Kippito's Replies

Oh wow, I loved Hereditary, but didn't care too much for the other two. You should still give Midsommar a watch though. Agree with you 100%. Nope is the weakest of the three. Same goes for Ari Aster. I hope both directors deliver a strong fourth film. I think the reason I say it was impressive was because of what ccr1633 was talking about. Flipping the Lawrence and LaRusso characters' roles as protagonist and antagonist was really fun to watch and unexpected for me. Add to that the fact that Lawrence's son is competing as LaRusso's protege and it seemed to have a lot of the ingredients of good storytelling. Starting with season 3 it became less and less good at storytelling, but it was still really fun for me to watch as such a massive fan of the first three movies. I couldn't believe we were seeing Chozen, Terry Silver and Mike Barnes after 35 years. That was all really special to me. The show overstayed its welcome by one year and I wish that Season 5 had wrapped it up. Oh well, season 6 was bad, but it doesn't mean that the early stuff wasn't really good. I'd be even less likely to watch that because my whole purpose for watching Cobra Kai was to see the where the legacy characters were after 30 years. LaRusso, Lawrence, Kreese, Silver, etc. Any other spin-off would essentially be like the Jaden Smith movie to me. A hard pass If anyone out there wants that, that's cool, but I'm all Cobra-Kai'ed out. I was just thinking about how sometimes these IPs are more special with more mystery surrounding them. Like when there were only six Star Wars films and we just had to wonder about all of the things like "do you think Boba Fett survived after falling in the pit?" The endless debate and discussion was fun. That's kind of how I feel about the Karate Kid trilogy. It was cool when John Kreese and Terry Silver were just these characters who would forever exist in the '80s. Wonder what ever happened to them? I'm honestly just kind of watching it to get it done with. Season 6 has been pretty disappointing from the start. Which is unfortunate because this show was so damn impressive when it started. Interesting take. Funny Games is one of my all time favorite films, and I have never seen Salo. I came here to do some research and find out if I should watch it. You've inspired me to. Couldn't agree more and that's why I liked the movie so much. I did, however think it was kind of disrespectful to play off the death of the audio tech as 'comic relief'. That type of thing happens with behind-the-scenes personnel in real life and it's really tragic. But I guess Hollywood is super guilty of having a "the show must go on" attitude about things like that, so maybe it's appropriate... Completely agree. I've always felt like its reputation is undeserved. The writing wasn't really the problem for me, it was the aesthetic. It looks so synthetic and jarringly different from the first one. Like they take place on two different planets. But it was overall pretty funny and I wouldn't mind revisiting it again every few years or so. I just wanted this movie to retcon the crappy 5th and 6th ones. Oh, well.... I'm hoping the release of the third one compels the studio to put out new Blu-ray releases of Days and Weeks! I want to own them, but not willing to pay $40 for a used copy! I don't know but you're right. Hateful Eight needs 4K and more importantly, a physical release of the extended version. Haha, ironically though, we're discussing my favorite Tarantino film on the chat for Kill Bill, my least favorite. I know right? What a huge risk. Anything could happen to any of the main actors over the next 20 years. Imagine getting 19 years in just for someone involved to die or something. Also, will films even be enjoyed or distributed in 2040 the way they are now? You actually do see her eating In N Out in one episode. I wanna say Season 3 I agree that the singing scene should have been cut I like this one a lot. I think it should have just been released as 'Season of the Witch' though. Labeling it a Halloween movie only made people set certain expectations. This movie had some seriously spooky moments, and still holds up in a lot of ways. This might sound weird, but I genuinely love movies like this, Requiem For A Dream, Joker, etc.. Movies that tell stories about the more difficult things to talk about. Sometimes I'll put stuff like this on to fall asleep to. I'm sure that sounds weird. Although, in my defense, one of my best friends loves to use The Exorcist as a "fall-asleep" movie. I only claim 1-4. The ones they made without Craven are super lame. Haha you don't care for the sequel? I thought it was alright, but I don't ever need to watch it again. At the very least, I enjoyed seeing more of Deputy So and So's character.