MovieChat Forums > Joyce > Replies
Joyce's Replies
easy? go do it, and get more than garbage output, fine tuning the model with minimal experience in AI.
th modern KKK pretty much can make the same claims.
infels have an believe everyone only cares about sex and getting more of it but only by acting like a movie stereotypical player, and make arguments that women have no free will (and are biologically programmed into making decisions)and would otherwise accept the same minded person if he didn't have the incel face..
guess what, not everyone has Nymphomania, and no one likes people who push against the idea that we all have free will (as an alpha male i was biologically programmed to kill off beta males who intrude upon my harem)
it isn't the modern KKK who are are burning crosses and lynching , still, their ideology is deplorable and it influences others to commit these crimes.