I sent you a PM.
White is right. Black is whack.
Funny, that's also the name of her OnlyFans.
I bet she shags like a minx! Yeah baby!
I exorcise demons for sport.
The power of Christ compels you!!!
I love that post. I think you hit the nail on the head. There is something sexy about Jen Psaki. She'd be the perfect hate-fuck. Yeah baby! Oh behave!
Not all of them, of course. But the idea that the government can’t officially acknowledge what’s happening because it would undermine their policies should be obvious — it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a conspiracy fact.
Or take George Soros, for example. The so-called conspiracy theories about him are demonstrably true. Just recently, Senator Kennedy spoke on the Senate floor about how Soros used his influence to purchase a radio station in Louisiana to spread his Open Society progressive propaganda. He strong-armed his way in, bought out the station, and miraculously had every Democrat he donated to expedite the approval process.
Then there’s the well-documented scandal of Soros funding District Attorneys across the U.S. who push a progressive, soft-on-crime ideology. These DAs — all backed by Soros — refuse to prosecute black criminals under some warped notion of social justice — once again, the direct influence of his Open Society Foundation. He clearly has an agenda, and he uses his wealth and power to fund political campaigns that implement it. This isn’t speculation; it’s fact.
And of course, there’s his well-documented support for mass migration, openly advocating for the demographic transformation of White Western countries into multicultural, multiracial societies. He’s a major proponent of the so-called Great Replacement and funds propaganda — seen across state and corporate media — designed to brainwash the public into not only accepting their own displacement but celebrating it.
Yet, every time I provide these examples, you dismiss them out of hand as mere conspiracy theories, or worse, anti-Semitic tropes, implying that everything I’m saying is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. So I have to ask — why? Why do you reflexively dismiss things that are demonstrably true and have been pointed out, time and time again, by people in positions to know?
I'm also being branded a fascist, racist, and a Nazi, but in my case I am all those things so...
I really like this concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, so I decided to explore it further in a separate post. I titled it Trump and Musk: A Game of Mutually Assured Destruction. I'd be interested what the other denizens of Movie Chat think about my take.
I really feel for Trump. He’s a narcissist — he thrives on being the center of attention, the most important person in the room. Having Elon Musk constantly steal his spotlight must be messing with his ego. Normally, in a situation like this, he’d tear the other guy down and puff himself up, but he can’t do that with Musk because of the corner he’s backed himself into.
Basically, he and Musk are locked in a game theory scenario of Mutually Assured Destruction. Trump has the power to ruin Musk financially and legally, but Musk has the power to destroy Trump’s reputation and turn public sentiment against him with a few tweaks to Twitter’s algorithm. For better or worse, they’re stuck with each other.
That makes sense. However, if that's the case, he shouldn’t be bringing his child into such an environment. It’s disrespectful to everyone involved.
I’m sorry to hear about the tension between you all. I genuinely like each of you and truly hope you can find a way to get along — or at the very least, bust each other's balls in the spirit of friendship.
It’s pretty hilarious that he ended up marrying Krystal Ball. Back when she worked for MSNBC, he thought she was a low-IQ bimbo, calling her stupid and a dumbass. LOL. I suppose that’s one way to win a woman’s heart — by insulting her first!
It just shows what a complete twat Elon Musk is. What kind of father lets his kid behave like that, with such blatant disrespect? He should sit him down and set him straight, but instead, he lets him act like a little shit.