MovieChat Forums > tvfan > Replies
tvfan's Replies
City hall needs to chill
250 + 210 = 460
Are you saying the expenses incurred in the marketing, advertising, and promotion of this film was $210M?
There are different sources stating different estimates: 250, 497, 350-400, 350-460, etc .......(+P&A)
The city will now be added to Santa's naughty list.
Fortunately; Mussolini, Hitler, and Tojo didn't have ICBM's.
Well, since 2=250 and then you add the following three sequels:
3=250, 4=250, and 5=250 which all four equal to a total of $1B multiplied times 2, then yes, it would require $2Billion to break even; however, for just Avatar-2, it only requires $500M to break even minus adds if they were not already included in the overall budget for A2.
A2 is on it's fifth day and it is already at or around $500M.
It's called "keeping the peace"...a concept unknown to the socialist-left.
How is this a money-loser? It is still early and has not even been a full week.
Perhaps; and only time will tell.
Given that the primary goal of every current streaming platform is to release as many tv-series as fast as possible means that they will likely suffer in quality. I try not to have negative or positive expectations about any content so that I'm not too disappointed and enjoy the "surprise" if/when possible.
I think Cavill has done a decent job with all the roles he has portrayed and I see no indication that it will be any different with W40K.
Not even a week.
Yeah, $2B is almost certain but I'm curious if it will surpass $3B provided that they leave it in theaters long enough.
The amount of time in theaters and the re-release of the first Avatar proved to be a key factor for it's total gross.
We are the socialist-democratic left and part of our main goal is to obfuscate, distort, twist, and frame the truth. We will destroy the right-republicans-conservatives and all methods of individual choice of freedom and continue to convince the brainwashed liberal sheep driven by emotions that this is what the GOP is trying to do against the left.
We will attempt anything and everything regardless of how sadistic, cruel, devious, and diabolical our methods are.
We have tried several methods to shut down and disable said Individual using any/all means necessary and since they have all failed we will use taxes as our ultimate and last fool-proof weapon of which we will certainly be able to "frame and indict" said individual.
Thanks to our masters and superiors in the Deep State, we will be successful in another step forward of converting the U.S. into another socialist government.
<blockquote>- Non-White People</blockquote>
(incorrect, that belongs to the far left socialist-fascists/KKK)
<blockquote>- Women</blockquote>
(incorrect, and an oxymoron...LOL...LGBTQIA is the evidence)
<blockquote>- Families with single moms</blockquote>
(never heard of the “right” hating them)
<blockquote>- New England (Birthplace of actual patriots)</blockquote>
WTF? I never heard of anyone making such claims except you.
<blockquote>- Anyone who mentions the dozens of Republican politicians who've actually been convicted of CHILD MOLESTATION</blockquote>
(incorrect, those were actual left-socialist-democrats impersonating as republicans to tarnish, damage, and destroy from within; wolves in sheep’s clothing)...Prove me wrong.
<blockquote>- Anyone who doesn't conform to strict gender expectations</blockquote>
(typical strawman defense by the degenerates from the left, another contradiction since they are the ones who are actually destroying such expectations by forcing it in all areas...just another "reverse physiological fallacy")
<blockquote>- Anyone who believes LIFE is more precious than GUNS</blockquote>
(LIFE is precious and GUNS are necessary to protect and defend against the career criminals representing the socialist-left determined to steal and destroy everything that is good, honest, righteous, and “precious”)
<blockquote>- Women with any Body Hair (Right-wingers prefer women be shaved to appear like pre-pubescent girls)</blockquote>
(But at least they are women instead of actual pre-pubescent girls and children which is what the left is infamous for abusing and molesting)
<blockquote>- Men who are manly without trying so hard to appear like "alpha males"</blockquote>
(When they are confident and secure than there is no need in "trying to appear", unlike the immoral liberals that are “confused” by the cultist transgressive mentality)
You and "LogicalLeftist" seem to have very similar patterns with your method of fallacious arguments and trolling on this site. Are both of you colleagues from the same troll farm or are you both the same person using one of several sock accounts?
So you continue to deflect from proving me wrong about the "Socialist left = Nazism" or failure to answer how your troll farm compensates you for your political trolling (by post or time spent here on MC?)
Typical troll guidelines of projection, deflection, and presuming for others.
No one here is going to fall for any of those strawman logical fallacies including your bull$h1t rhetoric about “the burden is on you”…if you are unable or incapable of providing incontrovertible and irrefutable evidence that is not fabricated by the socialist-left than your argument will always fall apart and be refuted.
<blockquote>yes progressives who want a slightly higher tax rate and maybe universal healthcare are just like commies who want a command economy</blockquote>
Nice try (strawman) on trying to twist the true narrative of why the democrats prefer those two which is exactly what the career criminals, degenerates, and the lazy that you represent and defend would prefer in order for them to leech from the rest of us; typical socialist attitude and mentality.
Find some proof or evidence of that video been fake; otherwise, you are just another denier and "you get no benefit of the doubt".
<blockquote>Project Veritas is well-known fake news</blockquote>
That is the typical strawman defense made up by the leftist-democrats.
Any and all information online that says this about Veritas are fabricated and framed by the socialist left. Prove that it is not a lie made up by the liberal-left. Wait, you can't because all that information is falsified and comes from the democrats or democrats pretending to be republicans.
Your Statement bout the GOP speaker and any/all other republicans that you and your socks mentioned of wrong doing; guess what? They were actual socialist-democrats impersonating as republicans so that they can damage and destroy from within. Ever heard of "wolves in sheep's clothing"? But you already know all this just like all your fellow troll colleagues here on MC working for that troll farm.
It's too bad there will be at least a one year or longer wait time between the 1st and second part of MI.
Those were two great shows that I enjoyed. I had Manifest in my queue, however, now I'm reconsidering since it seems like it is a whopping four seasons of "fillers" and I have never cared to watch a soap opera like GA.
House and automobile, all paid for. Debt free since 2006.
Place a mouse in front of a rattlesnake and then ask the snake what it thinks about the mouse.
LOL, I see what you did there.